My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 32 History Class

As they are watching the videos of their battles, the seven of them are too embarrassed to even look at the teacher. As if a professional critic writer judging food stalls on the street, he criticized the students for every little mistake.

Even Azzy wasn\'t spared. He was even harshly criticized than the others.

He felt unfair but didn\'t speak up his feelings and just blankly nodded as he knew the lack of his control and it\'s also because the teacher didn\'t show his other battles.

If he would have shown the others, Azzy knew that he would be treated as a monster instead, which he doesn\'t care but Gideon was a member of the Crescent clan who might or might not have the knowledge regarding the Death energy. What if he might be able to connect the dots?

The last thing Azzy needs is for him to report it to the Death clan.

He knew he was too skeptical but there\'s no harm done if you are careful.


The class bell rang and the sorcerer made his way out of the room.

Soon, an old man entered the classroom. He wore white priest robes and has a cross in his hand, which was most likely an Arcana.

The good old history teacher who was working in this academy for almost 300 years. Even though he\'s only a mid-rank 5, everyone in the academy treats him with respect because of his position as Bishop at the church, an ancient organization that\'s formed way before the first Epoch when there\'s no such thing as soul power.

He also received the best teacher of the year award from the government more than 25 times.

He smiled at the little saplings, "Hello, children. My name is Klaus. I\'m your history teacher for the upcoming three years. Let\'s get along."

Azzy felt as if he saw light was emitting from his body, and he felt uncomfortable. Is it because they are of opposite attributes? No, that\'s not the case since his attribute wasn\'t dark in nature but is a hidden Death Attribute

As for the Life attribute, only a pure or a half Angel is born with it. So, unless the person before him has the blood of an Angel, it isn\'t possible. And an Angel working as a teacher at such a school is more of a joke. So, he instantly threw the thought away and wondered about something else.

He wondered why a priest is working as a teacher instead of spending time at church, orphanages, or giving speeches, etc…

The old man also sensed Azzy, who has a dark element, an enemy of his attribute, a quite powerful one at that.

"As you all know the history of Arcana is quite a simple subject yet complex.

It\'s just like the normal history subject but the events covered will be focused on Arcana Masters and the world of Arcana.

Since it is the first day, I\'ll let you choose the topic. Who wants to pick a topic?"

"How about you, child?" He pointed towards Azzy.

"Me?" Azzy pointed at him, Klaus shook his head, "not you, the boy beside you. But then again, it doesn\'t matter who I ask, the end goal is still doesn\'t change."

Azzy then remembered about his Vajra. He wanted to know how powerful the Protos energy really is… Since it was a well-known event, Azzy thought that it is the best chance to find something about it.

He asked, "I was wondering if you can tell us about the Great massacre of the Last Epoch?"

"Great Massacre?" The others also became curious. They only know the result but didn\'t know the details since it is too dark. Only Lark, who was from the noble family, knew about it.

Meanwhile, Gideon was taken aback since the story was something that was too familiar to him.

The Priest nodded with a smile, "sure, child."

"Roughly around 6800 years ago, back when the governments aren\'t formed and the nations were kingdoms, there existed a man named Aelius, the Crescent clan leader of the current Freyles nation.

You all might know him as the Lightning God.

He was also considered as the son of heaven and reached the rank-9 in just 1000 years and took another thousand to reach the peak stage. You can say he reached the pinnacle of human limits, just an inch away from stage-10.

All that\'s left was to kill a peak stage rank-9 beast and consume its power to enter the next stage but the other rank-9 experts didn\'t want him to achieve that.

They feared that once he enters such a realm, they will no longer be able to control his actions if he were to do something.

So, colluding with the royal family, they laid a trap for him but unfortunately, his son and wife caught up instead of Aelius.

Burning with rage, he went against the Royal family.

As if he was possessed by the devil, he fought crazily until his last breath without caring about his wounds. In the process, the citizens of Freyles were massacred. Almost half of their population was erased from the world.

Now, History records say the estimated number is around 20 million but in reality, it might be more…

Along with the people, our world has lost more than eighteen rank-8 experts, five rank-9 experts, and god knows how many Arcana Masters with great potential.

Now, some of you might sympathize with his situation but what should learn here is that for an Arcana master, no matter the conditions, you always need to be calm and collected.

Because you lose cool and make a mistake in rage, countless innocents will die. A person without control over his power is dangerous than the beast. The higher his strength, the more he is dangerous to society."

The six of them immediately glanced at Azzy, who was the living example of such a person.

On the other hand, Azzy felt embarrassed for asking a question only to get lectured in return. He also understood the consequences of using Protos energy.

He remembered the Reaper saying how the Protos energy corrupts one\'s mind. He was also a victim of that.

"Mr. Klaus, I heard that Werewolves used to exist in the Seventh Epoch but there are no public records of why they became extinct. I wonder if the Church has records of it." Gideon then dropped a question.

\'Werewolves?\' Azzy wondered what kind of beast it is. He never heard of such a term before…

"Ah! You are talking about man-made demi-humans huh…" The Bishop was surprised for a moment. "Didn\'t expect you know that forbidden term, child…"

"Forbidden term?" Everyone was confused.

He explained, "long ago during the fifth Epoch, some evil researchers tried various experiments to breed an artificial creature from a human and beasts.

Of all the beasts, only wolves became a successful experiment. They are demi-humans with the appearance of humans and had the ability to transform into wolves whenever they need them to be.

But, ultimately, by the seventh Epoch, they ended up seeing the humans as lower life forms or food, becoming the enemy of humanity and were erased as a result.

Some speculate that a few survived the crises by going into hiding but who knows… No one has seen them till date."

Ten minutes later;


The bell rang again. There was a 5 minutes break before the next class started.

The people found their homeroom teacher returned. It appears that he teaches the subject of Arcana Beasts and Creatures of the wild.

Azzy almost fell asleep because of his lay and boring explanation. Unlike the previous classes, there are no explanations. The teacher was just giving them the information one by one, ignoring the kids who raised their hands.

Azzy felt listening to the class and reading the book by himself is just the same. He wondered why such a lazy person chose to be a teacher.

After an hour, the bell once again rang and the teacher stepped out. The students rejoiced that they got rid of him.

While the grade-7 and lower-grade students left the academy, the upper-grade students stayed.

They were informed to gather at the training grounds for the next two classes.

Azzy followed the rest of the class.

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