The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 488: Enrolment

Chapter 488: Enrolment

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

The marine Midshipman’s face was filled with blood, and appeared extremely miserable. Facing the harsh criticism from Sheyan, he snarled with a venomous gaze.

"You vile heretic! We will never compromise with you. You’ll end up nailed to a cross with ravens feasting on you; you wretched slaughterer!"

Sheyan sneered in response. At this instant, clamorous yells, curses and brawls could be heard from other regions of the ship’s hold; along with violent rumbles of gunfire. Very quickly, the ship’s deck was once again dyed red with sprinkles of blood, as droplets overflowed out from the edges and dripped into the sea. Initially, large blood patches could be seen, but gradually it spread metres out before dissolving into the sea!

Almost instantaneously, this insurrection was once again vanquished. Amongst the remaining marines, approximately fifty were still alive. Their faces revealed numbed and grievous expressions, but their hands were bundled up behind their heads.

Sheyan sauntered out of the ship’s hold with an icy grim countenance. When he arrived, his first command was -

"Seize their officers and bring them to me!"

In present times, the hierarchy of the marines were distinct and strict. Their uniform itself was enough to differentiate their ranks. The pirates instantly swung into action. Canbi hauled at least eight marine officers ranked Midshipmen or above. Arranging them into one row, he bound them tightly to the side of the ship.

Before their captives, Sheyan pulled out a marine before stuffing a blunt kitchen knife into his hand. Then, he ordered seriously.

"Go on, give your senior officers a stab."

That marine’s hands were shivering violently, but his eyes maintained a deep animosity. Howling loudly, he flicked the kitchen knife around towards Sheyan’s neck.

Sheyan’s punch immediately pounded against his face, leaving that marine sprawling onto the deck. Then, a stomp crushed down heavily! Like tangerines squashed by a rolling tyre, blood oozed out profusely from the marine. His chest had completely collapsed inward!

No doubt, his life was lost. Such a cruel scene; don’t even mention the british marines, even the savage pirates had their voices stolen by fear as cold perspiration secreted from their backs.

Following that, Sheyan picked up the blood dyed kitchen knife, and casually gripped out another marine. He maintained a casual tone, a tone one would ask someone if they’ve eaten yet.

"Go on, give your senior officers a stab."

That marine’s jaw dropped. Step by step, he staggered towards a marine Sub-lieutenant. That Sub-lieutenant shut his eyes bluntly. Instead, the knees of the approaching marine suddenly knelt to the ground. Covering his face, he cried bitterly.

"No, I can’t!!!"

Sheyan apathetically pulled out ‘Ambition’, and fired off after aiming at the back of his head! Then, he callously declared while basked in this blood reeked atmosphere.


By now, everyone understood what Sheyan was trying to do. Those tied up marine officers were struggling vehemently, as they unleashed torrents of vile profanities. Even the normal marines started an uproar. However, such an uproar was instantly appeased by three consecutive exploding heads, a move credited to Mogensha.

Sheyan then spoke indifferently.

"My esteemed sirs. I’ve tried my utmost to cordially ensure your human rights, even though you are my captives. Yet, you repaid my leniency and benevolence, by seeking to fry my body and crush my bones. Fine then, I admit, I am truly a scum would holds a spirit of deep vengeance. Moreover, since my tolerance is minute, then you shall be repaid with the most cruel of methods!"

Very swiftly, a third marine captive was dispatched over, clutching onto a blood dyed kitchen knife. Learning from his earlier two predecessors, his movements were swifter. Yet before he acted, he swung his head towards Sheyan with utter fear, as he stammered.

"Sir, I retain only one question, just one. Will you give me the opportunity to finish my question, sir?"

Sheyan reached his hand and gestured him to speak.

That captive continued.

"Have I no choice but to leave a deep stab in Sub-lieutenant Philip that you designated? Or it wouldn’t matter if I stab anyone else of the 7 officers? This is very crucial to me, because once I stab Sir Philip, the guilt will prevent me from sleeping for months. But if you allow me to freely choose my target, then I can carry on living with a clear conscience."

Sheyan replied insipidly.

"You have the jurisdiction to freely choose, mister."

That captive bowed and replied.

"I am grateful for this authority, sir."

The captive then walked towards the fattest Sub-lieutenant, before he very agilely stabbed the kitchen knife into his belly. Amidst the agonizing wails of the fat Sub-lieutenant, the marine continued stirring the knife as though he hadn\'t fully expressed himself, before finally pulling the knife out. Then, he marched back to Sheyan and handed the knife over.

By this point, Sheyan had already drew a stool over, as he sat in menacing fashion. Then, he bluntly proclaimed.

"Welcome ye pirate, my murderer sir."

