The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 93 - Ambitions

Awakening from my meditative state, I jumped back to my feet by preforming a kick up. With a thud, I landed on my feet and looked around the room to Olivia already awake and ready to go.

While she might have been curious, she chose to not ask any questions to why I didn\'t sleep. It had seemed like in the last day, the reality of her friends being dead and never coming back had hit her making her gradually more distant than she once was. While at first, she was against the idea of spending the night at my room, she knew that I couldn\'t force her into any sexual acts if she so chooses not to. This made her much safer in my room rather than any of the other rooms, including my brother\'s.

While she had slight respect for my father, it did not go as far as her being comfortable to sleep in a room with him and trusting that he wouldn\'t do anything, because to her, men were extremely unpredictable, making it hard for her to know when one is being sincere or not. On the other hand, my father is a married man with almost 5 children, meaning even her would feel uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as a servant who apparently would do anything he told her to do, even sacralising her life according to the soul contract.

I\'m not sure if it was out of respect for his marriage or out of fear he might not be able to control himself, but he immediately rejected the idea of her and him sleeping in the same room. On the other hand, my brothers were hormonal teenagers, and I wouldn\'t even trust them with any of my clothes, let alone a beautiful woman like Olivia.

Anyway, after waking up everyone, we decided to move down to the bar and get something to eat before we leave. Going to sit down, a women, slightly above average comes over to see what we were thinking of eating. While my brothers ask for fried eggs and bacon, my father asks tuna while me and Olivia deicide to check the menu.

After thorough analysis, I was able to find that the best thing on the menu for my taste buds was probably the sausages and beans with a pint of beer. Olivia chose the same thing, however, she got a wine instead since I had told her to get whatever she wanted, so she chose something that she had not tasted before.

When our food finally came, my father looked at the pint of beer with widened eyes before looking at the waitress who was starting to walk away and called out to her.

"What is this?" My father asked

"A beer sir" The waitress replied respectively

"Yes and?" he pushed on

"And?" The waitress was no slightly confused

"She is a child!" My father shouted.

"Yes, but children over the age of 10 are allowed to drink alcohol right? If the law has recently changed, I\'m sorry but we weren\'t informed" The waitress replied, now slightly nervous.

That is when my father finally snapped out of it and looked at me with had already enjoyed the whole cup to its finest detail and had already started eating my actual course.

"*sight*, Sorry about this. You might not believe it, but that girl is barely 6 years old" My father sighed

While the waitress was shocked by this revelation, on the other side of the table was Olivia chanting a spell over my brother\'s and her food.

\'What are you doing\' I inquired

\'Just checking for poison. You should have probably not started eating straight away, but since my food doesn\'t have anything in it, I don\'t believe yours will either. You should be less reckless though. If there was poison, you might have died\' Olivia warned.

\'Oh don\'t worry about it. I can digest anything within the matter of second. When poison enters my body, it is purified almost instantly. This is \'cuz I\'m a higher being and have divine mana running through me that automatically purifies any harmful substance that enters my body. On the other hand though, I already checked everyone\'s food for poison so you kind of just wasted mana.\' I said nonchalantly which Olivia could only sigh to, knowing that I I wasn\'t one to bluff to look cool in front of her or something like that.

On the other hand, I was feeling a sense of burdening being lifted off my shoulders as I had bragged in front of someone else for what felt like the first time in my life. I didn\'t know if it was actually my first time, but it did feel good to brag about my powers that I had been working for since the day I was born. Since my last life as Atlas, I remember being 8 years old, yearning for power so I can fight against the bullies who always pestered me back then. I had fantasies of beating the life out of my sister and having the power to torture her without being punished for what I did. I wanted to be able to rule above everyone else, the same way they had ruled over me back then.

This ambition of not wanting to be ruled over by anyone else is what had been driving me for not only the last 6 years, but also for all my last life. \'I want to be the peak life form in the world I reside in. No, I want to be peak of all things, where no one can supress me, not even the gods themselves. I want to be able to look down on others the same way they looked down on me, break and torture those who do not fit with my ideals while blessing those I love with protection and an all round good life. I want to be able to look at those under me with the same eyes my sister looked at me with. With the same eyes an emperor would look at a slave. I want to feel what it is like to look at everything under you as if they are ants!\'

Unbeknownst to me, in that very moment, my eyes flickered with an unmistakable violet light that luminated my bangs. As Olivia saw this, she looked me in the eyes before feeling something that she had never felt in her life. Olivia was used to the emotion of fear, to the point that she had conquered it to where she does not feel it even when in the presence of those many times stronger than her. However, in that moment, the emotion wasn\'t just fear. What she felt was imminent dread, as if she was looking at a being that could shake the heavens and skies with a single glance. A power so many times above her own and anything she had ever witnessed, that she felt like the world itself was kneeling to this power.

The bright Violet eyes flickered with so much vigour and determination that they threatened swallowing Olivia\'s entire existence. However, a second later, the light was gone and the immense pressure was lifted, with Olivia finding her self in a cold sweat with her nails deeply engraved into the center of her palm.

\'W-what the hell was that?!\' Olivia thought, quickly being reminded of the technique that I had used on her back when we first met, making her think that I might have used the same thing again. However, she did not pry for long as she chose to remain silent and not ask any further questions about what just happened.

Meanwhile, as I was eating, I had not payed attention to my soul flame that had been residing silently within me for the last 6 years. The once bright yellow soul flame with mixtures of white in the middle and black on the outsides no had an extremely minute flicker of violet energy. However, no matter how small the flicker was, it sent out power that could only be compared to a realm beyond the mortal one, a realm with power that could swallow the planet whole. A real of such infinite power, that the strongest human would find themselves prostrating to it.

This power felt like the embodiment of chaos, and within it, lay the power of thousands of screeching souls pleading to be set free.

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