The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 479: Great naval warfare!

Chapter 479: Great naval warfare!

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Both Reef and Mogensha conscientiously read the list of notifications. Not permitted to bring out ‘The Diary of Morgan Fokke’ during his previous stint, Sheyan was now exceedingly curious of the secrets within in. Upon his resurgence into this world, he eagerly began reading its contents.

Yet cold water was instantly poured over his enthusiasm……this diary was sealed with an unfathomable unique code! It was necessary for Sheyan to seek out one who could unseal and decipher it.

At this moment, Reef abruptly inquired.

"Mogensha, as your first time entering this world, shouldn’t the realm have arranged a proper identity? But why were we all bound up in that ship’s hold?"

Brother Black’s countenance was extremely sulky.

"This damned realm actually arranged my identity as a black slave. That ship we were on, was a smuggling ship specially used by pirates to transport their plundered loot!"

Reef shrugged his shoulders and burst into laughter.

"Buddy. In the past, I abruptly infiltrated into this battlefield here, and abruptly left. Hence, I wasn’t very involved in this world. In actual fact, my condition isn’t better off than yours. My identity is an unlucky prisoner of war, even worse, I am a captive that isn’t even worth extorting from. Therefore, our arranged identities are pretty much similar…"

After Sheyan overhead them, he couldn’t resist the urge to investigate his history. In the end, he discovered the identity story the realm had arranged for him - [ Ever since the Flying Dutchman crew suffered a heinous curse, you mysteriously disappeared. Many wondered if you acquired untold treasures before vanishing without a trace; returning to your origins of the mysterious east… ]

Reef was presently scouting out their surroundings, before he whispered to Sheyan.

"Boss, our mast is already wrecked, I wonder how far is Tortuga port from here?"

Sheyan reached two fingers into his mouth and whistled. Immediately, two pirates marched over.

"Anyone care to tell me, where is our current location?"

The first pirate rushed over, answering with fear and trepidation.

"Lord, that be 17 nautical miles from Rieste."

Sheyan nodded and turned to Reef.

"If the sea map I obtained last time isn’t wrong, then we would approximately need a day of journey to reach Tortuga port. Of course, I am referring to the speed of this boat. Weird, but…forget it, let’s not care about that first."

Reef heaved a sigh of relief and replied.

"We have rather ample time eh."

Sheyan chuckled loudly.

"Oh, no, my comrade. We don’t have ample time at all!"

Ever since returning to the sea, Sheyan could feel an exceptional carefreeness in him. The ocean air he deeply inhaled carried a tinge of fishiness, allowing his thoughts to become exceptionally clear! Gazing towards the not too distant climatic naval warfare, he clenched his fist tightly as a passionate blaze flared in his pupils.

"Have you guys not considered the significance of the realm throwing us into this grand naval battlefield right from the start, and wanting us to rescue the leftovers?"

"Mogensha’s eyes sparkled as he attempted.

"What you mean is…could it be to allow capable contestants to participate in the fighting?"

Sheyan nodded and replied.

"That’s correct. I can gradually sense that every world hosts a specific theme in accordance to its main plot."

"For example, the main theme of the Starship Trooper world would be based on ‘interests’. For the sake of personal interests, the humans and arachnids wage war. For the sake of interests, arachnids turn on arachnids! As for the main theme of the Avatar World, it should be based on ‘guarding and destruction’. Therefore, what should the main theme of the Pirates of the Caribbean world be? It obviously is risks and freedom! If we can follow the main theme of this world, like a boat following the current, then naturally - the right approach saves time and leads to better results!"

"Therefore, we should take risks as of now! To Participate in the battle! With a definite reputation and status amongst the pirates, we now currently lack maritime capabilities. Thus, our aim should be to conjure up a plan to steal a ship, and reap sufficient benefits and meritorious contributions during the battle. Then with overwhelming and impressive grandeur, we shall allow Tortuga to grace our esteemed presence!"

Listening to Sheyan phrasing in such a manner, Reef muttered to himself before depressedly announcing.

"But, both Mogensha and I do not possess any experience in naval warfare……I don’t know if we have ability to do so."

Sheyan burst into laughter, as he forcefully slapped against the shoulders of his two comrades.

"In long distance naval warfare, AK here is equivalent to 10 guided cannons! During naval boarding battles, Reef you are equivalent to a hundred lads with clubs!"

As he spoke, Sheyan headed straight for an elevated platform of the boat. Clapping his hands, he rallied the attention of the pirates to him. Then, he purposely displayed his worn ‘+5 Monstrous Fighting Spirit’, and pointed to himself before roaring loudly.

"Do y’all recognize me? You guys better answer this question; if not, I will toss you bunch of scoundrels and scums who should be hung on the executioner docks back into the sea!"

A bald pirate with yellowish stained teeth examined Sheyan’s accessory closely, before exclaiming in horror.

"Sir, if seawater hasn’t spoiled me eyes, that accessory be the treasure that Viking Scarface Harry be fond of. But It merely appears like a replica, I cannot confirm."

