The Villain's Redemption

Chapter 178 Mess

Chapter 178 Mess

The smell of lavender covered her study as the sound of the Duke’s hand drumming against the wooden table accompanied the crackling of the fire from the fireplace that sat across her table.

"That was a mess." The Duke spoke after a few minutes of silence. "I told you not to kill anyone, tonight."

She snorted in response. It wasn’t something that she can control. Lucinia was not a fool. She knew that It had something to do with the woman’s provocation. However, she wasn’t about to tell him this.

"You are— "

"A nightmare?" she interrupted him. If she would be honest, she would say that she was currently feeling a little sour. "I already know that."

"I was gonna say that you are still the same as before."

She stared at his side profile. Mo Li was staring at the stack of books on her table. "Still decisive. Still ruthless."

"You talk as if you know me."

"I know you," he finally looked at her. "More than you ever know."

Riddles. Was it really hard to talk like a normal person? She stood from her seat and walked towards the door. "I have no time to discuss your fiance’s death."

"She’s not my fiance."

She shrugged and left the room. She felt him followed her. Lucinia said nothing. She wasn’t about to start another argument that she couldn’t win. A sigh escaped her lips when she noticed him walked inside her room. "I told you. I am not having this conversation with— Hmmmm."

Lucinia words were interrupted when he slammed his lips into hers. She caught her breath, eyes wide as she felt his hands secure his waist, pulling her towards his body.

"You talk too much," he whispered before he lowered his mouth into hers in a fierce kiss that claimed her soul. His hands cupped her bottom, as he used his tongue to part her lips. His erection pressed against her stomach as her breasts flattened against his chest.

Then he stopped.

He took a step back, eyes focused on hers. "Fifty-five hours and twelve minutes. I have waited to kiss you for the last fifty-five hours and twelve minutes."

She gulped at his words as she felt her heart fluttered inside her ribcage. Did she just saw a flash of gentleness in his eyes? "If you were ugly... I would have called this assault." She said.

Surprise flashed in his eyes before he chuckled and once again decrease the distance between them. "And since I am not ugly?"

"We can call this... a misunderstanding." She said. He smiled before leaning closer to give her a short kiss.

"And this?"

"This... is called another misunderstand." She met his eyes.

"She is not my fiance."

"You are saying that since she is already dead."

"Well... how about this... " He paused and hesitated for a few seconds. Leaning towards her ears, he whispered. "I also killed your fiance."

"You— The prince?" she didn’t hide the surprise in her eyes. Does that mean he killed him when he disappeared for about ten minutes?

"Did you have another fiance?"

She gulped. "Does this mean... "

"We can marry each other."

"How presumptuous of you to assume that I would agree to marry you."

"Oh?" His eyebrow lifted as his hands slowly stroked her waist. "Tell me... what would make you agree to marry me?"

"Why do you want to marry me?" she asked. "If you want my support for my father. I can... I can always give you that."

"You once... asked me what would happen if you forget about me." Again, his words confused her. "I told you... I will make you remember."

She opened her mouth but closed it without saying anything. Then he added. "So, you asked me... what If you won’t remember." He gulped as the back of his palm caressed her cheeks. "I told you I will create new memories with you."

"You... You are mistaking me for someone else. Perhaps a past lover?"

"A past... current and future lover. And it wasn’t a mistake."

She squinted at him. ’Robot, have we met this man before?’

[Negative. Bee cannot access past memories.]

Past memories. The memories that she had forgotten in the previous worlds? But why would he remember? Unless he was like her? She pursed her lips.

"You don’t remember the past and will forget about all this once again." A trace of sadness coated his words.

"That sounds horrible." This was her honest thoughts. To her, this was all too cruel but at least she would forget the things that she did in the past world.

He shook his head in response. "Isn’t it nice to build new memories over and over again? To meet and fall in love? Leave and find each other again? I already told you. As long as we are under the same sky... I would definitely find you."

She tried to look for something that would tell her he was joking, that this was nothing but some trickery. She didn’t found one. Shaking her head, Lucinia slowly pushed the man away from her. "The door next to mine is the guest room." Something about him was a mystery to her. It was unnerving and concerning.

She felt him leave the room, locking the door behind him with a loud click. Lucinia immediately heaved a sigh of relief. The man’s presence was making her think of things ... things that she wanted to do to him. Things that she wanted him to do to her.

And it was frightening. How could she feel like this to someone she can’t even remember? She closed her eyes and tried her best to access the little bit of memory that she had.


She can’t remember anything!

The sound of thunder interrupted her thoughts. She trembled, surprised at the sudden change of the weather. She heard the rain started to hammer against her windows. Lucinia immediately made sure that all of her huge windows were lock before she sat on the edge of her bed. Slowly, her hand reached out to touch her lips.

The familiarity of the kiss was enough reason for her not to slap him. The familiarity of his smell was enough reason for her not to push him when he held her. His familiarity... was scaring her.

The fact that Mo Li seemed to know what she was is just disturbing her. However, the attraction that was pulling her towards him was undeniably strong— too strong. What was happening? Lucinia couldn’t help but stilled when she heard the thunder. With her eyes closed, she started thinking about the kiss. She started thinking about him.

Was it even possible to feel this much attraction to someone she had never met before? And if she indeed met Mo Li in the past worlds then... then this is just a mess! Why was he here?

She couldn’t help but overthink things. What if he was sent to intervene in her mission? What if he was sent to make her fail? Mo Li had been trying to stop her from killing Zach and the Prince. He wanted to stay with her and wanted her to avoid killing vampires.

Was it really possible that he was just like her? With this in mind, Lucinia dragged her purple dress and walked out of her room. She then stood in front of the Duke’s room and was about to knock when the electricity suddenly went out. She stilled before she turned her back.

She wanted to go back to her room and at least find some candles. However, before she could take a step away from the door, she felt his hand clutched her arm.

"I know you are scared of ghosts... you should stay with me. Tonight." She heard him say.

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