Super Ability Student

Chapter 451: Hualongye

The hostages were tied to the pillars, and a dozen agents guarded them with real guns and live ammunition, rushing for fear of accidentally injuring the hostages. What should I do?

Afterwards, Lin Tian remembered the gluttonous system b, and he asked, "Is there anything that can make people blind instantly? It only takes three seconds."

The Taotie system said, "There is a flash bomb that emits a very strong white light when it explodes, which can blind people for five seconds."

"Okay." Immediately afterwards, there was an extra flash bomb in Lin Tian\'s hand.

He hid to the edge of the iron gate, quickly opened a gap, and the bullets snapped at Lin Tian, ​​but they were all bounced back by the ground and the iron gate, without harming Lin Tian.

He unzipped the flash bomb\'s bracelet and slipped the flash bomb in.

There was a sound of exclamation from the people inside. Three seconds later, there was a muffled sound and the flash bomb exploded.

Lin Tian quickly opened the iron gate along the way. Then, he heard screams after another, and all a dozen agents covered their eyes and mourned.

Lin Tian only has five seconds, only one chance, he must succeed.

A sharp dagger appeared in Lin Tian\'s hands, a white light flashed, and a surge of blood spurted out, and Lin Tian instantly harvested a person\'s life.

He urged the nerve reaction speed ability to increase the speed to the extreme. In just three seconds, killing was like cutting vegetables, killing all ten agents, falling into a pool of blood, and could not get up again.

Immediately afterwards, he used both a dagger and a fist to instantly kill them beside them, killing them.

At this time, five seconds have passed, and when the last two opened their eyes, they were shocked. The comrades who were still alive just now were all dead in a few seconds.

When they saw Lin Tian, ​​their eyes flashed fiercely, took up the guns in their hands, and shot Lin Tian frantically.

Lin Tian\'s dagger left his hand and pierced an agent\'s eyebrows with a knife. Then he avoided the bullet of the last agent and shot a fireball.

The fireball rushed towards the last agent, and the agent quickly avoided. Lin Tian quickly stepped forward. When the agent avoided the fireball, Lin Tian\'s fist had already interrupted his cervical spine.

After doing all this, Lin Tian took a long breath and killed 14 well-armed and well-trained agents in just five seconds. It was a miracle, thanks to the flash bombs of the gluttonous system, and The advantage of your own speed, otherwise, it is yourself who is falling now.

Time is running out. After Lin Tian took a sigh of relief, he quickly cut off the rope tied to the hostage. He saw that the hostage was weak and his body was hurt, so he quickly drank a bottle of healing potion for him, and then ran away on his back.

Now, Lin Tian only has one purpose, that is to run fast, time is life, staying here for a minute, there is more danger.

Before running a few steps, he saw an agent who fired a shot at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian tried to avoid it, and the bullet slid across his right arm. The next moment, Lin Tian\'s fist hit the agent\'s heart, and the agent was shot more than 20 meters away, desperate on the spot.

With a person carrying more than one hundred catties, Lin Tian\'s footsteps did not slow down at all. He walked like flying, and in the blink of an eye, he ran to the door of the warehouse.

Lin Tian stopped at once, because at the door of the warehouse, there was an agent of the same model as the Big Mac. The agent was holding a two-meter long knife in his hand, and his muscles smashed all over his body. feel.

He seemed to know that Lin Tian was about to come out from here and was waiting for him deliberately.

Lin Tian urged the scalper skill, took the initiative to attack, punched out 54 bulls, and slammed the agent fiercely.

The agent clenched his fists tightly, croaked on his fists, raised his hand and punched Lin Tian’s fist.

The moment the two fists banged together, Lin Tian felt an unspeakable pain rushing towards his arm, and the arm was suddenly numb, as if it was about to be broken.

Lin Tian retreated several steps, his whole body was surging, his face pale, and he was slightly injured.

The agent in front of him is obviously a type of Big Mac, with thick skin and infinite power. If you want to solve him quickly, there is only one way to hit him.

Lin Tian stepped forward again, the agent\'s two-meter long knife slashed at him fiercely, Lin Tian quickly avoided, fist fisted, and while the agent focused on his fist, Lin Tian used all his strength. , Kicked out.

The situation was the same as that of the Big Mac. The agent screamed, and the facial features began to be distorted. The whole body was convulsed, his legs were clamped, and his hands were under his hands. This taste was too sour and refreshing.

Lin Tian kicked him again, kicked him away, and ran out quickly.

As soon as they ran out of the door, the people on both sides immediately turned their guns, and densely packed bullets shot at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian ran away and quickly hid behind an abandoned car. At almost the same time, all the bullets hit the car.

Emma, ​​fortunately, the car is closer to me. Otherwise, I would be a sieve. Lin Tian thought in his heart, and was scared into a cold sweat.

