Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 33 - True Friends

Wirata decided to fly to England to see Sam and Sofia. She was glad and relieved when the plane finally floated in the air. She had only a cross-body bag with her in the end. Everything else was left behind. But however, it wasn\'t important, things you could always buy anywhere in the world and Wirata was not a person who attached to materials.

To escape Stefan, she thought it had got to be far away. She knew he would send people after her but if she was not in Las Vegas anymore he couldn\'t do anything to her for now. Now she had time to think what the next plan would be.

Wirata thought she would go to her beloved friends first before flying to Thailand. In Thailand, she would be saved. Stefan wouldn\'t follow her there she strongly believed that. After all, he didn\'t follow women as she had heard it from his very own mouth. And if she didn\'t want to take a deal. He had to go back to deal with John and that was the end of the story. No more involved with the evil mafia, the evil mafia who was her close friend\'s brother. What a contrast!

"Wine! It\'s you! Really! Wow, I can\'t believe that. It\'s really you! My darling Wine!"

Sophia shouted in disbelieved when opening her flat\'s door and saw Wirata standing there. She flung herself to embrace Wirata tightly and fiercely. The two hugged each other and smiling with gladness and excitement.

"It\'s really me, Soph. I miss you so much." Wirata felt so warm and not alone in her dearest friend\'s embrace and glad that she decided to come here first even it wasn\'t the safest option because Stefan could find out soon. As he knew his brother was her close friend.

"Wow! I\'m so very happy about this surprise my dear. Com\'in!"

Sophia said and pulled Wirata inside. It was a three-bedroom flat Sophia and Sam had been sharing. The living room was nicely decorated with a fireplace and a comfy set of sofa.

"I\'ll brew you some tea. Oh, Wine, I\'m so over the moon. Omigod. I still can\'t believe you are here." Sophia couldn\'t stop rapping, she walked to the kitchen and Wirata followed. The kitchen was a compact but nice and had everything needed for cooking.

Sophia pressed the kettle button then reached into the cabinet, took 2 cups out. She put a tea bag in each cup, knowing Wirata liked it mild and a lot of milk in her tea the same as Sophia.

Sophia turned to look at Wirata who glancing around the kitchen like it was the most interesting thing to see. But somehow, Sophia knew something not quite right about her friend. She seemed miles away and thinking something in her smart head.

"Where is Sam?" Wirata turned to look at Sophia and asked, seeing that her friend was watching her with questions in her eyes. Years of friendship that had built on strong trust and unconditional love. They knew each other well just gazing their eyes and there were no secrets between them.

"He\'s gone out with his friends. That guy is bad. You know last night he brought his friends here, put the telly on so loudly watched football and movies. This morning when I got up the sink was full of dirty plates and the living room was a mess!"

Sophia reported Sam\'s behaviors. Wirata smiled lightly when imagined the two living together and biting each other\'s head every day. They were close, they obviously were friends but Wirata had seen some special feelings between them when they looked at each other, something deeper, which they might not even realize it themselves.

Wirata hadn\'t had a chance to ask about the kiss yet and Sophia never talked about it after that call, the call which made the mad mafia Stefan know that she was lying about being Sam\'s girlfriend.

"What made you here my darling?" Sophia asked straight out when handed Wirata a cup of tea. They walked to sit at the kitchen table. Wirata was silent and sipping her tea slowly. She knew she couldn\'t hide anything from Sophia.

"It\'s the worst thing." She murmured, looking at the teacup in her hands absently.

"Spit it out and I\'ll kill whoever dares to make your beautiful eyes having bloodshot like this."

Sophia said sensing it was a very bad thing as Wirata hardly cried or being weak. Wirata who she had known all these years was a beautiful cheerful strong woman, in both physical and mental.

Wirata couldn\'t stop her tears now. She let it flood out. Since thing happened she didn\'t have the time to cry. Her bloodshot in the eyes was from the restless hours and the depressing feeling with the incident.

Wirata decided to tell the whole story to Sophia.

"Omi God! Stefan did that to you? I can\'t believe. Oh, darling." Sophia embraced Wirata hard and tight, feeling so bad and sad and mad with what happened to her beloved friend.

"Do you know him?" Wirata asked Sophia because since high school when she knew Sam. Wirata had never known Sam\'s family. She just knew that he was from a very rich family but never asked anything about it because Wirata didn\'t want to make him misunderstood that she was interested in his wealth. That was the reason she didn\'t know Stefan until later on. But Sophia might have known him before because they were from the same background, the same society with wealth. The rich usually sociated with the rich. That was the rule of societies around the globe.

