The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1372: Animal Instinct

Chapter 1372: Animal Instinct

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

There were currently two huge, conflicting forces inside the body of the Queen of Blades. The first was the power from the Protoss’ Keystone. This power originated from the mighty Xel’naga race and represented the supreme power of purification. It could erase all the mutations in a biological gene and restore it to the original state.

In fact, the Keystone was actually just a very common medical device for the Xel’naga race in their prime. It’s real name was the Concave Lens Filter, and it was somewhat similar to the X-ray machine or CT scan machine in the real world.

The reason the Xel’naga created the Terrans, Protoss and Zerg was to carry out various experiments on these experimental races in an effort to create the perfect life-form. Based on the various experimental data and results obtained from them, the Xel’naga would, in the end, decide on an optimal plan to apply to their own race, so as to extend their maximum life span.

The downside of doing so was that it could easily cause gene mutation, even making the genes break or collapse. That was where the Concave Lens Filter came in. This device could easily strip away all the extra genes injected through the experiments so as to restore the health of the dying Xel’naga.

This power of purification may be a life-saving measure for the Xel’naga, but for the Queen of Blades, it was something that would restore her body to its original weak state of a human Ghost! Such was the wicked revenge of the Protoss, and something the Queen of Blades absolutely did not want to see happen!

In the original plot, the Protoss’ scheme was successful in the end. The Queen of Blades was indeed deprived of the genes passed down to her by the “Overmind” and was turned back into a human being.

However, thanks to Sheyan’s intervention, the Queen of Blades had now obtained another power by chance. It was the power from the genetic inheritance of the long-annihilated male Zerg strain, which also originated from the Xel’naga race!

After acquiring this power, the Queen’s genes had actually become infinitely close to perfection, so she had enough asset and might to fight against the power of the Keystone. Of course, the fact that the Keystone – or rather, the Concave Lens Filter – collected by the Protoss was not complete must also be taken into account. Hence, when it was activated, the power generated was also incomplete. If it had been the complete Xel’naga artifact, there was no way the Queen could still put up a resistance no matter how perfect her gene was.

Sheyan could clearly see the Queen’s body turning fairer. She was becoming more and more like a sexy female human. However, he could also see large patches of purplish-red patterns either fading or spreading rapidly on her body, which showed that the power of the Keystone and the genetic power in her body were locked in a stubborn fight.

The Queen of Blades’ body was boiling hot. Even the breath coming out of her mouth felt like it was burning. This was obviously a result of her lust.

When the weird fluid of a male Zerg had been absorbed into her body, it seemed to have satisfied her needs, but a key point to note here was that the fluid was directly absorbed into her body without a certain vigorous, sweaty process which everyone understood....that was why the Queen was currently being dominated by her irresistible instinctive desire.

And under the mighty purification power of the Keystone, there was no doubt that her human instinct was prevailing at the moment, so she instinctively needed a strong man to satisfy her needs. All other conscious thoughts had gone out the window. She would likely only resist Sheyan instinctively if Sheyan somehow threatened her life – but with all those heroic Zerglings and heroic Hydralisks around, Sheyan certainly had no such intentions, not in the slightest.

The Queen of Blades was pretty tall. After being purified by the Keystone, she had become a typical blonde-haired, blue-eyed, curvy sex bomb.

Such a strong woman was now pressed against Sheyan’s body, naked! That was already seductive enough, but she was also vaguely saying things like “I need you” as well as using her mouth to suck and kiss Sheyan’s bare chest, even going so far as to bite him with her teeth! Despite the slight pain, Sheyan was strangely stimulated! The lust born in this way soon became unstoppable. Sheyan slowly felt like he was going to explode. He urgently needed a way to channel his desire!

Her firmness, her intricacy, her domineering attitude, her breathing, her softness, and of course her wild strength were all being pressed against Sheyan’s body, strongly engraving themselves in each of Sheyan’s senses. Sheyan could not stand it any more. With a low roar, took back the initiative, strongly thrusting his waist forward!

Both of them groaned with satisfaction at the same time....

