The Villain's Wife

Chapter 297 A Proper Welcome

The Villain’s Wife 297 A Proper Welcome

"Judging from your expression I would assume that you already know," he quickly added when Lily failed to react to his words.

"Not really," she said languidly. "Are you going to tell me the details?"

"Not really. I know you have the means to find out anyway." Once again, his eyes locked onto Zhuo Jingren. Qin Yuanfeng knew that this man had his own way of doing things, and if his guess is right then Zhuo Jingren’s people are already digging his past.

"Good. I’m not interested in knowing the details anyway," she answered. "Tell me what you can bring to the table."

"I am really good at hacking," he offered.

"Good at hacking is not good enough. My husband is good at hacking too." Lily’s answer caused Qin Yuanfeng to arch a brow in skepticism. Zhuo Jingren knows how to hack? Of course, Qin Yuanfeng had no idea that Lily was lying. "He is the best," Lily added. "I need something else."

"Well... I know... I know everything about the Qin Family."


"Everything. The time that they have their coffee, how many sugars, and whether or not they take cream. What time they exercise and what time they bathe. Their routine before they sleep and when they wake. I know every little detail, as well as their deepest darkest secrets," Qin Yuanfeng said with confidence. People always thought that he didn’t care about anything, especially if it involved family matters. He always chose to stay inside his room playing computer games. He really only went out when he was scheduled to film projects. He also wasn’t a famous actor because of his short temper. This fact presented many limitations when it came to his acting career. People always thought that he was useless, just like his father.

But what they didn’t know was that he was watching everything that they did- well, almost everything.

"Convince me," Lily said with a serious expression. This is what she had been waiting for. She knew that Qin Yuanfeng was a genius so he probably had a really good memory as well. Since he had been living in the Qin family for most of his life he should know a lot of their secrets.

"Zhang Yifei is Qin Hao’s lover. She agreed to marry my father because he was the eldest. He was the heir. However, after the accident, my grandfather’s attitude towards my father drastically changed. This made Zhang Yifei look for some... alternatives," Qin Yuanfeng scoffed. Qin Hao was not even as good looking as his father, However, he made up for this shortfall by being much more cunning and extremely evil. "Qin Hao was also the one responsible for our father’s accident. His daughter, who is the current CEO of the Qin Group, got married out for convenience. Her husband is gay and does not want to impregnate her. This is making her extremely frustrated as she is getting older and so are her eggs. I can go on and on and on. One day is not enough to tell you everything about them."

Lily and Zhuo Jingren eyed each other before they looked at him intently. As expected, the things that he mentioned weren’t covered in detail in their files. However, they really didn’t have any way to confirm what he was saying either.

After a few minutes Zhuo Jingren said languidly, "Listen here, Qin Yuanfeng. Working with us will result in one of the two things. One, if you betray us we ruthlessly kill you and move on. We won’t even think about you and we’ll forget you after a day or so. Two... if you prove yourself and earn our trust then we will help you with everything that we have. But the thing is... earning our trust is quite difficult."

"I know," he nodded. Zhuo Jingren’s questions instantly made him realize how in sync these two were. Lily was the one asking questions all the time and yet, when it came to threats, it was Zhuo Jingren who talked to him. Even his threats were unconventional. He talked about killing him then forgetting him like a bug, and then seconds later he extolled the benefits of being loyal to them.

The classic strategy of mafia bosses. Threats and candies in the same paragraph. This, coupled with Lily’s smiling face, would immediately intimidate anyone. This was one scary couple is what he was thinking as he stared at Lily’s eyes. She did not even flinch at the mention of Zhuo Jingren killing her twin. It was as if she really did not care about him at all.

But what could he expect from Lily and Zhuo Jingren? They were not naïve people. They have been thriving in the industry because of their cunning personalities. This fact alone was enough to make them formidable allies. Qin Yuanfeng was confident that if Lily and Zhuo Jingren decided to help him out, they would surely win.

"Well then... we will give you a chance," Zhuo Jingren said as he fetched a card from his pocket. "Call Bei Tian. He will help you settle in Hong Kong. Zhang Yifei is coming in a day or two. By then we need to know everything about her and her plans."

"Plans?" Qin Yuanfeng raised an eyebrow as he accepted the card. He then looked at Lily. "You are going to confront her?"

"Of course," Lily said. "She can’t just march in here and try to show a level of dominance that she does not have."

"But that would give her some idea of your existence. She might..."

"That is exactly what I am planning to do," Lily interrupted him. "I want to give her ideas." Seeing Qin Yuanfeng stare at her as if he didn’t understand a thing, Lily continued enlightening him. "I am not the type of person to wait until my enemies attack me. I prefer to strike before they even think about making their plans against me."

"She might be here because of me. Showing yourself to her for a confrontation might indicate that you already know me."

Lily looked at him for a few seconds. "She is not here for you."

"What do you mean? I have been away for a long time... she must have..."

"She already knows I am coming for her," Lily said. "This time... I’m just making it obvious for all involved."

"So you are going to barge into the Qin Family’s estate and confront them?" Qin Yuanfeng’s eyes bulged as he realized what Lily wanted to do. Just how bold is this woman?!

"Barging is the wrong word," she answered lazily. "Call it... a housewarming. I own the Qin Mansion and everything around it. Legally. This was included in the will. You see... I am just an excellent hostess giving my visitors a proper welcome," she said as her lips curled into a smirk, instantly sending shivers into her brother’s spine.

Her words spooked Qin Yuanfeng into being silent. He had been working in the shadows for so long that he really wasn’t used to confronting people. "What about the patriarch, father and Qin Hao?" he asked. Zhang Yifei’s words and tears would instantly make the patriarch side with her. If Lily bullies Zhang Yifei in front of both Qin Hao and the Patriarch then they will surely react against her.

"What about them?" Zhuo Jingren snorted. "They are nothing but weaklings who are taking advantage of your father. We don’t waste our time with people who are easily manipulated. It’s either we manipulate them to our advantage or we kill them. Simple."

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