"Yes. I do. Stefan was...Er, well, I knew him from a party our family held years ago."

Sophia didn\'t want to say much about Stefan now because her friend was very upset about him at the moment. She had known Stefan because of family connection just like when she first knew Sam. It\'s from a party the parents held years ago.

Stefan was a very handsome and very attractive man with tough muscles and charm. He was nice to Sophia like a big brother as he knew she was Sam\'s friend and Stefan loved his younger brother so much. Sam could choose to be a doctor as he wished because Stefan took all the hard work on his shoulders, carried on the family legacy.

His leadership was undeniable strong and powerful, everywhere he appeared people could feel his power. Sophia couldn\'t believe Stefan did this to her dearest friend as Stefan didn\'t have to force or kidnap a woman. Usually, women rushed after him as if moths saw the fire and couldn\'t resist flying in even they knew it deadly! But Sophia knew Wirata never was a liar.

Sophia kissed her friend\'s hair gently to comfort and let Wirata cried until she had no more tears coming down her cheeks. Wirata nodded.

"I\'m okay now, Soph." She told her friend, wiping her face with her sleeve.

"This business is not finished yet, Wine. I\'ll find out what and why and Stefan has to answer my questions." Sophia said fiercely. But before they could say more the front door bang opened.

"Anybody\'s home?" A man\'s voice came through before a tall and lean figure with a handsome face walked in.

"Hey! look who\'s there!" He shouted and rushed to Wirata, pushed Sophia out of his way and pulled Wirata to his embrace, lifted her up and turned around like she was a little girl.

"Wine, my love. You are here. Wow! I miss you, my sweetheart."

He said and gave her a peck on both cheeks. Wirata hugged him tightly and smile warmly to him. Tried not to think about the other man.

It was a different case. Sam was Sam, nothing to do with his brother. She still loved him dearly. He still spun around cheerfully holding her in his strong arms till Wirata patted his back.

"Please let me down, I\'m feeling dizzy now." She said. Sam gasped.

"What?! Don\'t tell me you are pregnant!"

Sam teased Wirata and her face immediately turned pale, thinking with worries for a minute if it could happen or not, her getting pregnant? Then Wirata recalled the picture of Stefan rolling the condom on his.... the beautiful face went red and pushed that image out of her head immediately.

"You\'re crazy. Put her down now! Good that you are finally home. I\'m still mad at you. The mess you left for me this morning!" Sophia snapped at Sam. Sam put Wirata down, she sat back on the chair.

"You sit down. Before I slash your neck, there is an emergency to sort out and it\'s about your BIG BROTHER!" Sophia didn\'t waste any minute to solve her friend\'s problems. Sam frowned at Sophia\'s statement.

"What about my big brother? Do you mean Stefan?"

"Unless you have another big brother!" Sophia being sarcastic. Sam snatched her arm and pulled her to sit on his lap and sniffed her neck mischievously.

"Hey, stop! You Idiot! let me go! Now!" Sophia reviled him and hit him on his shoulders.

Sam wrapped her tightly like a snake, enjoying making Sophia mad.

"Did you take a shower, Soph? You stink...Woh!"

Sam pretended to twist his nose as if he\'s smelling something very stinky. Sophia punched him hard on his chest and pushed him away but he didn\'t let her go.

Then Sam looked at Wirata, seeing her weary smile. He was thinking Wirata looked... not right. Something had happened to her. Sam\'s face turned serious. He pushed Sophia off his lap carelessly, Sophia hit him again on his back then went to sit on her chair again with a grumpy face, Wirata was sitting between the two friends now and they look serious ready to listen.

"Okay, I\'m ready, girls. What\'s the matter?"

"Wine is having problems and you have to help because it involved your brother!" Sophia sent a harsh gaze to Sam as if he were his brother.

"My brother? What happened?" Sam asked Sophia.

"Yes! Your brother! He had gone mad, you know? He... Er, he forced Wine to... sleep with him!"

Sophia said and then told Sam what had happened in details as they never had secrets between them. Sam was gasping!

"What! Really Wine? Is that true?!!!"

Sam turned to asked Wirata who sat quietly in the middle let her friends shout and talk about herself without interfering.

