Stellar Transformations

Chapter 316 - Book 12

The clan leader of the Liu family had paid Qin Yu a visit, they’d wish to acquire his cooperation as an honoured guest to the family. There Qin Yu told the leader about his desire to go to the demon realm and wanted to copy of the Indigo Bay star map. The ancestor in charge of the map came forth and gave the map to Qin Yu, now the former wants something in return...


The ancestor in question was Liu Ming Han, who at this moment turned and gave the clan leader beside him, a knowing look. He turned back to face Qin Yu and wore an embarrassed smile, “This request...I will explain it. It’s true, Mister Qin, we do have a request. But to ask of such...could be preposterous.”

Qin Yu furrowed his brows, too much to ask?

If it is truly too much to ask, why bother mentioning it?

A glint flashed across his eyes, he knew why the former two would say it in such a way. He had already taken the goods from them, how could he refuse to help now? Qin Yu laughed dryly, “Mister Liu and Liu clan leader, I’m aware of my own powers. If I can help then I will, but let me be frank, if I cannot complete it, then it cannot be done.”

“Of course, that’s obvious.” The clan leader quickly replied.

“Yun Lu, just be frank about it now.” Ming Han gestured to the clan leader.

“Yes, great ancestor.” The fellow nodded, then asked, “This request is about the battle for control of the Teleportation Arrays. This contest or battle is held every once a century, in a decade, the same contest will be held once again. Mister Qin, please help us – Liu clan, claim control of the teleportation array.”

Lines of confusion was shown as Qin Yu frowned, “Speak clearly, what is this battle for control over the teleportation arrays?”

The clan leader hurriedly apologised, “My apologies, I said it in a rush. The situation is like this: each planet has multiple teleportation arrays, and just by controlling a teleportation array, the amount of low grade elemental (money) earned is a terrifyingly high number. Every century on Amber Moon, the three great families have to compete for control over these teleportation arrays. Only the triumphing family would have complete control over the arrays for the next century until the next contest.”

Qin Yu pondered and understood, “Hm, I understand. Now, I have a question for you too, how much financial power does the winning family get of the three families?” His question startled the clan leader enough that the fellow paused for a moment. “Liu clan leader, you do not have to answer my question, if you do not wish to. I know...this question is a little too insensitive and blunt.”

Ming Han gestured the clan leader to withdraw, “Don’t mind it at all. Allow me to answer. I see from Mister Qin’s question, you haven’t thought or cared that the clan would invest in gaining that money, right?”

An awkward smile played on his lips. “ is indeed as you say.”

Ming Han nodded, he already knew why Qin Yu asked such a question. “Mister Qin, all you see, on the outside, our clan is bountiful and splendid, but underlying such large clan money is needed. You do not see how much we spend to maintain the clan, the multiple guards, as well as the many honoured guests we’ve invited. This all amounts to a huge annual expenditure! So many low grade holy elemental stones, that it!” He sighed, but continued, “In terms of the family’s wealth; since the founding of the Liu clan, our revenue is only slightly above out expenditure each year. For example, when we invited Mister Qin as an honoured guest of the clan. It required one honoured guests’ token of authority, which is made and refined from precious ores worth ten thousand. Then there’s the Voice Transfer Talisman bead worth about a hundred thousand, but it is rarely found in the market, so another more secretive method of acquisition had to be used. That bumped the cost up to about three hundred thousand. And finally, the ten high grade holy elemental stones which costs at least ten thousand. This all adds up to several hundreds of thousands. There also the yearly payment to honoured guests for their own training...” Qin Yu at last comprehended the situation. Those several hundreds of thousands equate to several hundreds of thousands of low grade holy elemental stones.

“...And that is only one honoured guest. In our family, we have nine honoured guests, ten thousand immortal stage experts that have upkeep, and there are still tens of thousands of our disciples and children...Tell me, don’t think that expenditure is high?” Ming Han laughed in mock horror, “In the immortal plane, for anyone to earn holy elemental stones, you need can do it in two ways: one is by mining precious ores and cultivating precious spiritual herbs; the other method is by taking the toll of any interstellar trader as they come here via the teleportation array. The second method of controlling the teleportation array yields the greatest amount of revenue.”