That captive released a gasp, but silently stepped behind the menacing looking Canbi. Yes, he had personally stabbed his senior officer. To a lowly marine without any backing, a stab was akin to paramount violation of english law. What awaited him would be the hanging gallows or a life of imprisonment.

Hence in reality, apart from becoming a pirate, he had no other options to preserve his life.

"Next." Sheyan’s callous voice resounded once again.

This ‘enrollment’ ceremony very quickly went underway. When it reached the last three marines, those three sluggish and numbed marines had unanimously stepped forward to stab their former senior officers.

Of course, it wasn’t that nobody stubbornly resisted, but the consequence of those that resisted was death! What surprised Sheyan was that amongst the 8 marine officers, one was still fully intact. Indeed, it was that Sub-lieutenant Philip. None of the marines had acted against him. That itself, signified the elevated reputation he held.

Facing such a situation, Sheyan very bluntly chopped the ropes tying up Sub-lieutenant Philip. Then, he stashed the bloodied kitchen knife into his hand as he voiced grimly.

"If you wish to die, then carve your neck with this knife. If you wish to live, then carved the necks of those seven others!"

The stunned Philip stood rooted to the ground, before he casted a sneer and penetrative glare at Sheyan. Presumably, his next step would be to carve out his own neck. Sheyan coldly warned.

"Sub-lieutenant, If I haven’t guessed wrong, your reputation is remarkable amongst these marines. Therefore, even if you don’t desire to live on, you should still consider for them."

Already prepared for his death, Philip suddenly swung round. Forcing open his dried and cracked lips with great difficulty, he suspiciously asked.

"What is the meaning behind your words?"

Sheyan answered coldly.

"You are an intelligent individual. Let’s cut the empty talk. My crew his lacking members right now. Therefore, I will surely employ your marines, who are dyed with their comrade’s blood, to charge the front. Without you leading them, let me see, how long would a group of loose scums last in battle? Even if you can forsake life, can you neglect the respect and adoration your marines have for you?"

Philip’s gaze instantly turned incisive, as he gripped Sheyan’s collar fiercy and fumed.

"You devil’s spawn, I was only trying to escape, I didn’t participate in frying this ship!!!"

His conduct instantly tensed up the entire situation. Except, Sheyan slowly pinched away his fingers, one at a time. Then, he stared into his eyes while speaking one word at a time.

"I initially tried to be chivalrous, but who knew you bunch of scum would attempt to repay my kindness my frying my bones. Aye, I acknowledge my earlier undertakings as foolish. Therefore now, I will amend this bad habit of mine."

The usually eloquent Philips could only glare into Sheyan’s eye, but failed to mutter a single word!! He clenched his fist tightly, till his skin turned white and his teeth emitted chattering trembles. After a long while, this male then gradually tilted his head down, before squeezing out the words between his teeth.

"Fine! I’ll do it."

With one swipe, Philips snatched the knife out of Sheyan’s hand. Without spouting any unnecessary words, he silently slashed the necks of his comrades who were already struggling whilst at death’s door. Then, he bowed humbly, and handed the knife back to Sheyan; explicitly demonstrating his attitude.

Between life or death, between the test of camaraderie or loyalty; indeed, not many would be able to surmount such a test! Though Sheyan’s charm was horrendous, his methods stabbed deep into one’s heart; utilizing circumstances, morals and reasonings to persuade men to yield.

After contemplating slightly, Sheyan then decided to segregate the 40 plus marines amongst the pirates. As of now, his combined combat ready forces soared to roughly 120 men (those who can fight, if factoring in the injured, would be 150). Sheyan himself would lead 60 of them, while the reputable Canbi amongst the pirate would lead 30. Lastly, Philip who had been eyed by Sheyan, was appointed the heavy responsibility of leading 30 men.

After the dust of the upheaval settled, Sheyan once again postponed his intentions in committing to battle. At least, that will only happen after Philip and Canbi could familiarize themselves with their subordinates. Meanwhile, the pirates flung the corpses into the sea, and proceeded to clean the deck fully.

While the pirates were shifting the corpses, Sheyan suddenly noticed a peculiar glimmer flickering within the uniform pocket of one of the midshipmen who had been stabbed to death by his own marines. That glow resembled the same category as the earlier bowsprit. Raising his head to inspect, he instantly received a list of notification.

[ You discovered a corpse that appears to possess the forces of witchcraft. ]

[ Do you wish to activate your authority as Pirate Captain to engage in plundering? ]

[ You discovered an enchanted artifact: Brass Spyglass*. ]

(TN: Spyglass is the kind of binoculars a pirate uses, those mono-lens kind.)


TN: Some information on navy ranks

Midshipman (少尉) - equivalent to second lieutenant in the military

Sub-Lieutenant (中尉) - equivalent to first lieutenant in the military

Lieutenant - equivalent to captain in military

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