Incest Complex

Chapter 53 - Alice Vivlio

Alice snapped out from her daze. Her face was blusing red from the praise the man said to her. Remembering the words he said earlier, made her heart beat uncontrollably beat faster.

She place her hand on top of her chest. While her face heated as smoke rising on top of her head.

She furiously shake her head and slapped her face with both of her hands causing a hard smacking sound.

"W-What am I thinking...Men are vile creature. I should not be happy or grateful hearing their praise. I-It could be trap! He might praise me intentionally in attempt to get close to me a-a-and after that he might do something really really bad to my body if he get closer to m-me!...."She muttered as she it her lips while thinking random thoughts.

Although, she is not wrong about getting closer to her. Shido just want to be friends with her first, He won\'t eat anyone because they are beauties. He will ask permission for that woman if she wanted to do it or not.

Well there is a case where Shido could not hold back when it comes to his blood-related family. So it only applies on total stranger with no close relationship whatsover.

Alice Vivlio\'s body is super hot, she could become the world\'s number one beauty. I mean, If not for Shido\'s obsession of Forbidden love for his Family, He would literally head over heels seeing this beauty.

Alice have long curvy golden shining her, adding her blue ocean like eyes. She have a very pretty face that cannot be described by just words. Her figure is flawless, She have a smooth pale milky skin that a human could never have.

If someone could describe her image, they would literally say \'A goddess has descended\'

Adding her beautiful feathery wings on her back. Shido thought of her as an Angel but there are more of it. that she could not tell anyone ever.

It\'s her secrets she kept for many years, she meet many people in her eternal life. Some people are good and some are bad that would use the Tower for their own convenience. Fortunately as the Librarian or she called herself as, she could choose what owner she wanted.

As for her Androphobia, it\'s because of all the meet are the same. They would only lust for her body, She even meet crazy ones that it\'s really scary that made her traumatized. But all the attempts of those men was futile because she is strong. Yup, so powerful that no one could harm her.

But no one have ever known who she really was.

Alice continue reading her book as she sat on her chair, she rasied her finger and a golden magic circle appeared.

A drawer opened up and a cup floated up, going towards the tea pot. The tea pot poured tea inside the cup. After being filled the cup floated to Alice.

Alice gracefully and silently grab the cup full of tea. She take sip, the fragant scent of the tea made her refreshed as the weird thoughts inside her mind completely faded.

This tea is very rare, She like this tea a lot. This is the tea tha could make her mind clear and serene. The tea came from a tree called "The moonlight tree". The tree is so very rare that it\'s hard to find for normal humans. It\'s leaves would only bloom in full moon and there are only few leaves would grow. So overall the tree is very rare, only those who have magic can find them.

Because \'The Moonlight Tree\' have magical properties. It would help the magican greatly.

Alice open her eyes as she stare at the cup of tea. She remembered that Shina also love this tea that she would share it with her. Shina and her is close as best friend. Although, their age is widely different. Shina did not treat her as an adult, that vexed her a lot.

But in the end the two became close. She forgot to give Shina a tea.

But another image popped in her mind. It was the Uncle of Shina. She hesitated, Because she just said earlier to not get close to her. Her face blushed red from shame.

She hesiated for a moment as the clock tick faster. She stood up and prepared the tea pot. She could not just forget her friend because of something trivial. She could just tell them it\'s for Shina.

Shina and her love this tea very much, The both of them would talk about how delicious the tea is. They would compare the tea with the other tea\'s around the world.

Shina would visit her every month but for Alice, A month is nothing but a blink of an eye. But she understood how Shina treated their Friendship seriously. Shina woul always talk about her love to Alice, Alice also curiously listen to her. When she tried asking who Shina love is, She did not got the answer.

Shina kept as a secret. Alice did not force shina to tell her because everyone have secrets that they can\'t tell to anyone. Especially her secrets, Alice kept it a secret to Shina.

Even thought the both of hide a secret from each other, Their friendship did not break.

Alice prepared the tea as she walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor where Shina and Shido are. She hummed as she carried the tray with cup and a teapot.

Alice arrived at the second floor, She then walk towards the section where Shina and Shido located. She keep humming silently and stopped humming whe she was close.

Alice tried turning around the corner where Shido and Alice was seating. But before she turn, she reflexively hide herself behind the shelf, She lean her bkack on the shelf as she saw the image in her mind.

She thought she was hallucinating.

"There is no way that is true right?..."Alice comforted herself inside her mind.

Her heart is beating faster.

Alice peek as she saw something unbelievable. Her mind is in turmoil. What she is seeing made her mind numbed from thinking further.

She covered her mouth with her hand as she silently watch the duo\'s action.

Alice whispered \'Shina-san, is that the person you love? Your Uncle.\'

Alice saw it all. She watch as she saw her friend aggressively kiss Shido, shina\'s blood related uncle. Alice continued to watch as tea in her hand slowly tuen cold.

Her face heated up as she thought \'Is that a kiss? but why is it so complex, I thought a kiss is simple as planting one\'s lip to the other. But, why is the two of them is using their tongues as their saliva drips, it\'s quite messy. don\'t they know how to kiss..\'

Look a vrigin is giving a couple a suggestion how to kiss properly.

Alice fowned because she sense something weird is happening to her body. She felt her heart in distraught and her face heated up. She didn\'t know what is happeing to her, So she cast a healing magic to her body.

But sometime later it appeared again. This time her navel aches. So she cast another healing magic.

It disappeared again. But another ache appeared in her navel. She keep healing it until she realized something is happening in her body.

\'What is happening to me, I did not experience this before. What is happening to me.\'She panicked, because her powerful healing magic could not heal the acheness in her navel.

But she was wrong, Healing magic can cure pain but it can\'t cure lust. Yeah, This is the first time her lust appeared thoughout her eternal life.


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