NBA: No. 1 Forward

Chapter 427: getting older

Kevin Durant scored 24 points in a single game, and Westbrook even scored 30 points, but so what?

Except for these two, the rest of the Thunder team was completely blocked by the Mavericks. None of them scored in double figures. It was the first time the Thunder\'s three young players made it to the Western Conference Finals. They were destined to pay for their lack of experience.

This is just like the Knicks last year, failure is sometimes the ladder of growth!

When all the Thunder were worried about how to get back a win at home, they never imagined that the Mavericks no longer regarded them as a strong enemy.

Because the Mavericks have already locked their eyes on the finals.

In this game, the Knicks gave Nowitzki a strong feeling, far stronger than when they played against each other in the regular season.

Compared with the Knicks, Nowitzki actually hopes that the Heat can advance, because in that way, the Mavericks\' inside advantage can be maximized.

"Tyson hates the most, you mean the No. 1 of the New York Knicks? It seems that you are very optimistic about the Knicks\' promotion?"

Kidd thought for a while, and then remembered that Chandler said every time that if he met the Knicks again, he would definitely give Lian Dao a good look.

But Kidd felt that Chandler was just trying to save some face from being knocked out before, and if he really wanted to match up, this guy would be absolutely cowardly.

Not only Chandler, but now everyone in the Mavericks has a clear estimate of Lian Dao\'s force.

As a last resort, all of them reached a consensus: that is not to provoke Lian Dao with petty actions.

"It\'s not that I\'m optimistic about the Knicks, it\'s that the Heat can\'t solve Sickle and Amare\'s dual-core internal and external lineup! But the Knicks can solve the cooperation between LeBron and Dwyane." Nowitzki made an easy shot Three points, and then said.

"Then tell me, can we solve their current tactical lineup?" Kidd nodded, but immediately brought the opponent into the Mavericks.

"Us? I don\'t know. You have to play on the court to know this, but if Amare is in the fifth position like this game. I believe that Tyson will never let him attack the basket so easily, and Sickle also Never dare to break through the basket unscrupulously!"

"However, sickle is the most difficult thing for us to solve. It is difficult for Sean to deal with someone who can\'t even deal with James!"

Hearing that Kidd brought the Mavericks into it, Nowitzki immediately thought seriously. He also wondered if the Knicks were playing against the Mavericks now, would they be able to break the game.

If it\'s just the third game against the Heat\'s lineup, Nowitzki has the confidence to complete the breakout. After all, Chandler\'s ability to protect the inside frame directly beat Bosh by a block.

Of course, Nowitzki also knows that if the Knicks\' opponent is the Mavericks, they will never put up this lineup, but Nowitzki doesn\'t know what lineup they will put up, because even if they meet in the finals , that\'s something Rick Carlisle should have a headache too.

"Yeah, that Chinese kid has grown up really fast. Every time he fights, he seems to be able to \'surprise\' people."

"And I found that in these few games between the Knicks and the Heat, Sickle\'s inside hook has the charm of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar\'s \'sky hook\' back then. However, because he used it less than a few times in a game, many people did not Pay attention to."

"If this kid still has private goods, it would be too scary if he didn\'t reveal it. You know, the hidden poisonous snake is the scariest thing!"

Kidd always felt that the threat of Lian Dao was definitely more than what he saw.

He always felt that there was an unfathomable feeling in Lian Dao\'s body, and this uneasy feeling gave Kidd a very bad feeling.

Kidd is indeed a veteran of the league. After retiring, he is an assistant coach, and his observations are very subtle.

You must know that because the proficiency of Lian Dao\'s "Sky Hook" has not yet reached 100%, Lian Dao does not use it frequently on the court at all. He only uses it to improve his proficiency when it is absolutely misplaced.

So even Barkley and Kenny Smith, who were commentating, didn\'t take it seriously. They just felt that Lian Dao might be happy.

The only ones who knew Lian Dao\'s \'skyhook\' skills were the Knicks\' teammates and the coaching staff.

"Really? I didn\'t realize this. It\'s impossible for this guy to have such a deep city. He\'s not yet 20 years old. If he really has a unique skill, can he resist the temptation to use it? Anyway, I can\'t at his age. , so I don\'t believe it."

Nowitzki, who just watched the game with Kidd, didn\'t see it, or he didn\'t imagine it at all.

"I hope I\'m overthinking it!" Seeing that Novus didn\'t care, Kidd smiled wryly and shook his head. He felt that he might really be nervous.

Just like Nowitzki said, after all, he is just a little guy who has not yet reached the age of 20, how could he be more old-fashioned than these old fritters!

"Okay, let\'s get rid of the opponents in front of us first! I don\'t want to give them any chance. The longer the game drags on, the more energy we will consume. We will try to get back to the home court and get rid of them!"

Nowitzki patted his old partner Kidd on the shoulder and said.

"Yeah, you\'re right, I\'m already old and old, I\'m not suitable for such a long period of tossing, then use the next two games to completely deal with those little guys!"

"It\'s time to let these young people know what the glory of a veteran is!"

Said Kidd smiled and high-five Nowitzki!

"Sickle scored a triple-double in the finals of the Eastern Conference and led the Knicks to defeat the Big Three of the Miami Heat and take a big lead!"

"The four Knicks scored 94 points together, and the God of War triple-double shines at the American Airlines Center!"

"D\'Antoni\'s strongest offense, three games, three changes, a duel between the coaches!"

"The Big Three of the Heat played steadily, but they still lost. The strength of the Knicks is immeasurable!"

"Stoudemire\'s dream of returning to the peak of the sun, the league\'s first frame master, the strength is still the same as before!"

On the second day after G3 ended, the world was full of news praising the Knicks, which once again formed a contrast with G2 losing the game.

With Lian Dao\'s 30+ large triple-double, the four of them combined to score 90+... All kinds of records appeared one by one, which really blinded everyone\'s eyes.

I was not optimistic about the Knicks in the past, and at this time it reversed again, changing the previous caliber, thinking that the Knicks will go to the end.

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And what makes people talk about the most is what Lian Dao said to James after the game!

After the game, some media specially asked lip language experts to perform lip language translation of what Lian Dao said after the game, and the final translation result was: "American Airlines Arena is my home stadium!


No one expected that Lian Dao would dare to speak provocatively in Miami\'s home stadium, at the American Airlines Center.

Both James and Wade were very helpless. If they really failed to play their strength, they could fight back after the game, saying: The next game will make Lian Dao look good.

However, they did not perform badly in this game. Of course, they can\'t perform like the second game. That kind of state is something that cannot be met. Wade and James dare not promise. Next, they will play in a super state ,

And In today\'s state, Wade can\'t guarantee that with his current health, he can do it in the next game.

If they promise easily, but they fail to keep it in the next game, they will only be slapped harder in the face.

The feeling of being provoked and unable to refute is the most uncomfortable feeling.

When the Heat came to the home court with a big score of 1:1, all the Miami people were very excited. They felt that the Heat would repeat the semifinals again.

But now, everyone is afraid.

In the game that just ended, the Heat lost so many points despite James and Wade\'s outstanding performance. The Knicks have been suppressing the entire fourth quarter. This situation does not allow fans to have doubts. Incapable of completing a comeback.

You know, the Heat can no longer lose the next game. If the Knicks are allowed to get the match point early and return home with a big score of 3:1, then the Heat really have no one and no hope.

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