Divine Protection of Many Gods

Chapter 39

Author note:

I got a lot of ideas from everyone about lightning magic and I’ll leave it dormant for now .

After the end of this fight I plan to have the experiments continue .


The sun had set while we were practicing other magic . Then, we returned from the Goblin Village back to town .

Before we head back to the hotel, we dropped by Thill’s shop to hand off some production requests . There are several necessary things for next time’s experiments .

He said the requests will be finished tomorrow at the earliest . We decided to head out back to the Demon’s Wilderness tomorrow to hunt again .

We returned to the hotel . We took our meals on the first floor where the combination of dining room and bar is located . By the time we’re done, it’s already pitch black outside .

When we return to the room in order to rest, Ayla leads me to the bed while smiling . (TN: Laid time~)

[N,no . We’re going to hunt tomorrow so I want to conserve our stamina . ]

Amy came to me while holding a large amount of medicine vials . It’s the [Youth Medicine] that she created in the village .

I steel myself and lay down . Zir, who tries to run away, was caught by Ayla by the arm .

When the number of comrades increases, I don’t want anyone to be left out . Let’s all happily enjoy it together .


[NyamNyam… Hafu]

Zir embraced me from the front while sitting on my lap and bites my neck while immersed in the afterglow . Zir often does this in this situation .

[Oi, Zir . Don’t bite me seriously]

Zir bites carefully with her fangs, but she isn’t loosening up on her strength .

[Pi-cha . Kufufu, master doesn’t change even if I suck your blood after all . ]

Zir whispered happily while licking up my blood that oozed out from the wound . I wonder what she’s so happy about?

『For a Vampire, the act of sucking blood is like a courting act, I see . It seems it’s also possible to have some pillow talk while doing it . 』

It’s coldly analysing the situation from the sidelines . Isn’t it too interested in this stuff? I’ll start calling this book the [Lewd Book] instead, darn it .

Although the wound has stopped bleeding, Zir seems to keep sticking to it . I pull her off somehow and put her back to bed .

Ayla and Amy who were sleeping next to each other like logs in the bed show satisfactory smiles . [Youth Medicine] is awesome .

My stamina and magic were exhausted after my blood was sucked by Zir . I need to increase my Stamina if I want to keep doing this from now on .

I laid down and thought about drinking a potion to recover and sleep like this .

At that time, a ghost came out from the wall .

If I didn’t get used to seeing ghosts since a few days ago, I might have screamed a little .

I turn towards my bed with the intention of falling into it .

[Watch out!!]

Zir shouts loudly to get my attention . I activate shock magic on my right hand immediately and turned around .

When the magic in my right hand made contact with the ghost, it made a ‘bachi’ sound and the ghost disappeared .

[That is a nightmare ghost . It inflicts [Nightmare], which in the worst case can lead to death]

[I’ll just ask to be sure, but this isn’t one of your ghosts, is it Zir?]

Maybe she slept feeling disgusted after having a evening festival (TN: lewd feast) every night to the point of running out of stamina?

[That’s not one my ghosts . also, I’m not really all that disgusted . … at the moment . ]

She let out a weird voice . However, This means there is another necromancer who employs ghosts beside Zir .

Not just that, but this guy sent a ghost who’s able to cause a potentially lethal abnormal state .

[It’s strange but there are zombies in this town . There are only a couple of them right now, but they could overwhelm the town before long .

Zir explained the situation while showing a genuinely displeased face .

I wake up both Ayla and Amy immediately . Even though it’s an emergency I have a hard time bringing myself to wake these two girls up who sleep so happily .

[Ayla, Amy, sorry but please wake-up]

Both woke up at once when I called them and shook their bodies . I passed them a physical recovery potion and explained the situation to them .

[So, what will we do?]

[Let’s try attacking the ringleader for now . Zir has guessed what monster is controlling the zombies . The two of you should take shelter in the goblin’s village just in case . ]

[No way, I’m going with you . ]

[Duo and the rest are just outside town so I can call them right away too . ]

[I won’t allow it . Please be obedient . I’ll have you help me when I can no longer manage it . ]

[It seems the situation is already beyond Master’s control . ]

Zir poured water over our conversation . (EN: she interrupted/ruined it)

[What do you mean?]

[A horde of monsters have gathered on the outskirts of town from the Monster Wilderness and forest . These seem to be the main force . ]

When hearing the detailed explanation from Zir, A large horde of monsters seems to be heading right for us through the east and west gates .

The Zombies earlier seem to have been only a beginning . The horde will seemingly arrive in about 4 hours .

After hearing this I explain our strategy to the others . This is a situation we cannot handle by ourselves . We need more people .

Amy will go to the Adventurer’s Guild and explain the situation . Maybe the commotion in town is already being noticed by the guild .

It may be hard to convince the others, but it’s better than doing nothing .

We need people from the guild to fight the current zombies and wake people from their [Nightmare] affliction so we can properly prepare for the monster horde .

Ayla and Raru will prepare for combat in the Goblin’s village . I’m planning to prepare several tricks from the forest side .

Zir and I will defeat the [Zombie Mother] and head to the Adventurer’s Guild . Afterwards, most likely we will participate in the start of strategy meeting .

