Perfect Superstar

Chapter 163

A Boeing 747stopped steadily on the tarmac.

The CA897flight just flown from New York to Beijing after a 13-hour flight.

In thearrival hall on the first floor of Terminal T1, Lu Chen, Lu Xi and Li Mubai werestanding in the crowd to pick up someone at the airport.

They cametogether to welcome Li Mubai’s sister, Li Mushi, back home.

After awhile, a large number of passengers appeared in the aisle ahead, making thewhole arrival hall noisy.

“Big Sister!”

Li Mubaifound a familiar figure among the passengers and quickly waved to greet her.

That figurewas a beautiful woman in her 20s. She has a phoenix eyes, willow eyebrows,bright eyes and white teeth. She was wearing a new set of beige Chanel autumndress. She has a graceful figure and long legs that attracted people’sattention.

It can be seenfrom the frequent glances of the passengers around her how remarkable she was.

Li Mushi, LiMubai’s second sister, a graduate of Wharton School of Business! (TN: Secondsister here means she is the second child of the family.)

Despite thelong-distance international flight, Li Mushi still looked energetic without theslightest fatigue.

Hearing LiMubai’s greeting, she turned her head and a charming smile appeared on herface.

Dragging thedark blue suitcase, Li Mushi walked out of the gate and quickly arrived to LuChen and others.


She put downher suitcase, suddenly stretched out her hands, and grabbed both Li Mubai’s cheekslightning fast.

She squeezedher brother’s face hard, and asked with a smile, “Did you miss your big sistervery much?”


Li Mubai grimaced,but dared not struggle. He could only plead vaguely: “I know I waswrong!”

Li Mushi letgo of her hand and asked with a smile, “Where were you wrong?”

Li Mubai puton a long face, rubbed his face, and said, “Big Sister, let’s talk aboutthis at home. Let me introduce you first. This is my good friend Lu Chen.”


Li Mushitook the initiative to hold out her hand to Lu Chen and said with a smile,“Nice to meet you!”

In front ofLi Mubai, she was a queen-like sister. But in front of Lu Chen, she transformedinto a capable white-collar elite.

“Welcomeback home!”

Lu Chensmiled and shook hands with her, and introduced her sister: “This is mysister Lu Xi.”

Li Mushi’ssmile suddenly became extremely charming. She opened her arms and hugged Lu Xi tightly,and said, “When I was in the US, I wondered what you would look like. Now thatI finally meet you, I’m not disappointed!”

She leanedover and kissed Lu Xi on the cheek.

Lu Xi didnot expect her to be so enthusiastic, and only then did she react and said,“Hello.”

The two hadalready talked several times through overseas phone calls and discussed theissue of the online crowdfunding.

Li Mushi andLu Xi are the same age, and have the same major. So, naturally they have a lotof common topics.

So, althoughit was the first time they met in person, there was no sense of unfamiliarity.

Lu Chenhelped with the suitcase, and everyone left the terminal together.

Li Mubaidrove over his all-electric Porsche F17 four-door sports car.

After gettingon the car, Li Mushi looked at the interior of the car and said, “Xiaobai,this sports car cost millions, right? Now that your pocket money has been cutoff at home, you can no longer afford to support it. Give me a 70% discount.”

Although thePorsche F17 is an electric car, the usual maintenance and insurance premiumsare still very high. There were scratches on the paint of this luxury sportscar, and it will cost more than one hundred thousand yuan to respray the wholecar.

Li Mushi’s teasingreally poked Li Mubai’s sore spot.

He and LuChen jointly set up the online crowdfunding, and all the funds came from thefamily. But as a condition, Li Mubai will be self-reliant in the future. If theonline crowdfunding makes a profit, he can get a dividend, and if he losesmoney, he will have nothing to eat!

Moreover,this matter was non-negotiable. Once Li Mubai gets on board, he will not beable to get off.

He said witha bitter face, “70% discount is too cruel, big sister. If you want it,I’ll give you a 50% discount.”

After thefamily cut off his allowance, the dignified third young master Li really couldn’tafford a sports car.

Li Mushi waswilling to take it, and he was also really willing to sell it.

It was just thatthe 70% discount was a big loss. It was basically a new car!

Li Mushisaid it was non-negotiable.

Sitting inthe copilot, Lu Chen listened and felt that the sister and brother were veryinteresting.

Lu Xi alwaysfelt that Li Mubai’s big sister was a little strange, and as to how, she can’tspecifically say.

But LiMushi’s character can’t be disputed. She doesn’t have any of the delicate airof a rich girl. She is straightforward, generous and beautiful.

They chattedand laughed all the way until the four arrived to Lu Chen Studio in theCreative Park.

Although theconcept of the crowdfunding platform came from Lu Chen, and the registration ofthe website and the application for creative protection are also in the name ofthe studio, but after the cooperation with Li Mubai, the online crowdfunding willbe spun off to form a separate company.

The Lifamily’s capabilities were really great. They unexpectedly have rented a 500-square-meteroffice building on the 29th floor of the same building as the headquarters ofthe new company, which has just begun to be renovated.

Li Mushi hasjust returned to China. Instead of rushing home immediately, she offered tovisit the studio and the new company first.

