The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 947: Restrain

Chapter 947: Restrain

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The strange ball of light thrown by the Cardinal seemed to be a single object, but it was actually comprised of energy in the form of countless needles. Upon closer inspection, it could be seen that each needle was formed of a string of spiritual words!

Two seconds after coming into contact with the ball of light, Sheyan could already feel his whole abdomen turn cold as if it was poked by seven or eight sharp needles at the same time, causing him severe pain. Each second the ball of light touched him, he would be attacked a few times!

Not only did the needle-like energies hurt him physically, they even touched his soul and penetrated deep into his senses, causing extra damage. Every time he felt the pain, a line of prayer would be shoved into his mind!

"Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name…"

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven……"

"Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil……"

"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen……"

These prayers were extremely overbearing. After invading Sheyan\'s mind, they stubbornly refused to dissipate. They completely confined his thinking and subverted his thoughts. Sheyan was originally thinking of ways to counterattack and ways to bring them out of this difficult situation, but these prayers kept crashing about in his mind like corrosive maggots, tearing Sheyan\'s thoughts into pieces!

In the words of Buddhism, this kind of attack was referred to as cognitive hindrances; in Confucianism, it was called distracting thoughts! Distracting thoughts that can only be severed by the sword of wisdom!

The most powerful aspect with this kind of attack was that the more complex a person\'s mind was, and the faster one\'s thought process, the more effective the attack would be. Simple-minded people would find this kind of attack to be pretty useless…

After Sheyan was hit by the attack, his eyes fell into a daze. Exploding sounds similar to firecrackers going off were emitted throughout his body. The force from the explosions forced him to stumble back by a few steps. In this short duration, he had suffered dozens of attacks!

The confused look in Sheyan\'s eyes only receded after the attack had subsided for more than ten seconds. The power of the spiritual attack gradually drifted away and his mind slowly regained its clarity. Aziz rushed towards him, grabbed his sleeve and growled through gritted teeth:

"We\'re no match for him! Run!"

But at that moment, the Cardinal had successfully gathered his power once again. He looked at them with a sneer and directed his palm towards them! Another spiritual word ball of light flew over!

Aziz\'s pupils contracted. When he realised that Sheyan wouldn\'t budge, he immediately turned and fled. However, Sheyan merely stood there and laughed. He inexplicably spread his arms and took the initiative to embrace the ball of light!

The harsh exploding noises could be heard once again. The explosions kept forcing Sheyan back amidst his hysterical laughter, but Aziz, who had ran dozens of meters away, was shocked to find that even though Sheyan\'s chest and abdomen were charred black and his clothes were completely ruined, Sheyan showed no signs of being in pain. He didn\'t even bleed!

After the attack ended, it appeared as if the damage from the spiritual words were insignificant to him! He had instantly bent his body and charged at the Cardinal!

It didn\'t matter how much distracting thoughts were born or how wildly the spiritual words crashed in his brain, Sheyan used his willpower to focus on a single thought and anchored his mind down! His mind was as immovable as a reef standing tall in the midst of a raging tide!

\'Hornrage\', activate!

The Cardinal\'s pupils contracted. Anyone could see by now that the skill he was so proud of, the \'Ball of Spiritual Words\', was completely ineffective against Sheyan! The \'Ball of Spiritual Words\' was supposed to be a devastating attack with each ball containing almost 70 holy lines, and each holy line could cause about 30 points of true damage! In addition, it contained effects of intimidate, command, and confusion!

No matter how you look at it, it was a top class offensive skill. Unfortunately, \'Stronghold\', the innate talent of the freak called Sheyan, completely restrained it!

The collision left the Cardinal stunned. Aziz was initially running forward, but when he noticed that there was an opportunity behind him, he immediately executed an elaborate backflip and launched a furious counterattack against the Cardinal.

His shot hit the Cardinal squarely on the head, shrouding the Cardinal\'s head in thick smoke and angry flame. A dark green brilliance exuded out from Sheyan\'s pair of unspectacular gray gloves. The mechanical joints of the boxing gloves began to rotate at a high speed. The force they generated were so great that the crimson meat floor under Sheyan was torn apart, causing a strange liquid to spray out.

