Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 202 - 202 - Gift~

Fan Xui ran.. he literally ran to Hary\'s room and knocked.

"Come in..." before he could even finish his sentence he barged in.

"I need help.."

"Okay... why are you panting? Why is your face red?" Hary handed him a bottle of water.

"I need a date idea, and fast!"

Hary just blinked at him. "You do realize we are in a zombie apocalypse right? There is not much to do.."

"Ideas please..."

"Dinner? You can both eat dinner, or... you can go for a walk. Oh, you can get him a small gift as well. It\'s his birthday after all you should get something," Hary mumbled as he was sorting through the documents.

"What did you say?"


"B-birthday? It\'s his birthday! Oh my god, I forgot! I forgot!" Fan Xui pranced around anxiously.

"Chill, everyone forgets their birthday,"

"How could I forget about it!" Fan Xui was even more stressed at this point. He could not keep still. "if it was normal times I would have taken him out for a candlelight dinner and gave him the most luxurious gifts. Ah, what to do... should I get him a gun? Or a new sword? He seems to like talking about his sword. He even cleans it every day,"

"Jeez, just get him something to eat. Yue really appreciates food," Hary said with an unknown look on his face.

Fan Xui paused. "Birthday cake! I can get him one, right?"

"Juda already gave him one this morning," Hary shrugged. Sighing he stood up and took out a bottle from his drawers. "Here, just eat dinner and drink. You don\'t need anything Fancy to impress a date,"

Fan Xui happily took the bottle of rose from him. "You went on a lot of dates?"

"No watched a lot of movies. Just go and enjoy. He must be waiting for you,"\' he literally shoved him out the door and locked it from the inside.

His cheerful smile melted from his face right after. "What a sad situation I\'m in..."

Fan Xui first went to the kitchen and had the chef make a special meal for him. Of course, he bribed them a bit with his watch.

The chef was more than happy to make the meal for him and picked it all up.

"Thank you, thank you so much. Love your food by the way," he praised him generously and left the kitchen with a huge bag in hand.

On the way, he stopped by a restroom and made sure to sort his appearance up. his hair was slightly longer in the back, looking like a mullet. He trimmed it to his best ability, changed into new clothes, and sprayed on Cologne.

"All ready...." taking a deep breath, he ran back to the room and knocked.

The door opened instantly and Yue stood there with a bright smile on his face. "what are you doing out there? Come in,"

"i-I thought we would go for a walk. I packed some food for us," he raised the basket up.

Yue\'s smile went wider and more beautiful. "Okay," he closed the door behind him swiftly and held his hand. "let\'s go,"

Fan Xui took him to the roof. The bright full moon cast a romantic light on them.

Yue peered up at the sky in wonder. The sky was filled with shimmering stars. All these days these beautiful ones were hidden because of pollution and dust in the environment. In just a month nature had restored itself to the beauty that it once was.

"Come sit," Fan held his hands softly. He had already spread the blanket on the floor and set out the food. There was a small bowl full of steaming hot Mac & cheese and stir-fried broccoli. A small lantern lit up the place.

The whole setup looked very beautiful and romantic.

"It\'s beautiful..." Yue sat down in the small cushion Fan had prepared for him.

"Happy birthday Yue. I\'m sorry I forgot. This is my gift to you," he held up a rose wine bottle.

Yue hesitated slightly. \'I don\'t want to get drunk today though...\'

"If you don\'t want to drink, it\'s okay. W can drink this later." Fan gently kissed his cheeks.

Yue nodded. "I smell Mac and cheese. Oh, it smells so good,"

"I wanted to get you a cake but the chef could only make these" he held up a cupcake with pink frosting. A small candle was lit on the top of it. "Make a wish Yue,"

"I wish that this happiness will forever be with me," he whispered, blowing it out. "Fan, thank you so much."

"You don\'t have to," Fan Xui laid down and pulled him down on top of his body. "I want you to have the most beautiful and memorable birthday ever."

"It already is a memorable one. Early morning my family and friends got me a cake sang me happy birthday and now I get to go on my first date with my first ever boyfriend!" he squealed hugging him tightly. "It\'s the best birthday ever,"

\'I\'m glad," Fan Xui gently caressed his hair.

Yue slightly sat up. He could feel the heat in Fan Xui\'s eyes. But he needed to be sure first. "Fan... what do you feel about being intimate with me? I\'m a man.... it would be different and.... some might not like it,"

"shhh..." Fan Xui placed a hand over his mouth. "Don\'t start with me. My body is already going crazy just thinking about you."

Yue pulled his hand away. \'Then why aren\'t you doing anything?"

For a second he could definitely feel Fan Xui\'s heart skip a beat. "w-what?"

"Why aren\'t you doing anything?" he sat up and searched through his pocket bringing out the condom. "I would like to be intimate with you.... if that\'s okay with you."

Fan Xui\'s eyes went wide in shock. "You... you mean that?"

"Yeah, I mean that I want you to.... make love to me Fan.."

"Oh god, I would love to~" Fan Xui sat up as well, pulling him onto his body. "But your parents will kill me...." he groaned.

"I don\'t think they will mind. My dad gifted me this condom,"

Fan Xui chocked on his spit. "Then..."

"They accept us." Yue smiled at him dazzlingly.


"Really really, so can we do the deed?"


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