Marvel's Superman

Chapter 291 - 288 | A Baldheaded Has Always Been A Symbol Of The Strong.

Chapter 291 - 288 A Baldheaded Has Always Been A Symbol Of The Strong.

Soon after Kaecilius left the [Bar With No Doors], the Sorcerer Supreme was choosing his successor- this news spread all over the magic world as if it had wings.

This was equivalent to the CEO of the world\'s top company preparing to retire, not looking for suitable people from the management, but openly recruiting outside.

For a while, it was a sensation.

Whether it was true or not, its allure alone was enough to make people go crazy.

However, all the masters who knew a little about the magical world and had heard of Temple of the Three and Kamar Taj were eager to try, as if they saw an unprecedented precious opportunity. .

Regardless of ability or qualification.

It wouldn\'t hurt to try anyway, so most people were looking forward to the beginning of the Sorcerer Supreme Battle with the mentality of \'what if they are chosen\'.

It was like buying a lottery ticket. Before the lottery, no one could be completely sure that they would or wouldn\'t win.

For outsiders, who didn\'t know the inside story and had no ability to manipulate, they were like the poor cat in Schrodinger\'s box, always in an unknowing state.

So, when the news was detonated, even those third-rate masters who were at the bottom, and had only learned some gypsy divination tricks, relied on third-rate tricks to pretend to be mysterious, were all rubbing their hands.

It seemed like they couldn\'t wait to show their talents, get the approval of the Vishanti, become the Sorcerer Supreme, and reach the pinnacle of life…

Recently, the best-selling public magic book was no longer the \'Master\'s Study Guide: Three Years of Getting Started, Five Years of Success\', \'How is a Master Made\', \'The Master, the Devil and the Dregs\', and so on, bestseller books that were more oriented to stories.

Instead, it became \'Summoning Ceremony: A Story About Mephisto and Me\', \'Do it Yourself Witchcraft\', \'Deal with the Devil, One Hundred Things to Note\'.

These titles looked impressive, but most of them were books with little substance.

What they all had in common were gimmicks of \'quick success\' and \'shortcuts\'.

As long as one read it, one would be able to beat the dimensional demon and become legendary within a week.

Unfortunately, as Luke said, there were no quick shortcuts to the road of becoming a master -- he couldn\'t be counted in the results.

Those guys who always wanted to ascend to the top would often end up as easy targets for professional deceivers that would harvest their souls -- the Devil.

Of course, there were also the very few that got lucky, the one in a million as a chosen one.

For example, Dormammu from the Dark Dimension.

This guy used to be a nameless master, accidentally discovering the Dark Dimension.

By chance, he became the ruler.

This past was passed on to a large group of masters who were eager to venture into strange dimensional worlds while greatly enriching the recipes and appetites of creatures from other dimensions.

In a word, the Sorcerer Supreme Battle was about to start.

As soon as this amazing news was released, it attracted a lot of attention and enthusiasm.

Many planets outside earth had received the news. They opened bets, gambled, waited, and analyzed the finalists…

All kinds of busybodies came out to join in the fun and participated in the event in different ways.

As the focus of public attention, Kamar Taj remained silent as always, neither making a statement nor taking any actions.

"Wong, do you have any tips for hair growth? I feel like my hair is falling out too quickly these days."

Strange scratched the back of his head. His fingers were entwined with strands of sparse hair.

As a physician, he believed that he had a healthy lifestyle, ate well, and never stayed up late.

He slept 8 hours a day and exercised actively, and his family had no history of baldness or thinning hair.

He couldn\'t lose so much hair!

Was it because of the recent stress?

"If I had, would I look like this?"

Wong felt offended and sullenly said so.

His shiny bald head was very conspicuous in the sun.

"I just thought Easterners might have some unusual but effective tips for everything."

Strange said with a smile.

He was worried about himself. When someone reached middle age, their smart brain would open up -- hence the ancient Greek \'bald in the middle\' hairstyle.

Wouldn\'t it be very damaging to his image?