The Cardinal roared furiously and was about to fight back, but he was greeted with Sheyan\'s fist on his chin. His whole body was involuntarily flung into the air.


By this time, Aziz had been aiming for 4 seconds. For a sharpshooter like him, being able to aim for four seconds was a luxury! Aziz had once again used an ability that needed time to charge and needed his pre-judgment in order to hit, so he had to wait for an opportunity where it was impossible for the enemy to evade his shot before he could pull the trigger.

A deafening gunshot rang out. The terrifying sound seemed to make the whole world shake. The next second, the Cardinal who was sent up into the air by the \'Uppercut\' emitted a painful scream. He was shot beneath his left armpit and a large amount of blood gushed out like a fountain!

It must be noted that there was an area under the Cardinal\'s armpit where the flesh was exposed to the air completely devoid of protection. It could be said to one of his major weaknesses. After being attacked by Aziz, the area immediately burst into a huge wound. The wound was so big that they could see the organs moving inside. The Cardinal\'s left hand hung limply at the side, and it seemed that its function was also affected.

Sheyan did not stop there, of course! The joints on his glove rotated at a high speed again, even spewing out black smoke like a heavy truck that was on full throttle. His hands clenched onto the right foot of the Cardinal and proceeded to throw the Cardinal towards the meat wall.

\'Tactical Throw\'!

The Cardinal, who had completely lost his balance, crashed into the meat wall. The elastic meat wall bounced him back at Sheyan. Sheyan currently had his eyes closed and his whole body seemed to be immersed in darkness. Behind him was a horrifying projection of the \'Stairway of the Sun\'. It was over five meters tall, and gave off the feeling that it could cover the sky!

In an instant, three black tendrils of the \'Stairway of the Sun\' intertwined together and rotated at a high speed, then pierced into the Cardinal\'s left armpit like a violent drill bit!!!!

\'Beast of Corrosion\'!

Amidst the Cardinal\'s anguished screams, his left hand was completely severed! A fountain of blood shot straight up into the air! Under this situation, the Cardinal actually tried to save his broken arm. A dark cyan vein flew out from his right wrist and coiled around the severed limb like a snake.

At the same time, the projection of the \'Stairway of the Sun\' had also extended forth three tendrils to wrap around the broken limb. Both sides started to wrestle for control. Unfortunately for the Cardinal, his vein was cruelly severed by Aziz with a shot one second later. After \'Stairway of the Sun\' succeeded in snatching the limb, it turned into the form of a giant shark and chomped down on the severed hand whole. It chewed on the hand, causing blood to splash everywhere, then swallowed the hand into its belly.

The Cardinal issued a tragic scream. From the wound where his hand was severed shot out a large amount of twisting cyan-coloured blood veins, seemingly in an attempt to re-form the broken limb. However, the attempt ended in failure. The sound of gunshots had never stopped all this while as Aziz ruthlessly, coldly and steadily chip away at the life of the Cardinal.

But at this moment, an odd figure rushed out - it was the person with the huge deformed mantis-like arm, Togo! He shielded the Cardinal and shouted:

"Master! You don\'t have to get caught up with them here! Retrieve your weapon first, then let them tremble under the glory of God!"

When the Cardinal heard what Togo said, he was visibly shaken. What happened next was the very thing that Sheyan and Aziz were most afraid of - he actually turned and fled!!!

Sheyan was so disappointed and anxious that he started hurling abuse at the Cardinal:

"You fucking idiot! Where\'s your honour? Are you running away like a little girl?"

The Cardinal turned a deaf ear to him and instantly disappeared from view from the tunnel in the meat wall. Togo used his deformed mantis arm to block a series of attack from Aziz. He revealed rows of black rotten teeth as he smiled sinisterly. After that, he tried to flee. Sheyan stared at him and spat out the words:

"You think you can still run away?"

Sheyan was currently covered in spots of blood and fraught with wounds. A black cloud hovered over his body as if it was paying respect to him. Togo sneered and was about to escape, but at this critical moment, he suddenly frowned and held his chest. His body started to violently twitch!

A-Virus: Chest pain attack!

Three seconds was enough for Aziz to release two shots. Togo did not have the Cardinal\'s exceptional perception or dodging ability, so he could only grit his teeth and endure those shots. But were Aziz\'s shots so easy to endure?

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