The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 949: Growth

Chapter 949: Growth

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The bar, which used to be a bustling place, had become totally abandoned ever since its owner and guests were cut into pieces. More bizarre was the strange influence that the tragedy had on the nearby residents. Every pet around the area, down to the last animal, had run away after the incident.

All the residents would have the same dream at night. In their dreams, they were naked and tied to a cross. There were many horrible dark green thorns around them that would whip them bloody!

Under such circumstances, even the bravest dare not live there any longer. Every person who moved out would fall ill, but fortunately, life would return to normal after that. News soon spread and eventually, everyone chose to move away.

Therefore, almost no one saw the Cardinal when he arrived. There was only an old drunkard who was a local inhabitant here. What he feared most was not any nightmare, but having no money to buy alcohol. Because the other people moved away in a hurry, they left a lot of cumbersome stuff behind. Those things provided money for the old man to buy drinks.

When the old man heard the noise, he initially rushed over in a fit of anger because he thought that a thief had invaded his "territory" and wanted to take away the properties that belonged to him, but his attention was quickly grabbed by the Cardinal\'s attire. It took a while for him to realise that the priest robe actually grew out of the Cardinal\'s body. Even if his brain had been dulled by all the alcohol he had consumed, such a bizarre scene still instilled fear in him.

He naturally tried to run away, but the Cardinal had long discovered him and would never give him the chance.

With a point of the Cardinal\'s finger, the old man was quickly lifted off the ground as if he floated up by himself. He screamed and kicked, causing a bottle of Chivas to fall out of his trouser\'s pocket. The bottle of Chivas crashed to the ground and the sweet alcoholic aroma instantly permeated through the air. The loss of the love of his life caused the old drunkard to swear profusely at the Cardinal.

The Cardinal\'s eyes turned cold.

"You lowly human. How dare you blaspheme the glory of God?"

With a wave of his hand, the old man\'s voice instantly stopped. His whole body suddenly… separated. Yes, separated, not exploded. The gentle manner in which his body broke apart was hard to describe; it was the same way that meat would fall off from a bone piece by piece when it was boiled. The scene exuded a calm cruelty!

After a few seconds, the old man was completely broken apart. His hair, skin, flesh and bones were neatly separated and hung in the air. As for the blood, they gathered in front of the Cardinal in the form of a basketball-sized sphere.

With another wave of the Cardinal\'s hand, the rest of the remnants fell to the ground. Meanwhile, the basketball-sized blood sphere spread in front of the Cardinal to form a horrifying translucent blood mirror!

Through the blood mirror, the Cardinal saw everything that had happened here with cold, indifferent eyes…… A large number of people flocked toward the exit, but there seemed to be a transparent barrier that blocked all of them. The people screamed hysterically but it was to no avail. Next came Togo with his deformed arm, laughing and wantonly massacring, splitting the bodies into parts.

The Cardinal moved forward. He was indifferent to these tragic scenes. The blood mirror moved together with him. They finally stopped in the middle of the dance floor. The bone words that had crumbled into ashes once again appeared in his vision. The Cardinal couldn\'t help but mutter:

"Such beautiful madness! Such refreshing evil!"

Then, the Cardinal went over to the place where the bone words were and took a deep breath. The breath he inhaled seemed like it would never end. The force was so strong that a violent wind blew through the entire gloomy underground space. Not only did the wind scatter lightweight things such as paper and plastic bags, it even threw heavier things like wine bottles around the place!

After that, the Cardinal\'s hands glowed bright. The sound of hymns and gospels mysteriously rose in the surrounding. A slight disturbance could be felt from the floor. Then, a symbol which gave off a sacred feeling slowly emerged.

The symbol represented one of the seven deadly sins: Pride!

If one were to look carefully, they would see that the symbol did not appear out of thin air, but was formed from a small joint of bone from a pinky finger!

The Cardinal pinched the finger bone between his thumb and forefinger, then slowly exclaimed in a tone full of praises:

"Welcome back, my children, my servants, my weapons……"

Then, the Cardinal opened his mouth and swallowed the bone!


"I repeat, I don\'t have any interest in superficial things like awards, honorary citizenships, certificates or medals!"