Before coming to Kamar Taj that year, Strange was at least a low-grade version of Tony Stark, an unruly prodigal son.

If he became bald, he could only become a monk in this life.

"I suggest you ask … Superman. He knows everything and could even joke and laugh with the Ancient One."

Wong looked at Strange, who was clad in heavy armor and looked like he was already impressed by Luke.

After nearly a week of arduous training, Strange, who was originally a bit thin, had become sturdier, with a mountain of strong muscles bulging from his arms.

In appearance, he looked like an Asgardian berserker.

Just two days ago, in the daily training class of Kamar Taj, Strange defeated a mid-rank master with his bare hands and fell to the ground.

And the several spells from the other party didn\'t penetrate the defense of that special heavy armor.

Such achievements undoubtedly gave Strange great confidence and motivated him to continue to run wildly on the unknown path of becoming a \'close combat master\'.

It also showed that Superman\'s training was really effective.

"What? Hair loss?"

A few minutes later, Luke, who was staying in the room and playing online games with Thor, was a little surprised.

He glanced at Strange in front of him and thought to himself, \'Could it be? Would he really become a one-punch master?\'

"Ahem, that… Stephen, have you ever read the Old Testament?"

Feeling Strange\'s blazing eyes, Luke cleared his throat and asked.

"Uh, no. I\'m not a religious person, and I don\'t know much about the related knowledge."

Strange shook his head. He used to believe in Franklin, in other words \'money\'. But now, he believed in the Trinity of Vishanti.

Neither one of them had anything to do with God.

"There is an account in the Old Testament of Elisha, who was a Hebrew prophet."

"One day, as he was walking along the road, a group of mischievous children laughed at his baldness."

"So, Elisha cursed the children in the name of Yahweh, and suddenly, two female bears came out of the woods and killed the children."

"Tell me, Stephen, what have you learned from this story?"

Hearing the question, Strange first looked confused and puzzled.

And then, thinking carefully, it seemed to dawn on him.

"Are you trying to say that insulting someone is a sin and would be punished?"

He replied.

"Wrong. I am trying to say that Elisha was ridiculed by the children for being bald, but the Lord didn\'t solve the problem of his baldness, but solved the mockers."

Luke spoke with a straight face and a serious interpretation.

"This proves that even an omniscient and omnipotent Lord couldn\'t solve baldness."


Strange was speechless.

"I\'m not bald yet."

He said in a muffled voice.

Luke glanced at the thinning hair and spoke in a sympathetic tone, "Strange, it\'s only a matter of time."

"Then what should I do?"

Strange suddenly panicked.

When people reach middle age, aging and hair loss were two inevitable sufferings.

"Well, if you can\'t stop it, then try to accept."

Luke shrugged his shoulders and encouraged, "Baldness is a symbol of the strong. Let me ask you something Strange, does Master Ancient One have hair?"

The latter shook his head.

"Did the first Sorcerer Supreme, Agamotto have hair?"

The latter continued to shake his head.

"That\'s right. Anyone who wants to become the Sorcerer Supreme must pay a painful price. Perhaps, hair is one of them."

Seeing Luke say so with conviction, Strange was partially convinced.

On the one hand, reason told him that being the Sorcerer Supreme might have nothing to do with whether they were bald or not.

But on the other hand, thinking about the previous two Sorcerer Supremes and then considering his own hair loss, his heart was faintly looking forward to it.

What if this was some kind of revelation?

Master Ancient One once said that he was a destined person.

Could it be that he was suffering from the trials of the path toward being the Sorcerer Supreme?

"Stephen, put aside your worries about baldness, and let\'s go to New York."

Luke patted the other on the shoulder, ignoring the guy who had abandoned medical fixes and his tangled mentality.

"The first tournament will begin in two days."

"We should go to the battlefield and get ready."

Strange paused and asked, "New York?"

"That\'s right."

Luke\'s mouth picked up a slight curve. He smiled lightly, "Congratulations, Stephen, back to the original starting point."

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