Qin Yu was silent after the elder’s machine-gun reply. For a large clan: if they did not mine ores, herbs and others, did not engage in business and did not control the planet’s teleportation array. There wouldn’t be many people willing to give their services to that family for free, particularly those honoured guests. But the least of their worries, with no holy elemental stones, how can the disciples and children of the family get stronger fast? It’s impossible. Their training rate would be extremely slow. If the family was weaken like that then other external powers could easily overrun the family. Qin Yu agreed, “Seems that maintaining a large clan is really difficult.”

His own Qin Clan had absolute military and economic superiority, and also they were the royal clan in the past, so loyalty within its population is relatively high. There wouldn’t be much usurping powers arising from its territories. In this way, his Qin clan was the pinnacle of supremacy, as long as the status quo is maintained, there wouldn’t be a problem.

His family had it easy, because the competition wasn’t so fierce.

In the immortal plane, however, the families are large and more powerful. Not to mention the most powerful experts like Emperor Yu and those standing at the top of the Mystic Immortal Emperor stage. They would have to compete with other similarly powerful experts in the Devil and Demon realms. Similarly, smaller local powers like Liu clan have to compete with two other families on one planet. Qin Yu recovered from his thoughts, he looked up at Ming Han. “Mister Liu, please continue.”

Ming Han gave his consent through his look, “Mister Qin, you asked me how much assets our family has? I will tell you. As of present, our family has, in our storage, at best, one hundred million low grade holy elemental stones.”

A hundred million low grade ones? That’s about a hundred top grade stones.

“Take this scenario: if there wasn’t any revenue, this hundred million would only last our family for one hundred years. And do you know, how much revenue you would get from controlling the teleportation arrays for a hundred years?” Ming Han directed the question at Qin Yu. “This....I afraid I do not know.”

In fact, Qin Yu did not have the faintest idea how much inter-planetary teleportation tolls would cost, let alone how much the receiver of tolls would earn in a hundred years.

The asker’s eyes shone with visible light. “To use this planet’s teleportation array, the toll for the nearest planets is around four to ten low grade stones. Further out, it would be about a hundred, and the furthest one requires about a thousand.”

“Excuse me for a moment. Mister Liu, how far can this teleportation array allow transfers?”

The fellow laughed with mirth, his face betraying the seriousness of the situation. “How far will it allow transfers to and fro? The furthest distance in within the boundaries of the same galaxy, ha ha.”

Qin Yu was stunned. He knew the cost would be great, but not this great. There were ten galaxies within this Indigo Bay star field, just passing through this star field would cost ten thousand. So to go to the demon realm, it would cost hundreds of thousands, if not more than millions.

He looked towards Ming Han who was about to continue, “The daily revenue from travellers, coming and going through the teleportation, would amount to tens of thousands, which means that’s about ten million a year. So over a hundred years, that’s about one billion or so.” Ming Han sucked in a sharp breath. “Just winning over the control of the teleportation arrays for one hundred years is enough to let us be at ease for a few thousand years.” That one billion stones was enough to cover all costs for the Liu clan for a thousand years.

“I dare ask, Mister Liu, since the founding of your family, how many times have you controlled these...teleportation arrays?” Qin Yu probed.

The fellow’s eyes shifted nervous as if he was somewhat too embarrassed to answer. “How many times......Our Liu family has prevailed for a long time – at least few hundred thousand of years! In all our existence, we have gained control over the teleportation arrays......only once!”

“What!? Once, only once?”

Qin Yu was previously only mildly surprised, now his eyes shot open like giant meteors. “By the Gods! The Liu clan had been around for few hundred thousand years and they had tens of thousands of chances to compete. But of those numerous chances, they’d only gained control once...only once???” He couldn’t hide the shell-shocked expression from blossoming on his face, “And there still called one of the three ‘great’ families??”

