The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 569: Deformed Thickshell

Chapter 569: Deformed Thickshell

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Everyone was aware that in deeper waters, water pressure would increasingly multiply. Nanuke had smeared a secret medicine concocted with occult magic onto the ‘Whalerib Harpoon’.

That secret medicine was incredibly venomous. Once it assimilates into the bloodstream of an organism, nothing would happen around the water surface to prevent it from inadvertently alarming the enemy. However, once the water pressure multiplied greatly underwater, the toxin would cause internal rupture and squeeze blood out of the victim’s body. The stronger the water pressure, the swifter the speed of blood expulsion!

If the legendary creature wanted to preserve its life, it had to float back up the water surface. Otherwise, it would bleed out even without fighting against its foe.

Watching as the Chupacabra submerged into the abyss, the blind old man was finally summoned. His brandy reddened nose throbbed before he quickly pointed towards the west.

In the field of sensing legendary creatures, this old man could claim the highest authority. Even the likes of Nanuke and Shawen had to play second fiddle! Especially for legendary creatures that were injured, they practically propelled the accuracy of the blind old man’s ‘sonar orientation’ by ten folds.

(TN: The old blind man joined in ch 553 or v8ch77)

"150 metres west, nine knots at a depth of 130 metres."

After the blind old man reported his statistics, he returned to his cabin and hugged a bottle of rum as he fell into a drunken slumber.

At present, the Dingyuan’s bow was faced to the east. One could tell how crafty this Chupacabra was; when it submerged back into the sea, it clearly slithered towards the east. Instead, after evading the watchful gazes of the pirates, it slyly swam back to the Dingyuan and under it before escaping towards the west. Thus, it planned to avoid Sheyan’s pirate crew by going beneath their own asses!

Actually, this tactic didn’t differ much from some human tactics.

Upon receiving the blind man’s instructions, Philip released a list of commands. Then, the Dingyuan carved an extremely stable crescent arc along the surface. Such a stable sensation was essentially comparable to a farmer towing deep into the soul with a hoe. When the ship’s bow was finally steered towards the correct direction, the onlooker above immediately yelled out.

"Argghhh, I see blood floatin’ ahead!"

"Coordinates of xxx, xxx."

By now, Redbeard was waving a red flag which signalled silent orders. Four immensely destructive high-angled cannons spat out fiery flames, as four cannonballs resulted in three splashing pillars. Without a doubt, they final cannonball had successfully struck the target.

Even a legendary creature with thick skin would succumb to the direct bombardment of heavy cannons that could even sink ships. Blood dyed the surrounding seawaters as the Chupacabra suffered yet another severe blow. It couldn’t retreat into the depths of the deep sea, and could only consign to its fate of fleeing along the sea surface. Despite that, it would still eventually bleed out.

Furthermore, the inexhaustible Dingyuan was hot on its heel; an artificial monstrosity whose resistance could surmount 3,000 nautical miles!

Thus, the outcome was naturally needless to elaborate.

The Dingyuan unhurriedly pestered it and finally delivered a final ‘Whale rib Harpoon’ to obliterate its brains after the Chupacabra almost bled out. In the end, thirty plus pirates jumped overboard, exclaiming loudly as they slowly utilized ropes to haul this unfortunate gigantic beast out from the water.

Next, Sheyan produced that Baladine Bloodsail in its black iron rod form, and drilled it into the Chupacabra’s convulsing head. Only after a long while, did he retract it.

Although the sunlight was scorching, the surrounding pirates could all feel the chilling energies seeping out from that iron rod; causing them to stagger backwards reflexively.

Vividly seen now, at the bottom of the initially pure black iron rod, a fingernail sized queer bloodstain had emerged.

According to Shawen, once the bloodstains extended towards the center of the Iron rod, it would signify that the human vengeful spirits and the legendary creature spirits were in equilibrium. Thus, it would create a dynamic lift that could utterly exterminate the deadweight of the Dingyuan!

Presently, Sheyan had slain three legendary creatures and had already obtained definite results. When placing the Baladine Bloodsail atop the keel, Sheyan realized that the speed decline of 30% had waned to 28%.

Nevertheless, Shawen had informed Sheyan the consumption legendary creature spirits could increase at the latter stages. For example, though three Chupacabras could alleviate the speed decline from 30% to 28%, the same amount absolutely couldn’t cause the speed decline to change from 28% to 26%.

This was akin to compressing a spring. At the initial stages, compressing it would be a breeze. However, when nearing the limitations, one would have to expend tremendous strength to press even a centimetre further.

The corpse of the dead Chupacabra was first placed onto the ship’s deck. After the ‘Deep Sea Giant Tendons’ had assimilated into the Dingyuan, the ship could now automatically absorb the flesh and spirit energies of deceased sea creatures; utilizing them to replenish the regeneration capabilities of the ship. The black vasculars on the ship squirmed incessantly as the legendary creature was rapidly reduced into an eerie white skeleton.