"Yes. " Wirata said only one word to confirm the story. Sam was then pulled Wirata in his arms.

"Oh, my dear friend, now you have become my sister-in-law. I\'m so very happy. Yes! Sis! Bravo!"


Sophia and Wirata exclaimed loudly at the same time, stunned with Sam\'s reaction which wasn\'t the reaction they expected.

"Yes, sister-in-law. My brother always has excellent taste, good eyes, and a smart brain."

Sam continue and Wirata was speechless.

"But it wasn\'t the way a gentleman treats a lady, Sammie!" Sophia shouted and scowled at Sam.

"And my brother never claims to be one. Look, Wine, my dearest. I am so very sorry for what my brother has done to you, but it cannot be undone now. You are a smart person as same as him, so don\'t let him win, okay? You go back to get him to pay for it. Believe me. I\'m with you in this case and all the way. You will always have me on your side. I\'m a fair man. My brother\'s wrongdoing can\'t be forgiven easily. You must make him pay but, to make him pay, you must get back to Las Vegas and use your smart intelligent brain to win him."

Sam came out with suggestion as a man who always used his brain and quickly to come out with results and answers for every problem he faced or he involved with.

In Sam\'s mind, this way would be fair and would be an excellent choice for both Wirata and Stefan. Sam recalled that four years ago his brother was interested in Wirata, but then he stopped to bother because he thought Wirata was Sam\'s girlfriend.

Now, somehow, Stefan must have found out it was not true and he got back to Wirata. But Sam did not know the whole story in every detail yet why his brother did what he did. Nobody could read Stefan\'s mind if he didn\'t want you to.

But however, Stefan Mackenzie never had a history of forcing women into his bed. So his brother must have a special feeling toward Wirata. And Wirata wasn\'t a woman who easily walked to any man\'s bed. She believed in love and love only.

"You an idiot, Sammie! What kind of spirit are you in?!! He mistreated her and she wasn\'t willing!"

Sophia scowled furiously for Wirata who was sitting quietly.

"Hey, calm down woman. It means he likes you, Wine, my love."

Sam said easily and put his arm around Wirata\'s shoulders.

"But it doesn\'t mean he can bully and force her like this. "

Sofia snapped at Sam. Wirata listened to her two friends talking. She disagreed with Sam when he said Stefan liked her. Wirata knew it wasn\'t true at all. Stefan just wanted to bruise Bernardo\'s egos and Wirata, unfortunately, happened to be there between them, on their fighting ring! Also, she remembered every word the evil mafia spat about his attitude toward women. Women were only temporary toys for him.

"But I really want you to be my sister-in-law. You are the perfect match for my brother."

Sophia gasped after Sam finished.

"You still don\'t get it! Why do men think differently from women like this? Ugh! So disgusting!"

Sophia was pulling her hair with anger.

"Alright, guys. Please don\'t worry about me. I will be okay. I just need some time to think and during this time, Sammie, could you please keep this as a secret, please don\'t tell your brother that I am here. I am sure he will call you soon to find out."

Wirata asked with a calm voice but serious eyes, causing Sam to silence. When she was calm it meant she was back to her senses and consciousness. Sam nodded finally. He understood her that she was feeling upset and hurt and needed time as she asked for. So as a good friend, Sam could definitely give her as much time as she wanted. But still believed that it was the fate for his brother and Wirata to meet like this.

"Okay honey. I promise I won\'t say a word. You take your time as much as you like. Stay here with us until you can think about what you want to do next. I am here to support you all the way." The gentle voice said and hugged Wirata in his arms.

"Thanks, Sammie."

Wirata said softly. She could trust Sam if he said a promise. He meant to keep it.

The next day was as Wirata had predicted. Stefan really called his younger brother.

"What? Wirata? What happened, bro? Why did she have to fly here, she\'s working at your company the latest news I have heard from her."

Sam pretended to give Stefan a shock and surprised voice to know the news.

"Well, we had a bit of disagreement. So she isn\'t with you there?" Stefan asked his brother.

"No, bro. She isn\'t a coward to run away like that. What did you do to her?" Sam asked, curious to know from Stefan\'s side of the story.

"I don\'t wanna talk about it, Sam. If she flies there, will you let me know?" Stefan avoided answering his brother\'s question. Stefan thought she might still be in Las Vegas, but she probably would fly to Sam and Sophia soon.

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