Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 2 25

‘Are you tired?’

‘Isn’t that something you should have asked me last night?’ A spark lit, Feng Ming thought for a moment and shook his head. ‘No, shouldn’t I be the one to ask. So my little Tian, are you worn out?’ he whispered unnaturally.

Rong Tian coiled back, ‘Feng Ming, don’t use such a strange tone with me and don’t call me little Tian.’

The King grabbed Feng Ming and hoisted him over his shoulder, deciding that he would personally dress the scoundrel today.

‘Don’t you have to attend court?’ prompted Feng Ming.

‘I have and I’m back already,’ He planted a kiss on Feng Ming’s neck, ‘You’ve slept a lot today.’

‘Who would have thought finishing the deed could be so exhausting,’ Feng Ming frowned, ‘I feel like every bone in my body has been shattered. But you seem perfectly fine. Perhaps people who practice martial arts since childhood are suitable for that kind of exercise?’

Rong Tian turned rigid.

‘You should have focused harder when I ordered you to learn martial arts. Instead, you slacked off.’ He scolded.

Rong Tian remained calm and collected. He did well to make if Feng Ming’s exhaustion was nothing out of the ordinary.

The toxins are sinking in and he is showing signs he is losing his physical strength…

Recently, even though Feng Ming’s mentality was lively a sprite, his physical stamina would quickly deplete from a little bit of physical exertion.

Meanwhile, a figure had slipped into the perimeters of the Prince’s bedchamber. He kept himself well hidden and crouched under an open window.

Rong Tian’s gaze darted towards the same direction, a timely hand signaled to him. It was his spy, Li Er.

Rong Tian glanced down at the man resting in his arms, ‘Feng Ming, you should continue to rest, I have business to handle.’

‘That’s fine, you should go. See you later.’

What immaculate timing! I also have an important matter to deal with.

Just because Feng Ming had the best night of his life, it didn’t mean he had erased his responsibility to the Princess.

Rong Tian was reluctant to leave. The King lingered a bit longer before departing.

After his exit, Chiu Xing brought her master a light breakfast. She studied Feng Ming, curiously, and tried to force down her giggles.

‘What are you laughing at?’ he asked with a hint of irritation.

‘Congratulations, King Ming!’ She cheered.

Feng Ming’s face turned beet, he treated her with a nasty glare. ‘Don’t you dare go spreading gossip!’

Chiu Lan entered the chamber and chimed in with her laughter. She whispered, ‘There’s no need to gossip, everybody knows!’

‘Everybody!?’ Feng Ming froze and jumped up before demanding, ‘Who is everybody?’

‘Chiu Lan, why go and frighten poor King Ming like that?’ Chiu Yue also joined the gathering.

‘In total, it is just the three of us.’ She continued.

Feng Ming soothed his racing heart with a few quick pats on his chest.

He looked at Chiu Lan with a serious expressuib, ‘What happened between me and Rong Tian should not travel to another’s ears. After all, Rong Tian is the King of Xi Rei.’

Chiu Lan laughed hysterically before gasping, ‘For Xi Rei’s King to show display such deep affection for you, King Ming is truly fortunate!’

Feng Ming dreaded hearing anymore of his impudent servants teasing him so he quickly scoffed down his meal.

‘I need to go out, alert the stables to prepare a horse.’ He ordered with haste.

’Where will King Ming go?’

‘That’s right, King Rong was furious about yesterday’s venture.’

‘I need to see the terraces again, I will return soon.’

‘Didn’t we go yesterday?’ the girls pleaded.

‘There are slight adjustments I want Rong Tian to make. But I need to check before talking to him about them.’ What an elaborate lie he could weave.

Chiu Yue looked at him with expectation, ‘Will you take us along?’

Feng Ming shook his head, ‘Next time!’ and bolted out of the Prince’s residence before the girls could hold him back any further.

The attendant who led out his horse asked for Feng Ming’s permission to allow him to follow. Feng Ming bluntly refused. His servant dared not to push the matter again but pleaded, ‘King Ming, please come back early! Yesterday we came very close to losing our heads!’

‘Got it! Hya!’ He shouted as he flicked the harness to send his ride into full speed.

Once out of the palace grounds, his true intentions were never the construction work.

He had a promise to keep.

He was going to be the string of fate to ensure that Princess Miao Guang and the Prince Yong Yi’s happiness would come to fruit. In case he was followed, he exercised a skill he learnt from watching crime flicks. He deliberately strolled around the city before ducking into a secret location. There he changed into simple commoner’s clothing that he had prepared earlier. He slipped back into the crowd as an anonymous man and got back onto his horse. Wasting no more time as he raced towards the scheduled meeting location, an embassy located north of the palace.

Princess Miao Guang had long awaited Feng Ming’s arrival. Once she saw him, she quickly had him dismount and follow her into a private room. She closed the door firmly behind them.

‘King Ming is finally here! I couldn’t sleep a wink last night. I was worried King Ming would forget about me.’

‘How would I have?’ Feng Ming planted himself down on a chair before sculling down a big mouthful of hot tea. ‘I left the palace as soon as I was able to. We didn’t have much time to talk over things yesterday, so how about sharing your big escape plan with me now.’

’I was waiting for King Ming’s suggestion! You thought I had a master plan ready to go?’ She laughed before chewing on her bottom lip in thought.

‘’Actually this I am facing several big challenges. Firstly, I would have to leave the capital secretly. Secondly, I will need to escape any pursuers and lastly, no one can know about my final destination. If my brother caught word, he would send a raging army to Yong Yin to demand for my return!’

’You have highlighted important points.’ Feng Ming thought for a while before looking at the Princess, ‘To leave the capital without a trace…’

‘Don’t stress about this part King Ming, Miao Guang has it sorted!’ She grinned.

‘That’s good, now about escaping your pursuers. We will need to find someone as a diversion.’ Reading marital art novels weren’t entirely wasted on Feng Ming.

’Yes, this is where I hit a barricade.’ Her facial expression dimmed. She laughed bitterly, ‘The person who acts as my escape goat needs to be wise and brave. They need to know every detail of my plan.’ She averted her gaze.

‘Several of my close confidants wanted to be the person to ward off my pursuers. However, in case they are caught by Xi Rei’s soldiers they will face nothing but peril. They will be tortured to reveal my location.’

She sighed.

‘Alas, how can Miao Guang allow the closest people to her to die for her the sake? Miao Guang’s happiness is not worth anyone sacrificing their lives.’

She sat down beside the King with her head downcast.

Feng Ming never expected Li’s Princess to be so kind hearted. Although her appearance was not anything amazing, her heart was radiating with beauty.

Seeing the young girl pained with her burden, Feng Ming couldn’t hold back from playing a hero by helping the weak. He felt a strong sense of protection towards her.

‘I will act as your diversion’ he proclaimed.

‘Ah! King Ming, you…’ Miao Guang looked wide eyed with surprise. She shook her head, ‘No, King Ming you are too important, you must not do something like this!’

‘Of course I can! If I act as a distraction, in the event I was caught Rong Tian would likely only give me a severe reprimanding. He would never torture me. As for your destination, my lips will remain sealed. Is the Princess reluctant because I may not be brave and quick-witted enough?’

Miao Guang looked at him with a tender and grateful expression, ‘The relationship between Li and Xi Rei is not the friendliest. There is a grudge between King Ming and my brother. Why would you be so kind to Miao Guang? Doesn’t King Ming fear this could be a scheme between Miao Guang and King Li against you?’

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