He gaped at the elders, who were, indeed, quite embarrassed by that fact.

Ming Han avoided his eye contact, sighed and looked up again. “Mister Qin, could please not make fun of us...these things...I know...god!” Ming Han had a solemn look about him, but he explained nonetheless, “That one time when we gained control...that was about a hundred thousand years ago. All these years after, my Liu clan had become a huge family. We’ve tried to do business with minerals, ores and herbs...but alas, over the years, the valuable ores and minerals have depleted! In the later years, we have had this monetary problem weighing on us!”

The clan leader nodded solemnly as well, “That is exactly it......Mister Qin, as you know, you apprentice – Liu Han Shu, is a low level junior, but if it was a hundred thousand years ago, every child of the Liu clan would receive a yearly stipend of a low-grade holy elemental stone. However now, those elemental stones can only be given to those children who compete and win in the inner sect competitions. Only by gaining a suitable rank, will they get those stipends.”

The two had spoken with such bitter tone that Qin Yu had nothing much to say.

Silence –––––

A cold female voice broke that same stillness in his mind. “Master, these people are truly pitiful! Why do they wish to acquire so much people and yet do not have the wealth to support it???” It was a voice transfer via soul connection – soul communication.

Once he had heard Shuo Yan’s rebuke, a matter-of-fact smile touched his mind’s eye. For a clan, would they be willing to give up any people that comprise their superiority?

Qin Yu still had another question he wanted to ask, “Gentlemen, honestly speaking, I still cannot fully comprehend the problem. As said, does that mean your family is much less well off than the other two families? Since the controlling power is refreshed every century and you’ve only gained that control once so far.”

As to why he asked that....

A thought had come to mind. If the discrepancy between the three families’ wealth is many times larger than one – Liu’s, which means the other two would have incredible wealth. At that time......why not just ‘take’ the wealth away from the wealthy leaders. Just rob them. After all, what Qin Yu desires are top grade holy elemental stones. As for the golden immortal on this puny planet, they weren’t even on the same eye level as Qin Yu.

“Large discrepancy? No, no, we’re actually ranked second of the three great families, in terms of combined powers. The lowest is the Wang clan, of their entire existence, they hadn’t gotten control even once.” Ming Han explained.

His face stiffen at that revelation. “Do you mean that......the number one was always Yan clan? And that the control of the teleportation arrays has always been in their hands? That means their wealth and influence was heavens beyond yours?” He felt quite complicated knowing about this ordeal with the ‘Yan Clan’.

How many hundred years was that?

How much wealth was that??? Holy Sh*t.

If he’d just grab a few hundred top grade holy elemental stones, his usage of the sword immortal puppet wouldn’t be so stingy. He wouldn’t have to fear for overusing the energy stored in his top grade stones.

As long as he had enough top grade stones, then his sword immortal puppet would truly be immortal and ever-lasting! He had no doubt, after all, he knew about his puppet’s defence. He had never seen anything that could break or damage the puppet the slightest.

Ming Han confirmed, “Yes, all these years, the control of the teleportation arrays has always been in Yan clan’s hands.”

His eyes lit up with hidden glee, “Oh.....then tell me about this ordeal with the Yan clan.”

From behind Qin Yu, the two motionless attendants almost felt pity towards Yan Clan, “Woe to you, Yan Clan. You are in big trouble now.” The two had the same thought. As Qin Yu’s attendants, they knew about his sword immortal puppet, and could guess what their master had in mind.

Ming Han chuckled lightly, “That is something naturally said, an ordeal it is. If it weren’t for the Yan clan, our family would have already been in control of the teleportation arrays.” After a pause, Ming Han jovial mood lifted, and solemnly said, “The top expert of Yan clan is, presently, the great ancestor ‘Yan Gao’. He is a sword immortal, and a level 6 golden sword immortal.”

