Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 289 - Going Hard After School

Jason was surprised to hear Samantha say that "What does Principal Morris want?" Samantha responded.

"Nothing much, he was just asking if you, me, and Kyle could perform for the Spring Dance. Apparently our performance at last years talent show was a big hit."

Jason thought about it for a moment \'I was nervous for a second. I thought that Principal Morris would ask me to do something crazy.

If it\'s just performing for the Spring Dance I don\'t see why we can\'t do it. Thanks to last year\'s talent show I actually found out that I don\'t mind singing in front of a bunch of people.\'

Since their schedule was slowing down a bit and since he actually enjoyed playing in a band with Samantha and Kyle Jason agreed to Principal Morris\' request.

"I don\'t mind doing it. Have you asked Kyle already?" Samantha answered "Yeah, I asked him. He said that he was down for it too.

Alright, that\'s it. I\'ll tell Principal Morris tomorrow that we\'ll do it. Talk to you later Jaya." Jason said his goodbyes to Samantha as the both of them hanged up.

- - -

The next day at practice. The team was playing three versus three king of the hill as Jason, Matt, and Kyle went up against Alex, Danilo, and DJ.

The other teams of three were all watching from the side as Jason stared down Alex who was guarding him at the top of the perimeter.

Jason called for a screen from Kyle who began to make his way over. Alex glanced to his side for just a moment to see which side Kyle was coming over to.

But that short moment was an opportunity in Jason\'s eyes as he crossed the ball over to the left as he began to drive in that direction.

\'Shit!\' Realizing that he had messed up Alex turned his hips as he began sprinting in order to catch up with Jason.

But just as soon as Jason felt Alex making contact with him on his right side he planted his right foot as he maneuvered the ball in his left hand for the spin move.

By using the spin move he had managed to compromise Alex\'s position as a defender. With him now locked behind Jason there was an open lane to the paint.

Jason didn\'t go into his top speed as he instead drove at a slower pace while keeping Alex locked behind him with his hip and positioning.

As he got closer to the basket Jason picked up his dribble and cradled the ball in his left hand for the layup.

But before the ball could leave his hand he saw Danilo sprint toward him and explode off of the ground.

Even though there had been a considerable amount of distance between the two of them at first Danilo was able to close the gap within a short amount of time thanks to his explosive speed and leaping ability.

But instead of getting worried or flustered Jason simply grinned as he tossed a high hook shot with his left hand.

The ball easily managed to clear Danilo as it flew over his head but it was clear that there was no way for it to even hit the rim let alone go in.

But just as it looked like the ball would fly past the basket Kyle\'s long outstretched arms appeared. He caught the ball with both hands as it was four inches (10.16cm) away from the right side of the rim.

With a fierce look in his eyes Kyle slammed the ball down toward the rim as he forced it through the net.

The sound of the dunk seemed to reverberate throughout the gym as Kyle gracefully made his way back down to the court.

Kyle pumped his fist before running over to Jason. After the two of them jumped and bumped hips mid air Jason playfully punched him square in the chest.

Coach Swendel had a helpless look on his face as he weakly smiled and shook his head "Alright guys. That makes it four rounds of Jaya, Kyle, and Matt being undefeated.

Time to wrap up practice. Hit the showers, get cleaned up, and head home. Make sure you guys do all your homework.

We never had problems with any of our players and their grades since last year and I don\'t plan on having that change now.

Everyone has Jaya\'s number right?" All of the boys answered in unison "Yes Coach." He nodded his head "If you have any questions or if you don\'t understand something make sure to give him a call."

All of the boys nodded their heads as they began to make their way to the locker room. It was already an accepted fact for them that Jason was the designated tutor of the team.

But the person in question didn\'t know if he wanted to cry or laugh as he shook his head \'I guess there\'s nothing I can do about it.

Not like it\'s any skin off my back. I can usually explain most things to them in a couple of minutes. I guess I did learn something during my previous time in school.\'

But despite his joking remark Jason had a feeling that the system had something to do with it. He felt like his memory was a good bit better this time around compared to his first life.

He also noticed that back when he was first brought back in time that he had retained a lot of his old muscle memory.

After getting cleaned up and changed into a clean set of clothes Jason waited outside the locker room for Kyle.

As he walked out he smiled when he saw Jason. The two of them fist bumped "So you really down for playing at the Spring Dance?"

Jason nodded his head and answered as they walked "Yeah. I think that I actually need to thank Sam a bit but don\'t tell her I said that.

Thanks to her I stepped out of my comfort zone a few times and found out that I enjoy doing stuff other than basketball.

Not only was the whole singing in a band thing pretty fun but being in a play was pretty cool too." Kyle carried his skateboard over his shoulder as he laughed.

"Don\'t let her hear you say that bro. She will never let you forget about it. I repeat, NEVER. Hahaha." As the two of them left the gates of the school they both hopped on their skateboards.

They were on their way to the diner that Jason\'s dad owned. They had agreed to meet their with Samantha and Karla after practice to work on their project.

And considering that a whole day had passed and they still hadn\'t chosen a book to work on they would probably have to do a decent amount of work.

- - -

At the diner. Samantha had a calm and relaxed look on her face as she sat across the table from Karla who was smiling as the two of them stared at each other.

Samantha pulled out her phone and checked the time "There\'s still ten minutes until Jaya and Kyle finish are done with practice, so why did you call me to meet up early?"

Karla responded "I know that there\'s still time before their practice ends. That\'s why I called you, I wanted us to have a one to one talk before they got here."

Samantha tilted her head as she showed neither happiness nor displeasure on her face "Let\'s set things straight.

Just because I\'m cool with you joining our group doesn\'t mean that we\'re buddy buddy now okay? I let you join our group because unlike you I\'m not a self centered bitch that likes to bully others."

Although her mouth was still smiling the light in Karla\'s eyes changed "That might have sounded convincing if it came from someone other than the queen bee that\'s been messing with me since day one."

Samantha rolled her eyes at Karla\'s remark "Oh please, other than telling you to back off of Jaya in Ms. Yuller\'s class I haven\'t done shit to you.

If anything you\'re the one that\'s been fucking with me in a petty ass attempt to stand on top of Jefferson\'s popularity list.

I might not like starting shit but I sure as hell don\'t mind finishing it. You\'re trying to make yourself out as the victim but you\'re the one that\'s been starting all the trouble.

Last week Wednesday one of your girl jocks dumped a lunch tray on one of my drama kids right in front of everybody."

Karla crossed her arms "Well maybe you should teach that surfer brat to keep his mouth closed. He brought that on himself.

Evelyn is already self conscious about her body and that little surfer brat just had to say some smart ass shit.

\'Dang bro, like dudette over there don\'t even need a surfboard to trick a shark. Even if she was just swimming they would mistake her for a seal.\'

He deserved to be covered in chili and cornbread for saying shit like that." Samantha frowned "He was just joking around at the table.

It\'s not like he went up to her and said that. He wasn\'t even speaking loud enough for other people to hear.

You and your oversensitive jock friends just happened to hear him while you were passing by our table.

This is Riverside, everyone cracks jokes at each other. It doesn\'t have any malice behind it. Maybe you and Evelyn should get some skin as thick as the rolls on her body."

The two went silent as they intensely glared at each other. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife.

It was then that the door to the diner opened and Kyle\'s voice called out "Oh, you guys are here already? Dang it, I thought that we would be early for once Jaya."

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