The voice belonged to Sheyan. He was telling this to a beautiful curvy woman in no uncertain terms.

The smile on the face of this beautiful lady was obviously a bit forced because few people would say no to her. Unfortunately, in her dealing with this guy in front of her, she was probably rejected more times than she had been rejected in her whole life.

The topic of conversation between her and Sheyan mainly revolved around Sheyan\'s crotch……or rather, the object 50 cm above Sheyan\'s crotch.

Sheyan was currently swinging a keychain back and forth in that spot. On the end of the keychain was an old and ordinary-looking bell. Few people knew that inside the bell lay the Galaxy which could bring about the destruction of planet Earth. A few men were monitoring this scene with heavy breaths through a surveillance camera. They completely ignored the deep cleavage and alluring curves of the woman and had their eyes firmly glued to the bell.

"No doubt about it. That\'s the Galaxy that the Arquillians want."

"Now that we\'ve confirmed our target, what are you guys waiting for, then? Bring in the anti-riot police complete with shields, anesthetic guns and batons! Why are you negotiating with him? This is no time for righteousness!"

"He\'s not an ordinary person, sir. According to the information we\'ve collected, he could destroy the Galaxy with his bare hands in a mere 0.2 seconds and kill at least five guards afterwards. We may not even be able to restrain him. We suspect that he may be another kind of highly-advanced alien exosuit."

"Godammit! The Arquillians promised to give us another week after they saw the corpse of their prince\'s murderer, but we can\'t waste time! Get that thing at all costs!"

"I\'m agree with you, sir, but his asking price is hard for us to accept. He\'s asking for the blueprint of the latest technology of our energy pulse gun! And he would only accept the kind that can be customised to fire in rapid succession!"

(TL: Probably this gun -

"My God, how did he find out about our latest technology? The Pisces aliens only sold the most crucial pulse coil technology to us five months ago!"


Sheyan quite enjoyed the sensation of being in control, so much so that he ignored Jinkuang\'s pleas to act in his place. He leisurely leaned on the lounge chair and stared into the eyes of the hot blonde in front of him while shaking his head firmly, saying:

"It\'s a \'no\', Miss Spence. Even if you ask me ten more times, I\'ll give the same answer eleven times. I\'m not American, so I have no sense of belonging and responsibility to the great United States of America. I urgently need some substantial rewards to make up for the loss of the Galaxy, otherwise I\'d rather destroy it with my own hands - by the way, please pour me another cup of coffee, with milk and honey, hot, thank you. "

After all the attempts of the MIB ended in failure in front of Sheyan, they finally gave in to Sheyan\'s tyranny. They handed Sheyan a one-time use customisation blueprint.

After customisation, an energy casing module that could be disassembled at will could be installed on a firearm. The firearm\'s shots would gain a similar effect to the special pulse guns of the MIB.

Because this shooting module was the latest technology, it could fire twice in rapid succession before entering a long charging phase. Considering the destructive power of the MIB\'s pulse weapons, being able to fire twice in a row made for a very formidable attack - although it would need to recharge for at least half an hour after that. If only one shot was fired, the energy would recover in just 10 minutes.

Sheyan could actually get more than this with the Galaxy as the trade chip, such as the large pulse guns used by the MIB, but they would be marked as things that "could not be brought out of this world". Sheyan thus realised that there was a limit to how much he could extort with the Galaxy. If this limit was exceeded, the things he got in exchange would not be allowed to be brought out of this world.

Sheyan was not in a hurry to complete the transaction. He shamelessly continued to stay in the MIB\'s headquarters to wait until the next Blood Sensing was over. Sheyan had learned from his mistake; this time, he stuck to Agent Z like glue. Thus, he safely survived the Blood Sensing without much suspense.

The decision of Sheyan and Aziz to steer clear of the Blood Sensing for the sake of safety did let them avoid a chaotic battle. However, unbeknownst to them, it also gave the Cardinal ample time to grow stronger. By this time, the Cardinal had gathered the power of all seven deadly sins. As soon as Sheyan and Aziz made their appearance, they would immediately meet with unprecedented horrors!

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