Following that, Sheyan’s crew continued hunting for legendary creatures around this sea territory.

However, they quickly encountered a sticky predicament - though they now possessed the adequate prowess to hunt these creatures, they couldn’t find sufficient amounts of legendary creatures to slay.

Bear this in mind, the population of legendary creatures like the Chupacabra was not aplenty.

The other legendary creatures were like lions. Apart from mating season, they would look for a conducive location to dwell in solitary; not permitting other legendary creatures to exist near them.

Therefore, after hunting down a ginormous Elegant Hawksbill Turtle and another ferocious Straight-tooth Killer Whale, Nanuke and the blind old man could only express their apologies; they had already hunted down all the legendary creatures within this several thousand miles radius.

Frankly speaking, it was said the closest sighting of legendary creatures here was the mermaids along with an old monstrosity who lived for over a century. However, Sheyan’s current battle strength was definitely not sufficient to go against them.

Although the mermaids weren’t physically formidable, their lullabies were any sailor’s nightmare. Without a priest who could cast mental immunity techniques, it wouldn’t be wise to even hunt for ordinary mermaids. Don’t even mention those of the legendary tiers.

Nonetheless, the trio had reaped quite a handful of benefits from this hunt.

Firstly, the trio obtained the title ‘Fearless’ - [ Equipping that title would provide an additional 5% HP bonus ].

Secondly, those five legendary creatures had yielded two silver storyline grade equipments, a horcrux and three black grade equipments; which could somewhat count as a worthy value.

Of the two silver storyline grade equipments, one was a non-combat usage glove. Its property was peculiar which was to increase 5 points of forging capability pertaining to the HP properties. That equipment would be exceedingly useful for Reef and was given to him.

The other silver storyline grade equipment was given to Sheyan. Its attributes were as follows:

[ Deformed Thickshell (Gloves) ]

[ Origin: Any world with the Earth and ocean ]

[ Equipment rarity: Silver Storyline grade ]

[ Durability: 80/80 ]

[ Equipment position: Hands ]

[ Materials: Chitin, spirit energy from the ocean ]

[ Addons: Gem slot ]

[ Optimal environment: Ocean ]

[ Weakest environment: Any desolated dryland ]

[ Weight: 111 g ]

[ Equipment usage requirements: Strength / Agility / Physique 20 points ]

[ Durability enhanced property: Swimming speed in water increased by 15% ]

[ Ability: Tidal Shock (passive) - During close combat with an enemy, there is a chance of drawing in moisture in the air to unleash an attack. Damage (50 - 130 points) dealt varies between different environment. Consecutively, an air bubble will form around the enemy, suffocating and reducing the enemy’s movement speed by 80% until the air bubble breaks. Air bubble HP equals to the damage dealt by ‘Tidal Shock’ ]

[ Glove passive ability: Deft lvl 4 - In combat state, chances of a perfect block (resisting opponent’s damage without dropping HP) will increase overtime. Every second results in a 1% increase chance of a perfect block, can be stacked till 50% ]

[ Details: After executing a perfect block, the increased percentage of executing will disappear and the counter will be reset ]

[ Details: After executing a perfect block, the durability of the glove will drop substantially ]

[ Property: Movement speed declines by 4% ]

[ Property: When wielder is inside water, explosive strike rate is increased by 4%. When user is in other environments, explosive strike rate decreases by 2% ]

[ Description: These shell fragments have been hardening for over a century on the Hawksbill Turtle. When contesting for prey, the Hawksbill Turtle is fond of employing its shell to welcome the enemy’s attack. This explains the deformed state of the shell fragments. There is no cause for doubt with regards to its firmness, and would still exhibit incredibly powerful usefulness even after being extracted from its tremendous frame ]

As for the other three black grade equipments, they either belonged to mage categories or held no usefulness to the trio. Hence, they straightforwardly offered it as sacrifice to Odin, in hopes they could evolve the evaluation of their ‘Flesh Explosion’ ability to S rank. However, the utility and potential points expenditure had also left them stupefied.

In the end, only Sheyan managed to raise his ‘Flesh Explosion’ to level 2; raising the additional true damages range from 5-15 to 7-18. Unfortunately for Brother Black and Reef, theirs didn’t succeed. Yet their only consolation was the utility points and potential points would remain in effect, and they merely had to sacrifice an additional equipment for another try.

To satisfy Shawen’s request, Sheyan could only make a trip back to Tortuga. After all, that place was still considered as the pirates’ capital. Even though the defeat of Chevalle’s pirate fleet had caused Tortuga’s economy to slump a little, the shipyards here remained second to none.

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