My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 536 An Unexpected Move From Raydon Geller

After lunch, he returned to the staff room and sat there for a couple of hours before going to Class 10-A.

Unlike with the other class, he didn\'t teach them about the attributes. Instead, he sat down in his chair and said, "Your syllabus was already covered by Mr. Alder. There\'s nothing left to teach you guys. If you have any questions regarding the subject, you may speak."

Frankly, he didn\'t expect them to ask him anything due to their high ego and of course, another reason would be because of the fact that he sealed everyone\'s soul orbs. No Arcana Master would like to feel helpless.

However, surprisingly, the most problematic student and the one with the biggest ego had raised his hand before anyone else.

"Yes, Raydon. Speak." Azzy told him to ask the question.

Raydon Geller opened his mouth, "I heard 10-B students were talking about how you created an alternative path to elemental crystals and you also said that you will teach anyone who could unleash attribute energy without soul energy. Does that promise also apply to us?"

The students couldn\'t help but take a glance at Raydon and then look at Azzy. They wondered why it even matters. After all, it is also impossible for them. 

Or is it that Raydon managed to figure out the way? If any student could do it, it would be him. This white-haired and amber-eyed fellow is the only one with a mutated gold-grade Arcana spirit in the academy.

As the student turned curious, Azzy struck down all of their imagination with simple statements, "I\'m a theoretical combat instructor for your class and it is not my job to teach you students any kind of practical application. And as your homeroom teacher, my job doesn\'t involve helping you kids with it either. If you are a student of 10-B, perhaps, I would have to think about it. But you guys don\'t have such a privilege."

The students\' faces were darkened by their teachers\' words. While Azzy had the logic, his students strongly felt like it is a blatant favoritism.

It\'s not like all of the students are from influential families. Several of them had humble backgrounds and they didn\'t have any ill feelings for their new homeroom teacher either. 

Then, why should they be punished for the actions done by these arrogant nobles?

But, who will say it to Azzy\'s face? No one had the courage to say those words to their teacher who might even punch them using an excuse about his rules.

As a result, several pairs of eyes shifted to Serestia, the girl who was closest to their teacher. As the girl was feeling gazes from all around, Navi tapped her shoulder from the back before throwing a paper onto her desk.

Serestia read it and turned around. Navi simply smiled.

Letting out a sigh, Serestia raised her hand for the first time. 

"Yes, Leveret?"

Serestia spoke while making a serious face, "Sir, I believe a lot of the students from our class are under the impression that you are not treating us fairly. You sealed our soul orbs but you don\'t do the same for 10-B students. You act cold toward us but teach them friendly."

Azzy was slightly taken aback but he responded with a counterattack almost instantly, "Well, they give respect to their teachers while you don\'t. They didn\'t complain to teacher Snivy but you guys did, hoping to teach me some kind of lesson or something. I also know how you guys treated teacher Alder in the past. 

They act humble as if they know the world and themselves while you guys behave like the world revolves around you. You talk about fairness, student Serestia. Let me ask you. Do you treat every staff member of the academy as an equal, from the principal to your dorm security guard? 

No, right? Everyone has a different place in your mind, right?

Then, you should never expect a teacher to treat every student equally too. Stretching that forward to our current situation, you must not expect the same treatment from me either.

But, don\'t worry. This is just the second day. As time passes, I will give you the treatment you deserve too. Now, if your doubt has been cleared, then sit down."

Azzy wiped off a cold expression from his face and let out a pleasant smile as he earlier spoke with Serestia. But, he was done with his explanation, his expression returned to indifference.

These students never met a teacher like Azzy. Who in the hell would speak those words to their students\' faces like that? But then again, he isn\'t a real teacher either. It\'s just a part of undercover, although he wasn\'t willing to compromise his personality because of the job.

Once the class is over, Azzy went to the cafeteria to have a coffee and take a break for an hour before his next period starts.

The students of 10-A went to the grand arena as usual but they weren\'t joined by 10-B. The students of the latter class were informed to go to the indoor arena, which is generally used to host indoor games like futsal, hockey, and basketball.

However, unlike the stadiums for civilians, the dimensions of these courts were a lot bigger.

This court was about 340 meters in length and 130 meters in width. In Azzy\'s opinion, it is enough.

However, one should be worried about the damage caused by their practice too. 

Since there is only one Arena in the academy, the vice principal said to Azzy that he can conduct the class behind the administration building. There\'s a huge open space there.

However, Azzy was against it as it wouldn\'t look like a proper classroom. He asked for the indoor arena. And when asked about the possible property damage, Azzy put forth a solution in the form of a large-scale energy barrier used in the tournaments

Back to the present, as the students arrived, they saw their teacher was ready with a cube-shaped barrier that was even covering the floor of the indoor court. Their admiration toward Azzy only grew further as they made their way to the barrier.

A replica of the one used in the champions league back in the past timeline, this wasn\'t a solid barrier and will only dissipate the energies from within.

As a result, the students passed through it with ease and gathered at one spot.

Looking at them, Azzy said, "From now onwards, your battle classes will be conducted here on weekdays except for Wednesday. On Wednesday, you will have classes in the wild zone. Anyways, we only have one hour. So, I will spare the lecture and directly go to the battle.

You have ten minutes. I need 8 teams. Form a team of six on your own. Pick your leader and also your substitute. Those who don\'t form the team will be arranged randomly by me. 

You will just have one battle against a random team. The losers will run about 100 laps and every member of the winning team will receive 500 SP worth of energy as a reward."

As the students looked at each other, feeling excited about the reward as something is better than nothing, the class monitor Julius raised his hand, "But Sir, we are only 46 in number. One team will be left with only four members."

"Then, it is considered that the team has two injured members and they will be competing with four," replied Azzy, shrugging his shoulders. After a brief pause, he further added, "Of course, I won\'t allow two 5-member teams either."

The students nodded in understanding and started discussing with each other. 

As the ten minutes are up, six teams are formed successfully. There\'s a four-member team and there\'s a three-member team, and three individuals who aren\'t sure which one to join.

"Okay, the time is up," announced Azzy while staring at the pocket watch. He looked at the uncompleted teams and randomly placed two members into the four-member team, making it a complete group.

The last remaining individual named Sammy hung his head down in disappointment as he walked to three more dispirited students.


"Okay, the groupings are finished. Since there is a team with only four, I will give you the opportunity to choose your opponent team," said Azzy.

As the other teams looked at them as if they were looking at their prey, the four of them sighed at the same time before their team leader opened up his mouth, "We choose Talia\'s team."

Just as the members of team Talia rejoiced, a creaking sound of the door caught Azzy\'s ears.

He raised his head and looked toward the source. There, Raydon was standing beside the principal.

"Sorry for interrupting your class but there\'s a student transfer to 10-B," said the old man, taking everyone by surprise.

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