Afterwards, Lin Tian looked at the hostage behind him and found that after he drank the healing potion, his breathing had gradually stabilized, and Lin Tian made a "" gesture towards the Dragon Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor nodded in satisfaction, and ordered the members of Nilin, "The hostages have been rescued, and the people inside, kill me!"

More than a dozen Nilin members hurriedly killed them, and it took 30 seconds to kill all the remaining agents. Without the threat of hostages, killing them was just like playing. "

Lin Tian took the hostages to Long Di\'s side, Long Di looked at and nodded, letting the hostages be carried into the plane.

Then, another plane flew over, and out of it was the old chief in Chinese tunic suit.

Lin Tian hurriedly greeted him and said respectfully, "Hello, old chief."

The old chief praised, "You didn\'t let me down, the task was done very well."

Lin Tian didn\'t catch any cold with the praise of others, except for the praise of the old leader.

The old chief continued, "The person we sent to inquire about the news has returned. Tomorrow afternoon, you will come to Nilin. After you get acquainted, you will officially hand over the task."


Lin Tian solemnly saluted a military salute.

Afterwards, the old chief took a group of people and left quickly.

At this moment, Lin Tian was very excited. What kind of existence is the old chief? One of the most honorable people in the country. However, today, he came here personally for some insignificant things, the purpose is to give Lin Tianxia When he reached the mission, Lin Tian felt that his position in the mind of the old chief was higher than that of Emperor Long. Although Lin Tian didn\'t know why, he was so appreciated by the old chief that he was extremely happy.

But sadly, Lin Tian suddenly realized that the plane had picked him up, but forgot to send him back. There was no car in this wilderness, so he could only walk on foot.

Two hours later, Lin Tian finally found a highway, then got in the car and hurried to Wu\'an City.

By the time Lin Tian arrived in Wu\'an City, it was already more than eight o\'clock in the evening. Now, the company\'s situation has basically stabilized. The morning events did not have a bad impact on the company, and the company is still operating in an orderly manner. .

Lin Tian was about to perform a mission. At night, he called Bu Mengting, Chen Lihui, Jiang Hui, Wang Ying and Shen Mengyi to explain some things, because this morning, Lin Tian saw Zhang Ya, he was worried, in order to make sure For the safety of Bu Mengting and Shen Mengyi, in the future, Bu Mengting will follow Shen Mengyi inseparably. First, she gave way to Shen Mengyi and helped Shen Mengyi handle the company’s work, and second, it was also for Jiang Hui and Wang Ying to better protect them. One.

Lin Tian understands Zhang Ya\'s methods. In fact, Lin Tian is still not at ease doing this, but he is helpless. Ni Lin\'s task cannot be shirk. Now Lin Tian can only increase the protection of Bu Mengting and Shen Mengyi, hope They can wait until they return safely!

Early the next morning, Lin Tian went to the hospital and looked at He Qianqian. Lin Tian gave a lot of money. Coupled with his current status and status, the hospital sent people to take care of He Qianqian very well. There is nothing to worry about.

At ten o\'clock in the morning, Lin Tian got on the plane and went to Nilin.

Nilin has more than a dozen bases. At this moment, Nilin members are all in a dense forest near the capital. In the eyes of ordinary people, forests are places where there are few people or even roads.

But here is different. Small airports, the most advanced electronic instruments, and the most luxurious weapons and equipment can be seen here.

It was also the first time that Lin Tian came to Nilin\'s base. He looked around and was full of shock.

Through understanding, I know that although Nilin is the most powerful unit in China, and the people in it are all spirit warriors, in fact, there are only more than 200 members of Nilin, but each is an elite, and one is worth a thousand.

The Emperor Long came out to greet Lin Tian and directly took Lin Tian into a secret room.

As soon as he opened the secret room, Lin Tian smelled a scent The scent had entered his nose, and Lin Tian felt a sense of refreshment.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a pool of two meters in diameter and one meter in depth in the middle of the secret room. Inside the pool was a layer of slimy, porridge-like blue liquid.

Lin Tian asked, "What is this?"

Longdi pointed to the blue liquid in the pool and replied, "This is the evolution liquid developed by the top scientists in China, and combined with dozens of heaven, material and earth treasures, it has developed a magical medicine that can strengthen the body and improve the strength. We call him Hualongye, which means that after being tempered by Hualongye, he can escape from the world and transform the dragon."

Lin Tian asked unsurely, "You mean taking a bath with Hualongye, my physical body will become stronger and my strength will increase."

"Yes." Longdi nodded and agreed.

Lin Tian was shocked. He had never heard of this kind of liquid before. He didn\'t expect that the scientists in China were so awesome that even this kind of baby could be developed. Use it to bathe to build up the body. If this thing can go People, all gyms have to close, and companies selling treadmills have to go bankrupt.


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