Qin Yu glanced at Ming Han, “Mister Liu, I must know, what level is your strength?”

Ming Han stuttered and said embarrassedly, “I....I’m...presently, at level 2 golden immortal stage. I cannot be compared to that Yan Gao.” The fellow looked somewhat dejected.

Qin Yu shook his head casually. That’s right, any sword immortal’s strength was already high, let alone a level 6 golden sword immortal. For Ming Han to compete against that, it was no wonder Liu clan could not gain control. But even so, a level 6 golden sword immortal was not impossible to tear down.

“Yan clan has only this one person – Yan Gao, who is very formidable. There is another golden immortal, but even I do not see much of a rivalling power in that one.” Ming Han said with confidence, “My only worry is with that Yan Gao, if we can solve that problem, then everything else would not be a problem.”

At this, Qin Yu frowned. His expression was an act, unbeknownst the other two.

The two only saw a frown on Qin Yu’s face, and felt uneasy.

“Gentlemen, you say you want me to help you seize control, but I ask you, how should I help you seize it? Just state your intentions clearly.”

Ming Han answered immediately, “There are two ways. The first is......after a decade, compete for us and win the contest. The contest is made up of three matches, once you’ve won twice, the contest is over.”

Murderous light flashed through Qin Yu’s eyes, “And....the other approach?”

With an equally murderous light, Ming Han exclaimed, “The other is to help us......kill Yan Gao!”

Ming Han spat that phrase out vehemently. It was obvious, the hatred runs deep in his bones.

The previously knitted brows relaxed, Qin Yu already had deduced thus far. Killing Yan Gao? He would gain a lot of top grade holy elemental stones from destroying the Yan clan!

“Heh....golden immortal, not to mention a sword immortal – the most powerful of immortal paths, and a level 6 golden immortal at that. This is very difficult......indeed very difficult!” Qin Yu exclaimed with reluctance, “At the very least, I have no way to beat it.”

“What? You really have no way to do it?” the two elders exclaimed, their hope was somewhat deflated.


Qin Yu pondered for a short while.

Ming Han was the first to recover, a rosy light blossomed from his face, “I remember Mister Qin mention your martial senior wished to go to the demon realm, right? Then would your martial senior be close to here, maybe on a planet in the Indigo Bay star field? Maybe....”

“No need to say any more, I know what you mean.” Qin Yu gestured with his right hand, and sighed, “My martial senior is very powerful, so killing a level 6 golden immortal is......a matter of fact.” A pair of bright smiles broke through that gloomy husk of a face of the two elders...

Only be frozen by Qin Yu’s bitter laugh, “I’m just a puny junior of the martial school. How much my word would be heard by my senior? With no reason whatsoever; to ask my senior to kill a level 6 golden immortal, I’m afraid offending him and being killed wouldn’t be a surprise.”

“Ah.....” Both elders frowned. Ming Han immediately added, “Is there really no way? Whatever the conditions, as long as it is within my family’s power, I will definitely do it.”

To Ming Han, even to give up all the wealth of his family – that one hundred million, it would pale to compare to being able to control over the teleportation array.

Qin Yu pretended to ponder seriously for a moment. He looked up, his eyes lit up like light bulbs and said, “Actually, there may be a way to persuade my martial uncle. You see, my martial uncle is actually undergoing refinement of treasures of mysterious content. He is in need of large quantities of top grade holy elemental stones. Only with the concentrated energy found in a top grade holy elemental stone, will he be able to train effectively. long as you provide enough top grade elemental stones, it could help persuade him. At that time, I will have to rely on my relationship with my martial uncle to help your case.”

He had led the duo around and around, and finally showed his true villainous intentions.

“Ah, top grade holy elemental stones?” the duo drew in a sharp breath, and simultaneously felt a lack of air in the surroundings.

The two elders could not help but sigh in praise. “Ah, to refine a hidden treasure using large quantities of top grade holy elemental stones. No wonder, no wonder, the man possessed incredible power!”

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