The Queen of Blades’ thick lips were wide agape, and a string of unintelligible syllables were coming out of her throat. The feeling of her emptiness being filled in an instant made her dig her fingers deep into Sheyan’s back. Sheyan’s bulge was tightly wrapped in a hot dampness. He could not stop his desire to thrust forward, but the Queen held his waist, not letting him move.... Sheyan felt as if he was taming a wild horse. He was trying hard to ride the horse, but the strong horse was unwilling to be dominated, so it struggled non-stop, even trying to dominate Sheyan instead.

Sheyan had never experienced such a strange situation before. In his confusion, he even felt like he had transformed into a wild beast in heat that was being driven by instinct to engage in a frenzied mating ritual with a female beast. He had completely succumbed to his sensual desires, abandoning everything else. It was a feast of pure lust!

If Sheyan was not an MT and had a powerful digitised body, he would surely become a dry corpse after such an intense battle. But even so, he was still completely exhausted afterwards, falling into a half-asleep, half-unconscious state.


At the same time.

In the Lost Temple.

A large screen showed that the surrounding space region, which was originally empty, was now filled with a shocking amount of spaceships.

They were a combination of more than five Terran fleets, one of them an elite fleet. The Battlecruisers, representing the most formidable force in human space technology, numbered over 1400. The accompanying Valkyries and Wraiths were too numerous to count.

This contingent made up nearly one-third of the total military power of the humans!!

What’s more, even the Protoss had to admit that, due to human Battlecruisers possessing the powerful Yamato plasma cannons, the Protoss’ Carriers would be outmatched by the Battlecruisers in an organised battle. This point had been confirmed in the previous “March Conflict”.

Back then, 113 human Battlecruisers had faced 127 Protoss Carriers in a direct confrontation. Under the command of the leader of the human fleet, the Protoss’ Carrier fleet was heavily bombarded by the Yamato plasma cannons before the Carriers even got into shooting range. 21 Carriers were lost before the Carriers’ attacks could even graze the Battlecruisers!

When the Yamato plasma cannons finished reloading for the next round of attacks, victory was already decided. From then on, Protoss Carrier fleets would always be accompanied by an Arbiter, which represented the most advanced Protoss technology. The Arbiter’s instantaneous teleportation ability and stealth ability were able to protect the entire Carrier fleet.

However, the humans also had a method of dealing with this, and that was the powerful Science Vessel. With a single blast of its EMP Shockwave, the Science Vessel could instantly reduce the shield and energy that the Protoss were so proud of to nothing!

(TL: The Science Vessel is a Terran support spaceship –

Therefore, even though the Protoss dominated the humans on the ground thanks to the High Templars’ Psionic Storm, they were actually inferior to the humans in air combat.

More than a dozen Protoss elders were present. Their faces paled at the sight of the vast Terran fleet.

“What the hell are they trying to do? Do they want to violate the Andromeda Treaty?” one of the elders, a High Templar, said furiously.

The Andromeda Treaty was a temporary alliance treaty between the humans and the Protoss to join hands against the Zerg that had grown too powerful.

Another elder, a Dark Templar, remarked in a deep voice, “They claim that their chief military research expert has been unfairly treated on the Lost Temple planet, and is possibly facing great danger. Those bastards said that if the person dies, they will wage war against us regardless of the consequences! This is the information they transmitted.”

The information of a human was presented on the large screen. The face of a gruff-looking person who looked like a truck driver appeared in front of the Protoss elders. The person was none other than Pontin.

Pontin was actually a very self-loving man. Even Sheyan did not know that when Pontin had transmitted the data of the Monster of Calamity to the headquarters, he had only sent its firing distribution, comprehensive survivability data, combat power test results, and general structural information. He had held back the core driver assembly program, internal function connection nodes and other key information!

He was pretty much telling the haughty higher ups, I’ve managed to make an insanely powerful weapon. If you don’t believe me, you can check these statistics and data. Ask as many experts to analyse them as you want; you won’t find any flaws. But I’m the only one who knows how to make this thing. You know what to do.

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