The Magician of Sound

Chapter 376 - Inca Empire And Nazca Lines

Kai\'s word was taken seriously. Even after resting for a whole night, they couldn\'t help but look at the circle the next day.

The circle was visible from their place, and there shouldn\'t be anything special in that circle since there was no roof or something that could hide something underneath them.

Even Sofia tried to look at it with her eyes but to no avail. There wasn\'t a danger or something in that place, unlike the statues on Easter Island.

In the end, the group separated according to their role.

They gathered again near the trucks as Kai gave a signal to Tasha. "Can you teleport us to the area next to the circle? It will be our campground."

Tasha nodded and teleported them.

As soon as they reached the place, Kai immediately let them do their own job. "Alright. The first group can start killing the magical beasts near our area. If there is something wrong, I will come out and inform all of you. At least, one of you should bring a radio if you are planning to go a bit farther from here."

Ayaka nodded and grabbed a radio from the truck while Michelle scouted the area.

"In that case, good luck." He nodded before turning around, facing the wall of the circle.

Sofia placed her hand on the ground and summoned a magic circle.

Staircases then emerged from the ground, allowing them to climb the wall without a problem.

"Thanks." Kai nodded and looked at the group. "Let\'s go."

Evan, Sofia, Tasha, Isabelle immediately followed him, entering the so-called ancient civilization ruin.

Since they were basically right next to the circle, they leaped to the ground, perfectly in the middle of the circle, before looking around.

"It has been excavated perfectly in the past, but it seems this will take a lot of work." Sofia let out a long sigh.

"Indeed." Kai nodded, seeing the dust that had covered the ground and wall. "For now, just clean it a little bit and check whether you can find something weird in this place."

The group nodded and looked around the circle.

"Now that I think about it, isn\'t Peru known for its Nazca Lines?" Sofia thought something from a tourist perspective.

"Nazca Lines?" Tasha tilted her head since she never learned anything about tourism.

"It\'s a giant image of something that humans built in the past." Kai gave a simple explanation.

"What kind of image? I think I have heard it somewhere, but I don\'t think it\'s something important. There is no use for those images, no?" Tasha tried to recall this matter.

"Yes, but those people were normal humans. Unlike us, we might see something differently. Do you have any thought about it, Kai?" Sofia smiled.

"Let me open the images first." Kai didn\'t give an immediate answer and opened the link to search about it on the internet. "There are many images from a spider, a tree, a hummingbird, and so on…"

Suddenly, Kai fell silent after finding something that piqued his interest. It was the image of a whale. Unlike a normal whale, this one had a horn or something above its head.

Due to the constant meeting with others that mentioned the whale continuously, its name couldn\'t help but stick in his mind.

He wondered whether this whale here was the same as the one mentioned by those people?

If that were the truth, it would open a big potential regarding this matter and one that he couldn\'t talk to anyone but himself and his teacher.

After all, the fact that these animals got animated into this form, it would mean they had the same status as the whale. In other words, all of them were also a protector of their own race.

Other than the pink dolphin and sloth, there might be more and more protectors than he thought. And they were hiding somewhere, ready to make their appearance when the world became unstable again.

He furrowed his eyebrows and felt trouble would come soon, especially when dealing with those monsters from the sea.

"Kai?" Sofia noticed Kai\'s condition and called his name, but to no avail. Kai remained in his world, trying to figure out something. She called him again. "Kai…Oi..."

Kai\'s body shook as if he was startled by it. He shouldn\'t have such a reaction with those ears, so it made him even more suspicious.

"What happened?"

"No, no." Kai shook his head repeatedly. "I just lost in thought."

Since Kai refused to answer, she didn\'t continue prying about this matter. "Is that so? Just be careful, alright?"

"Yes, thanks." Kai took a deep breath and sighed. Whether what he speculated was right or not would only matter in the future after getting more information.

The simplest way would be calling the whale from the shore that was supposed to be under the Pacific Ocean, but he wasn\'t sure whether this one was hostile or not, especially since he was the one calling her.

Unlike Rapakha that had a history with her or the pink dolphin that was supposed to be her student, Kai was just a newborn protector that didn\'t have their ability or know the language. In other words, he didn\'t have anything to show other than his ears.

Hence, Kai chose to lock that kind of thought for the time being. He had around a year to get more and more information not only from this continent but also from the other continent, especially Europe.

He would surely find something or so what he believed.

\'This really sucks. I need to learn everything and talk to them to ensure that the humans don\'t have something to threaten them. If not, there will be a big war to wipe out the humans. Haiz. Why the heck I need to protect the human race when I can\'t even talk to anyone about this.\' Kai thought while letting out a long sigh.

"Anyway, are we going to check the Nazca Lines?" Sofia asked.

Kai thought for a moment. "I think we can check them, but not all of them. Maybe only one or two because we are on a tight schedule. There are two images that I am interested in. They are the spider and the whale."

Sofia frowned, thinking about his choice. It wasn\'t really that weird to think about these two. First of all, they had encountered an S Rank Magical Beast, which was a Spider, so this would surely interest him.

As for the whale, she didn\'t know about the talk with the Pink Dolphin, so her assumption was related to Rapakha, who mentioned the whale.

"Alright then. But why are only these two? I mean, we should be able to pack up a few more since this place won\'t take too much time." Sofia asked while the others were listening.

Kai shook his head. "Even if you want, I can only allow you to investigate one more pattern. That\'s all. Other than these images, I want to see the supposed Inca Empire, precisely the Machu Picchu and the stronghold Sacsayhuaman."

Isabelle was the first to recognize these two places. "Machu Picchu is a citadel of the Inca Empire while the latter is literally a stronghold. From what I know, Inca Empire is one of the oldest civilizations that the Inca were able to construct "one of the greatest imperial states in human history" without the use of the wheel, draft animals, knowledge of iron or steel, or even a system of writing.

"It\'s very mystical, so no wonder you are interested in it. Maybe because of this weirdness, you want to see whether the Inca Empire actually built all those things with the use of magic and stuff?"

"Yes." Kai nodded. "Of course, it was said that the Inca Empire was conquered, but there is a possibility…Never mind."

Kai seemed to become a bit more mysterious after coming back from his training. He often hid something like this, making them wonder.

However, Tasha understood that reason. If he said something too much and it was traced all the way to his real identity, there would be a huge reaction from both the Government and the citizens.

Even Sofia might become his enemies in the future. To prevent that, Kai couldn\'t say something that was related to his identity.

Seeing this, Tasha patted his shoulder and smiled as if telling him that it was alright not to say anything.

The burden on his shoulders was far too heavy than everyone could imagine, so she only wished to be able to help him when the time came.

Kai nodded and sighed. "Anyway, that\'s the basic reason for my current plan. If you don\'t have any questions, let\'s continue our mission."

"Just one question," Sofia asked before becoming hesitant while glancing over Tasha. She thought he didn\'t talk about it because Isabelle and Evan were here, but Tasha seemed to know it.

In that case, this one might be something that only he and his girls knew about it. It also meant that Sofia was not important enough in his heart.

She couldn\'t help but feel disappointed.

Shaking her head, she brushed the matter and turned around, continuing what she did earlier.

Kai understood her action perfectly and said, "It\'s not about that. This is something that the government and my family don\'t know."

Hearing this, she got a bit better because only a few people would know about this. If he told her that the girls also knew this matter, she would feel jealous, with the way he worded it, there was a possibility that the girls also didn\'t know.

In that case, there was the absolute person who should know about this, Ria Ross. Considering she was already involved in this matter, she decided not to put another thought to it since it might be related to his current life.

Nodding her head, she continued her work without feeling down anymore.

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