After everyone got their tasks, I instructed them to run away when they are in danger .

[Okay everyone, absolutely don’t do anything dangerous . ]

[Yes . Master, please take care too]

[I’ll make sure to move out with Raru’s group immediately]

After separated with the two others, Zir and I move out to defeat the [Zombie Mother] .

The [Zombie Mother] seems to be moving around the Lord’s Castle . After Zir guided me we found a zombie with the appearance of a pregnant woman walking around randomly .

[Is it this one?]

[Yes it is, Master . Let’s defeat it quickly]

Zir answered while desperately turning her face away . It’s still quite painful to cut the pregnant woman even though it’s zombie . I decided to erase it with fire magic .

The fire from my hand burns the zombie .

After doing so for 30 seconds the flames slowly dispersed and the zombie is barely intact .

When I tried to finish it with another flame attack a pale light wraps the zombie mother and recovered its whole body .

Although I say that, since it’s a zombie originally its body returns to being a gooey and sloppy mess .

[This is the same thing like with the Skeleton Warrior]

[Yeah . Most likely the magic is being supplied automatically]

It has recognized us as an enemy after being attacked, so the Zombie Mother moves in our direction .

[Good thing I fought and undead once before already . ]

Saying so, I pour the magic that defeated the Skeleton Warrior into my sword .

I swing the magic-clad sword and aim for the neck of the Zombie Mother .

The head went flying and melts away in the air .

The remaining body collapses smoothly and disappears .

[I saw it when you dueled with my Skeleton Warrior too . What magic is that?]

[I strengthened my weapon with healing magic . A healer can use healing magic to filter out black magic from a victim, and because undead are filled with pure black magic I can use healing magic to completely remove all their power – making regeneration impossible . ]

Healing magic usually defeats zombies in games . Although I only tried to copy this, it worked out well in the end .

The healing magic sword finally gets a chance to be recognized . There are zombies still lurking around the town .

There’s a crowd in front of the Adventurer Guild when we arrived after finishing the clean-up of the zombies in town .

[Master, over here!]

Amy waved at us from inside the building .

When we are able to get through the crowd and enter the building we’re brought to some kind of conference room . There are around 20 people inside .

[You are Hibiki, right?]

I took a seat at the far back of the room after entering, and was immediately addressed by an older guy .

[Yes . I am]

This uncle is the branch-head of the adventurer guild in this town . I heard he is the local lord as well .

Although it’s a town filled with adventurers, there are few people skilled enough to hold 2 major positions concurrently .

[Is the information that girl brought true?]

Without any idle chat he gets right down to business . This uncle seems quite excellent .

[Yeah, the horde of monsters approaches from the forest and wilderness . Most likely they will arrive in this town in about two hours]

[Don’t lie to us!! Do you have any evidence!?]

An idiot flares up…

[If you don’t believe it that’s fine with me too . If you guys aren’t going to do anything we’ll just leave town]

The others in the room start to get noisy . I continue without minding it .

[The number of monsters is around 1600 . about 800 each for both the east and the west . It’s likely they are aiming for the gates]

[Preposterous! Currently there’s no more than just 300 people who are able to fight, including the soldiers!]

What Seyra said is the truth . The enemies outnumber us five to 1 or worse . We will be overpowered even with the town walls .

[Hibiki, why do you have such detailed information?]

Because of the lord’s question the others became noisy again . They’re suspicious of me .

[There is a necromancer in my party . Because a strange ghost entered into our room we inspected the town . Doing so we found the zombies wandering around and we ended up examining the surrounding of the town as well . Thus, we found the horde of monsters]

People reacted again when I mentioned a necromancer . Are you guys reaction performers or something?

[How did things end up like this anyway!?]

[Are the zombies and ghosts in town not perhaps your own forces?!]

It’s the same idiot who shouted in the beginning too . I’ll remember this guy’s face and name . I glared at the idiot’s face . It’s a coward .

[The barking of a weakling . Some adventurer you are . ]


The idiot turned on me after I provoked him . It’s a genuine moron .

[Don’t you bastards go blaming your own weakness on others!! Do the adventurers in this town shake in their boots because of something on this level? Adventurers from an adventurer-town sure have a top-class ability to turn tail . ]

The surrounding adventurers sent hostile glares toward me for my words . Although it’s a critical situation, we should still be able to manage with this number of people . They’re all guys with adequate levels after all .

[I don’t know if I should trust you]

The Lord said while shaking his head . .

[I believe in him]

The voice came from Feryu .

[To begin with, These guys could have happily fled just by themselves but came to tell us anyway . Instead of being thankful you lot can only resent them]

[Also, I know these fellows fairly well . [Annihilation] are not bad guys]

[Annihilation] isn’t well-known in this town . Feryu begins to speak fluently about the events with the sharp wolves .

Probably because the Divine Protections are being brought-up the people begin to believe it .

[But, the enemies are more than five times our own war potential]

The Lord said half-complaining .

[Please leave the West Gate to us, we’ll do something about it]

[Are you sure can do it?]

I say a phrase I haven’t used for a while .

[I have [Divine Protection] after all]

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