According tothe result of the joint consultation among Lu Chen, Li Mubai, Lu Xi and LiMushi, Lu Chen accounts for 51% of the shares of the online crowdfunding andserves as the legal representative of the company.

Li Mubai invested5 million in cash and held 49% of the shares and served as the company’sbusiness manager.

Which was equivalentto the Li family’s estimated value of the online crowdfunding, that was about10 million yuan!

Such an estimationcan be said to be very kind, taking full account of the friendship between LuChen and Li Mubai.

Otherwise, itwas impossible for Lu Chen to get such a high estimation from any venture capitalfirm if he only provides a conception idea. It was more likely that even apenny of investment would not pass.

And the Lifamily was also responsible for the application for creative copyrightprotection.

As acondition of cooperation, Li Mushi will serve as the first CEO of the online crowdfunding,responsible for the daily operation and management of the website.

Regarding suchresult, Lu Chen was actually very satisfied.

Heoriginally intended to use the online crowdfunding as a channel platform forhis career. He didn’t want to invest a lot of time, energy and money in thewebsite to make it bigger and stronger.

So it’s hisbest choice to be a hands off boss.

After aquick look around for a while and returning to the studio, Li Mushi asked aboutLu Chen’s album.

Lu Chen’sdebut album will also be the first project of the online crowdfunding!

“Myalbum will go on sale on QQ Music tomorrow...”

Lu Chensaid: “Tomorrow is also the crowdfunding website official online operation.For my own project, I still have some confidence. The pre-funding goal is500000, mainly for fans crowdfunding.”

“It’sgood that you’re confident!”

Li Mushinodded and said, “My big brother believes in you very much, and I’m also optimisticabout this crowdfunding platform. I hope we can cooperate happily in thefuture. I will come back tomorrow.”

Lu Chen saidwith a smile, “Okay, thank you for your hard work.”

Li Mubaisent Li Mushi home. At the time of parting, Li Mushi took Lu Xi by the hand andsaid a lot of words.

The brotherand sister returned to the office.

Lu Chennoticed that Lu Xi’s expression was different and couldn’t help asking, “Bigsister, what’s wrong?”

Lu Xi saidwith a wry smile, “It’s nothing. Maybe I’m a little oversensitive. Let’spay attention to the situation on the Internet first.”

Lu Chendidn’t think too much about it. He opened his computer and logged in to hisblog.

In just overa day, his blog followers have increased by 300,000, and they were all activefans.

This was theresult of promoting hype on the Internet.

Originally,Lu Chen didn’t plan to spend much money on the promotion on his album “YouWho Sat Next To Me”. On one hand, the company doesn’t have much fundsavailable at present, and every penny has to be saved and not be misused.

On the otherhand, the financial investment for media publicity is a bottomless pit. Atpresent, he doesn’t receive notices and commercial performances. Besides the highcost of the album, spending money on this area is not very meaningful, and perhapshe may end up losing money in the end.

First ofall, Lu Chen’s album was designed to demonstrate his appeal, use a well-made recordto prove his strength, and at the same time improve his position in the circle,so that he will have sufficient strength to cooperate with other companies.

Comparedwith the online sales of QQ Music, Lu Chen attaches more importance to therelease of CD records.

The online crowdfundingwas created for the CD release!

But CuiZhengzhi’s provocation succeeded in arousing his anger, or, more accurately,his intention to fight.

He was givena ruthless slap in the face. If he doesn’t fight back, then where would hisreputation in the entertainment circle go?

So Lu Chen,with the help of Chen Jianhao, found an online marketing company to promote it.

His action wasactually a little too late. Usually, online marketing takes time to prepare,and the album will be sold on the shelves tomorrow. To start promoting hype nowseems to be just a last-ditch effort, and the effect will not be good.

That online marketingcompany said the same thing, but Lu Chen had his own ideas and insistence, andhe also provided two pieces of material for hype.

The firstmaterial was the three characters “Come to fight”, which was used asa buzzword on the Internet to directly reveal the feud between him and CuiZhengzhi, so as to attract the attention of those passers-by fans.

The secondmaterial was the video recording of Lu Chen’s graduation party from JianghaiUniversity Publicity Office.

This videohas been available for a long time, but it hasn’t been touched before.

He took clipsof him singing at the party and gave them to marketing companies for promotion,focusing on forums and post bars to attract the attention of young people,especially student groups.

In today’sInternet age, most of the hot events on the Internet have powerful forces behindthem. With Lu Chen’s own strength and the help of his fans, it was impossibleto promote his album on a large scale in a short period of time.

For thisreason, the cost of Lu Chen’s album has more than doubled!

And theeffect was really good. Whether it was the buzzword "Come to fight", orgraduation party video posts. It was just like a virus spreading in blogs, postbars, forums and QQ groups.

He believedthat with the passage of time, the effect of promotion will become better andbetter, and finally greatly boost the sales of his album!

Of course, thatwas the ideal condition, and the specific results need to be tested.


At 7: 00p.m. on September 8, Lu Chen’s first solo album “You Who Sat Next To Me”went on sale on QQ Music!


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