Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 144 - Making A Splash

Jason felt something hit him in the chest and in the head. He then heard a cracking sound as he felt a warm liquid drip down his face.

The sound of screeching tires could be heard as the car that had rolled it\'s two windows down began to drive away in a hurry.

They were clearly in a hurry as they didn\'t even bother to signal as they got on to the main road. Even as the stop light was yellow they went straight past it as they sped down the street.

Trell had been walking into the restaurant when he saw what happened. He ran out and grabbed a chunk of broken concrete from the floor that he then threw toward the car.

Trell angrily yelled out "Come back here bitch!" Just as the car went past the stop light the chunk of concrete that Trell had thrown crashed through the back windshield.

Unfortunately the car still got away. Trell ran over to Jason "You okay bro?" Jason nodded with an annoyed expression on his face.

"I\'m good bro. Those bitches just threw some eggs at me. Thankfully they didn\'t throw anything more dangerous."

Jason\'s parents walked over to their son worriedly. Seeing Jason covered in raw egg his father had a furious expression on his face.

"Who the hell would do something like this!? And to a kid? Let\'s call the police. They should be able to find those little shits."

Jason saw his dad pulling out his cellphone to call the police. Jason stopped him "Don\'t dad. It was just some stupid people throwing eggs and being racist.

The police won\'t be able to do anything." Jason pointed around them "There aren\'t any cameras around except for the one in front of the restaurants entrance but it has a bad angle.

Let\'s just go eat dinner and enjoy the night. We shouldn\'t let those people ruin our celebration."

Jason didn\'t want his dad to call the police for two reasons. The first reason being that Jason honestly didn\'t think that the police would do much.

In his past life Jason had been physically assaulted in a situation much like this one. Afterwards Jason called the police.

He ended up waiting for over an hour and yet no one showed up. He then went to the police station to tell them what had happened and they simply asked what the person looked like before telling him that they would try their best to find him.

Jason never got a follow up call and the police never did anything other than waste his time. The second reason Jason didn\'t want to go to the police was that he didn\'t want this to blow up.

He didn\'t want this to become a big story and to become a distraction for the team. Jason went back to the minivan and changed out of his clothes into another set of spares that he had brought.

The dinner was awkward at first but after seeing Jason eat so much food unbothered by what had happened the mood eventually fixed itself.

The night ended with good food, good laughs, and good memories.

- - -

The next day Jason slept in until eleven in the morning. He only woke up when his stomach started grumbling.

Jason stretched his limbs while underneath his blanket \'Damn that recovery boost function is so handy. I feel like I didn\'t even play last night.\'

Jason walked out of his room dressed in a plain white shirt and pair of black shorts on. He found a note on top of the table.

\'Hey sport me and your mom are going to be working a long day today. There\'s some food in the fridge but I left forty dollars on the counter in case you wanted to grab anything.

We\'re not going to be home until late today so have some friends over so you don\'t have to eat dinner alone.\'

Jason chuckled after reading the note \'I think my parents are the only ones who would actually make such a big deal about me having to eat by myself.\'

Jason put the note back down on the table before making his way to the fridge. He opened it up and pulled out the plastic container filled with homemade kimchi and a few other dishes.

In his past life he had hated kimchi as a kid. He had only started eating it after high school. But it looks like his taste buds transferred over with him along with his memories.

He got a bowl and filled it up with some steaming hot rice from the rice cooker that was sitting on top of the kitchen counter.

Jason got a pair of chopsticks out of the drawer and walked back over to the dining table. He shoveled some rice into his mouth before grabbing a piece of kimchi.

"Hmmm Uncle Jin makes the best kimchi. Tory is so lucky." Just as he was about to stuff his face with some more food his phone started to ring.

He pulled out his phone and saw that it was a video call from Kyle. He answered "Yo, whats good bro?"

It looked like Kyle was sitting in front of his computer. He smiled "Yo Jaya. How are you feeling after last night\'s game?"

Jason scooped up another mouthful of rice "Pretty good. I actually don\'t feel too tired. How bout you? Got any plans for today?"

