The Villain's Wife

Chapter 472 Cooperation

The Villain’s Wife 472 Cooperation

"What is happening here?" Old Man Lee walked next to Thomas and Demi. He looked at Demi before turning towards Lily. "You slapped her?"

"Ask the camera," Lily pointed at the CCTV Camera, pointing at their direction. "Grandfather... you seemed to— "

"Do not call me grandfather!" Isaac raged. "I am not your grandfather and I will never be."

In response, Lily shrugged.

"Apologize!" Isaac raised his voice, his eyes narrowed at Lily. "Now!"

"Uncle... it’s all right. There is no need for an apology." Demi blurted, her eyes were red as she bit her lips.

A lazy smile hung on Lily’s lips. "Of course, it’s not needed." She rolled her eyes as she tapped on her phone, texting Yang Mi to make sure to obtain the CCTV footage in this restaurant. "You know what? All this... makes me wonder. You seemed to be so adamant on offending me for Miss Liang. Director Lee... don’t tell me you two are in a secret relationship?"

"You— "

"Father... calm yourself." Thomas said. "Why don’t you go inside. I will take care of this. Ask the attendant to bring Demi outside, away from this woman."

The old man’s face reddened in anger. He gritted his teeth and nodded. No matter how much he wanted to hurt Lily, he couldn’t. Not when a camera was pointing on where they were standing. He and Ron then left with Semi in tow.

"You are too bold," Thomas said as he eyed Old Man Lee’s disappearing back. "Coming in here and treating us like this. Miss Lily... I have never met a woman like you before."

"Is that a compliment?"

"You can take it as such."

Lily pursed her lips as she stared at the man for a few seconds. "You wanted to cooperate." She stated. "You wanted the Lee Group for yourself, don’t you?"

Thomas looked over his shoulders. "Stop saying nonsense!" he hissed.

"Please... Thomas. You are adopted. He already announced that Zhou Jingren is his grandson. Do you think you will still have a chance to manage the company that you really love if my husband gets close to Isaac?" Seeing the ugly scowl on the man’s face, Lily added. "We all know what will happen once Jingren’s mother decide to forgive her father. I bet you already know that the old man is using this situation to get rid of you, right?"

Thomas gritted his teeth. He stared at the cityscape as a cold breeze skittered through his senses. "There is no way that— "

"I can help you," Lily interrupted him, a sinister smile plastered on her face.

"On what cost?"

"Cooperation," Lily answered. This was the reason why she wanted to meet them. Lily would not have invested in something that would not give her any gains. "Your father had been giving me trouble with the upcoming construction and renovation of my Harmony Isle. Fix that and we’re good."

"You wanted me to betray my own father?"

"He betrayed you first." She snorted. "But you already know that, right? I bet... this has been troubling you for a few nights now." She lowered her voice. "Did you ever wonder what will happen to you and your son once your adoptive father dies? You have been managing the hospitals for years. Everyone acknowledged your hard work. Everyone but your father. Do you think... this is fair?"

"This is not just." Like a devil attempting to tempt his next victim, Lily smiled inwardly. In convincing someone, the first rule is always to mention something that would appeal to their self-interest.

Thomas turned silent at Lily’s words. He continued watching the cityscape that seemed to sparkle like small diamonds on the beautiful horizon. He hated Lily. He hated that she was right. Thomas hated that Lily seemed to read him like an open book.

Thomas grew up with the old man. He was adopted at such a young age that he does not really remember anything about his parents anymore. The old man had always been his father. He took him to camp. He taught him how to bike. He attended his school meetings. He was his father, and he had always treated him like his son.

Thomas was happy. He had a doting father and a mother that loved him and treated him like he was a special treasure. However, this did not last long. It all changed when the old man’s wife discovered that he was cheating on her. Then Old Man Lee’s wife died.

In less than a year, Isaac changed. From the ideal father that Thomas had always wanted to becoming the greedy person that he is now. This changes broke Thomas’ heart. However, he persisted and still follow the old man’s teachings. He studied hard, worked from the bottom of the company until his father recognized his talent, and promoted him to become the current CEO of the company.

How could he allow all this to be taken away from him? In Thomas’ mind, Zhou Dae Un and her mother was the one who ruined his father and his family. How could he allow her to take the only thing that he had worked for his whole life?

"So you only wanted me to help you out with your company?" he asked. Usually, big favors such as this also require big payments. Thomas does not believe that Lily would only let him go with a small favor like that.

"You know me well," Lily beamed. "Assurance Mr. Lee... I am planning to branch out in Asia. Specifically, Singapore and China. I want your help to make it as smooth as possible."

"And... what if I don’t help you when you already needed my help? What if... I back down and not fulfill my words?"

"Then... you will end up like all the previous enemies that I had." She answered nonchalantly. "Trust me. You don’t want to make me angry."

"What about my son?" he asked.

"He will be safe... If he won’t offend me. You already know how this works. You made the same deal with Jack. Didn’t you?"

"It was father." He clenched his teeth. "I was busy handling the company. I don’t have the time to spy on you and your lives."

"Well... Adrian is a little stupid. You should advise him to stay away from me and Jingren." Lily said. They always thought that it was Thomas who helped Jack. Of course, there is a possibility that he is lying too.

"I want an assurance that he will be safe." He uttered.

"I can’t give you that." She answered. "His safety will only depend on the level of his stupidity."

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