Sheyan laughed heartily in response.

"Your eyes aren’t bad, old dog."

While he spoke, Sheyan tossed a bottle of rum towards him.

"That is your prize for guessing. You are correct, this is indeed something I plundered from the one named Scarface Harry."

That bald pirate hastily caught the bottom of rum, and excitedly poured its contents into his mouth. Then, he released a sigh of utter satisfaction.

"Sir, your generosity be as vast as the caribbean sea!"

No doubt, pirates indulged themselves with only dining, wining, whoring and gambling; not a great disparity as compared to wastrels in china. Their plundered wealth would be squandered on intimacy with prostitutes of the caribbean sea, or indulging in the drunkenness of rum. Witnessing someone else receiving a benefit, another pirate instead stood forward.

"A sailor with yellow skin…be possessin’ such daunting strength. Could it be, ye be Seaman Yan from the east, the one wanted by Ammand?"

Sheyan reached out a finger, and earnestly pronounced.

"Son, you are correct. This bottle of rum goes to you."

By now, the remaining pirates were all frantically competing to call out.

"Seaman Yan from the east! I heard of yer name before! It be rumoured that betrayin’ Ammand! Ye bloody received Davy Jones’s appreciation and became his Third Mate!"

"Don’t yer spout rubbish! Aye, monsters be the crew of the Flying Dutchman! The sire before us looks exactly like us!"

"Even Blackbeard had mentioned yer name before. Back in Hujia port, I overhead someone sayin’ while searching for his vile sword, Blackbeard even received yer assistance."

"Blimey, might I be standin’ on the same boat as a fabled character?"



Even though Sheyan’s charm was mind blowingly low, to these low-tier pirates, a +1 legend level in combination with a ‘Respected’ reputation, was sufficient to leave them dazzled and amazed.

Sheyan was obviously pleased with such a feedback. Thus, he blatantly raised both hands and roared.

"Aye, just as what you can see, my current situation is perilous. I have neither ship nor crew. However, I don’t wish to flee to Tortuga with my tail behind my legs! You guys should know what kind of treatment a miser with few shillings would receive anywhere!"

"But now, let me tell you a wonderful news. I don’t care what you have done in the past, how capable you are doesn’t matter. As long as you have a determined heart, I will lead you on the path of riches and victory! Place your hands at your heart and tell me, do you wish to smack that scurvy owner behind the bar counter, with a sack of golden coins? Do you desire tossing a sack of golden coins onto the beds of money-grabbing whores?"

A clamorous upheaval resounded from the pirates beneath. Then, a taller and sturdier built one-eyed pirate shouted despondently.

"Aye, but where be dem riches and victories? We be surrounded by ruined boats and the freezin’ sea."

Sheyan pointed his hand towards the distant battlefield, the field enveloped by smokes and blasts of cannons.

"Right there, right ahead!! Do you have the balls to follow my comrades and I to steal victory? Answer me!!!"

The gaze of that one-eyed pirate flickered, but he replied with a doubtful tone.

"Follow ye?"

With a crash, Sheyan unloaded a pile of 70-80 gold coins, before he sincerely announced.

"Aye! Follow behind our backs! Do you think I’m joking? Go recall a little. In the past, back on the Bell and Mug, that spanish fleet was squashed by my crew of twenty old, sickly and aged pirates! Even that Decaying Undead met its demise in my hands! Right now, who is willing to follow me shall be granted two golden guineas; but cowards fearing death can scram while it’s still early!"

Instantly, some pirates below started whispering to each other, verifying the battle achievements of Sheyan. In the end, the result was still very satisfactory to Sheyan. Pirates were fellows unafraid of death. In the end, only ten pirates decided to leave. After being stimulated by the gold coins and rum, the staying pirates removed their shirts and cheered in excitement.

Halting here, this lifeboat they were on was truly too ragged. Thus, Sheyan and Mogensha both tried their utmost to search for another relatively intact boat, minimally, one that could at least set sail.


(TN: I will try to inject some pirate flavour into conversations, but don’t expect much because it is rather taxing and very very time consuming to consistently try to attempt that)

(TN’s IMPORTANT REMINDER This Tortuga (特图加) is a different Tortuga from the first world’s Turtuga (土图加). Both changed to english is tortuga. HOWEVER, the tortuga (特图加) of this current world should be the one in the pirate of the caribbean movie. The Turtuga (土图加) in the previous world, should be a made up port by author. To prevent confusion, I will address the first world’s one as Turtuga (土图加) with a U instead.

TN: note that for this pirate of the caribbean world, author combines elements from the game Uncharted Waters 4, and brings in a lot of magic aspects to this world. Therefore, the magnitude of certain specifics are magnified in this pirate of the caribbean world, and magic is quite a big portion here. For example: the sizes of ships (how many masts it has), the number of pirates on a ship, currency, some game elements fantasy stuffs etc.

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