Kyle spun around in his chair "I\'m good. One benefit of being in crutches is that my mom doesn\'t bug me with any chores haha.

I\'ve been grinding Hades\' chamber for like 5 hours just for the stupid even item and I still haven\'t gotten it yet sheesh.

And speaking of plans that\'s actually why I called you up." Jason looked at him curiously "Oh really?"

Kyle continued "The guys actually hit me up earlier today. They wanted to know if you wanted to hang out so that we could all watch TV."

Jason asked confused "Hang out to watch TV? Is there a big game or something going on?" Kyle laughed "Bro did you forget? We won last night remember?"

Jason suddenly realized what they were talking about. He laughed before saying "Oh right! Bro I almost forgot.

Tell all the guys that they can come over to my place. My parents aren\'t going to be back until late and they told me that I could have some friends over."

- - -

A few hours later Jason\'s house was filled with the smell of freshly baked pizza and popcorn as the table in his living room was full of food.

There were boxes of pizza, bowls of popcorn, large bottles of different brands of soda, and some cheesy bread sticks.

DJ licked his lips as he looked at the table packed with food "Dang bro! How did you get all of this with forty bucks?"

Jason answered "I actually didn\'t pay for a thing. The guys that owns Valentino\'s is a big fan. When he found out that I was the one ordering he told me to not worry about the bill.

He just asked if he could have one of my practice jerseys and to sign it. He looked really happy when I gave it to him in front of the apartment."

Udonis called out "Yo the show\'s startin!" Everyone found a spot as some sat on the couch while others sat on the floor.

On the TV was a man with bright blonde hair wearing a Jefferson Middle School Tee shirt. He smiled as he drank from a red plastic cup.

He looked at the camera with the same bright smile "Hello and thank you for tuning in to another episode of Foul Mouths.

My name is Tucker Winston and- wait a second. Looks like there\'s someone missing? Hey Jeff!"

After a second a man wearing a large chicken costume walked across the camera and sat down next to Tucker.

His costume made it hard for him to sit down and he clearly looked uncomfortable. He shook his head before picking up his own red cup and taking a big gulp.

Tucker laughed "There he is. As I was saying my name is Tucker Winston and this is my buddy and co host on the show Jeffrey Lautner. How you feeling Jeff?"

Jeff emptied out his cup before looking at Tucker and then the camera "I really wish there was some alcohol in that."

Tucker laughed "Well on that topic. You made a bet that Jefferson would lose in their first game of the state tournament.

And know you\'re dressed up as a giant chicken on TV. Guess Jason really taught you a lesson huh?"

Jeff groaned before saying "Hey, they just got lucky okay? That last shot that got them the lead bounced like three times.

It could have just as easily fallen off the rim. And one more thing-" He was interrupted by Tucker "I\'m sorry were you trying to say something?

I can\'t really understand you. I think there\'s something that you have to do in order for me to understand your chicken talk?"

Jeff looked at Tucker with an annoyed expression "Really? You are really going to make me do that?"

Tucker just looked back at him expectantly. Jeff sighed "Bawk bawk! Bawk bawk bawk!" He then flapped the chicken wings on his costume.

Tucker slapped his leg as he began laughing hard "O-okay you can continue." Jeff looked at Tucker angrily before resuming.

"As I was saying. That last shot that got them the lead could have easily missed. And you keep telling me that Jason is this incredible defender but he runs straight into a screen at the most important moment of the game?"

Tucker argued back "Jason is a great defender. After getting hit with the screen he recovered and got that clutch block."

Jeff wagged his finger that was hanging out of his costume "No no no. If he was a good defender then he wouldn\'t have gotten hit with the screen in the first place.

And once again Jason got lucky. That block could have ended up as a foul. If he misses the ball by just a tiny bit and hits the offensive player then that\'s free throws.

The safer thing to do would be to just stick with your man and keep your hands up." Tucker face palmed "I feel like there\'s just no way to talk any sense into you."

Jeff looked at Tucker and then the camera "Jefferson looked completely gassed at the end of the game against Hill Crest.

I bet you that they lose their next game. There\'s just no way for them to win." Tucker smiled before taking another sip out of his cup "Alright, bet."

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