Reverend Ecstasy

Chapter 240 Remember and Never Forget

Chapter 240 Remember and Never Forget

As Xinzi\'s revelry carried on, a Diabolic Shard emerged from Xin Zhong\'s chest, dropping by the Armored Lion King\'s side. Another useful ability of the Devil Root Refining Sutra was that Xinzi could use his White-Winged Demons as walking space portals—a very convenient tool for transportation matters.

"Yes! Yes!" The Lion King\'s eyes sparkled at the Diabolic shard, and without delay, he gulped it down—letting the fell energies overload his demonic Monster Core.

"Careful brother, His Eminence wants us to breakthrough at the Celestial Farm. Restrain yourself." Xin Zhong warned the Armored Lion King, then sent his fellow hidden White-Winged Demons a mental message.

\'Brothers, His Eminence needs us to teach the enemy a lesson. Follow my lead,\' Xin Zhong said, before leading his troops towards the Celestial Farm.


"Idiot, what have you done?!" In the stone castle where the Bull Demon Prince held court, Tieshan barked at her betrothed, steam rolling out of her nostrils as her scarlet eyes trembled, and her milky breasts rose up and down. The Bull Demon Prince held his battle-ax, avoiding Tieshan\'s gaze.

"It was imperative that we asserted the enemy\'s strength. I sent..."

"Shut up! Imperative for what? Defective or not, with that dragon blood, the Eldest alone had the strength to face an early-stage Dao Revelation expert of the human race. Moreover, the Eternal Dragon clan\'s outstanding regenerative abilities should have made killing them damn near impossible. Yet the enemy easily slaughtered them to the last reptile, making it seem as if their bloodline abilities couldn\'t operate under his blows. What does it show? That early-stage Dao Revelation experts and below have no hope of defeating the enemy!

If you wanted to know, you could have asked me, and I\'d have told you! But you sent a Stampede of 1,000 Bulls? For what?! For what?!" Tieshan stomped her foot, sending violent tremors throughout the stone castle. The Bull Demon Prince\'s cheeks burned at her words, and he kept his face bowed low.

"Do you know how much of my Heart Wrenching Devil Eye I wasted on those bulls? And you just sent them to their deaths, for no valid reason! Moreover, we\'re facing a faction, not one man! Who knows what their connections to the outside world\'s top powers are, and you just gave them an opportunity to study our troops?"


"I said shut up! Stunts like THIS are the reason why I have and will always prioritize my Cow Demonesses over the Gled Demon Bulls. Why...why do you refuse to listen?!" When these words echoed in the Bull Demon Prince\'s ears, his eyes stretched, and he leaped from his throne, towering over the 1.85 meters-tall Tieshan from his 2.5 m height.

"No you shut up! Tieshan, how dare you speak such words to me? I refuse to listen? I REFUSE?!

When you forbade me from taking concubines, did I not listen?

When you refused to allow me to touch you till we\'d gone through the official marriage ceremony, did I not listen?

One hundred years! It has been 100 years! As a monarch, I have neither consort nor offspring, and still have to accept to delay my coronation till our wedding! Tieshan, because of you, my royal dignity sweeps the floor, my men would rather follow you than execute my orders, and you dare say...that I do not listen?" Steam blew out of the Bull Demon Prince\'s nose, brushing Tieshan\'s face.

"I didn\'t forbid anything. I gave you my terms. If you want to marry me, this is what you have to go through! If you don\'t want to, you\'re free to break off the engagement and do whatever you please! However, attempt to coerce my girls into doing things they have no interest in and I will butcher you!" The Cow Demoness didn\'t back off, her luscious lips spitting out such violent and ruthless words that the Bull Demon Prince floundered.

"You are only king if I allow you to be, because I and only I am the master of these lands. Do not think that ownership of the High Command Seal means that you can challenge me. The Celestial Farm\'s defensive formation can only impact outside forces. Inside, if I want to take it back, there is nothing you can do to stop me." Berserk demonic energies erupted from Tieshan, sending the Bull Demon Prince to crash into his throne.

It ruptured under his weight, and he dropped to the ground, unable to accept that his own demonic powers and Divine Transformation cultivation base couldn\'t offer the slightest resistance to Tieshan\'s aura.

Open at the leg, the Cow Demonesses\' revealing dress left her cleavage and thighs exposed. In other circumstances, the Bull Demon Prince would relish the spectacle, but as Tieshan\'s almond eyes pierced through him, he dared not let his gaze wander.

"True, you helped me kill and overthrow my father, but that\'s because, just like all the rest, you\'re thirsty for my body. I might be fond of you, but I\'m not stupid. As my father\'s right-hand man, you didn\'t hesitate to assassinate him and my brothers so you could put the crown at my feet. If you can do it for me, you can do worse for another harlot. have to show me that your so-called love is worthy of my devotion.

100 years of abstinence is the bare minimum! We are not humans, and I am not asking you to do something I am not. So it so difficult?" Tieshan\'s right heel crashed into her betrothed\'s chest, keeping him pinned onto the ground.

"Children aside, my household will never have room for extra legs. I will never be any man\'s \'one of many.\' If you can\'t accept it. Fine! Here\'s our engagement token, I will break it here and now!" Backing up her words with actions, Princess Tieshan summoned a red knot rope and pulled on the extremities, ready to tear it into pieces.

"Tieshan, no! I\'m...I\'m sorry. I was confused. This...won\'t happen again." Seeing the rope that symbolized their engagement stretched beyond what it could take, the Bull Demon Prince panicked, setting his dignity aside to beg for forgiveness.

Tieshan\'s heart softened at his words. But her face showed none of that softness, and with the same autocratic dominance, she pressured her betrothed.

"Good, I will let it slide for now and try to clean up your mess. But remember, I can give you the world and make you a peerless king with vast dominions and millions of servants. When your kingdom takes shape, I will not interfere with your rule. But remember, remember and never forget...that you are mine and mine alone! If one day you forget this, then these same hands that tied this knot will squeeze the life out of you!" Tieshan lowered her face to the Bull Demon Prince\'s, and following this warning, the princess strode out of the throne room.

Left alone, the Bull Demon Prince closed his eyes, weeping bitterly.

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