Little Tyrant Doesn't Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 508.3: A Life for A Life (3)

Chapter 508.3: A Life for A Life (3)

Even if Roel couldn’t bear to force Charlotte to drink that biological weapon, that didn’t mean that he was going to leave her to the lurch. Her body had piled up some problems over the past few months, so it was necessary for her to consume proper nourishment in order to heal up well.

Fortunately, he had an alternative to the tonic—his System.

The present era medical industry was severely underdeveloped compared to the countless civilizations that came before, meaning that there was a good chance that he could find something much better than the tonic in the System.

Thus, he turned his attention toward the System and tapped into the Affection Points Exchange Shop. There was an immediate flood of notifications informing him of the Affection Points he had earned. Doing a quick calculation, he was flabbergasted to discover that he had earned a hulking 150,000 Affection Points!

This was an astoundingly huge number, twofold of anything he had earned from his previous adventures!

But again, it was reasonable considering this was the combined total he had earned over the past two months. He had plenty of sweet interactions with Charlotte, and the two of them even risked their lives for each other. It was only right for the sum to be this much.

Thanks to Charlotte’s generous contribution, he now had plenty of money to splurge on the Affection Points Exchange Shop. Being the opportunistic merchant it was, the System also threw in some sweet deals to loosen his wallet.

【Flooding Death Crusade Commemoration Event

Centuries of grudges have been passed down from one generation to the next. Today, you have grasped fate in your own hands and dispelled the curse of death, ushering in a blissful respite.

50% off selected items!】

Roel wasn’t too surprised to see that since the System always held similar sales when he overcame an ordeal. The discounted items were also mainly serums and recovery magic tools, things that he happened to be looking for.

It didn’t take long before something caught his eye.

【Lobor High Potency Revitalization Serum Type IV

This high potency revitalization serum should be consumed when one’s mana is fully depleted. It repairs your mana pathways and restores your body back to tip-top condition. Make sure not to wear your favorite clothes when you use it!

Side Effect: Heatiness in body

Price: 30,000 Affection Points Discounted Price: 15,000 Affection Points】

“This should work,” Roel murmured with a nod.

Roel’s problems were centered around his severe injuries, expended mana, and languishing life force, but Charlotte’s main issue lay in the regression of her mana pathways from lack of usage for an extended period of time.

The serum perfectly tackled her condition, not to mention that it was an established brand!

In Lobor we trust!

Having taken quite a few Loborian serums himself over the years, Roel was satisfied with the quality of their products. Their medicine tended to be on the strong side, but their efficacy deserved a triple A rating. What they promised, they delivered.

Well, the Loborian series does have some hiccups at times… but this is already the fourth edition! Surely a serum that had gone through several revisions should be reliable, right? Not to mention, the side effect is mere heatiness!

WIth such thoughts in mind, Roel bought the ‘Lobor High Potency Revitalization Serum Type IV’. He was just about to back out of the Affection Points Exchange Shop when another item caught his attention.

【Love God’s Kiss

This is the legendary serum that allows a couple to immeasurably expand their feelings for each other. Containing a drop of unicorn blood, it\'ll power you through the entire night!

Price: 50,000 Affection Points Discounted Price: 25,000 Affection Points】


Roel silently stared at the heart-shaped bottle listed in the Affection Points Exchange Shop. He was moved.

All men would understand what ‘Love God’s Kiss’ was after reading its item description. It was a divine elixir for men, and it was hard not to be tempted by it. After all, who wouldn’t want to be more… beastlike?

It was not that Roel thought he was lacking on that aspect—at the very least, he had been ferocious enough to overwhelm Charlotte—but it didn’t seem like a bad idea to buy one and keep it for emergency usage…

It does look like a rare item, and there aren\'t any side effects at all.

After some hesitation, Roel awkwardly coughed twice as he discreetly scanned his surroundings before hurriedly tapping on the ‘Buy’ button. A sound effect from the System notified him that the purchase was successful.

With that, he concluded his little shopping spree.

Right after he purchased ‘Lobor High Potency Revitalization Serum Type IV’, Roel quickly headed over to Charlotte’s room, hoping to have her drink it as soon as possible.

Charlotte broke out into a beaming smile upon seeing him, but when she noticed the serum bottle in his hand, her face crumbled in horror. She looked at him with large pitiful eyes as she silently took a step back.

Roel didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her reaction. He hurriedly waved his hand and explained himself.

“Don’t worry, it isn’t from the medical team. It’s my own medicine,” he assured her.

“Your own medicine?” Charlotte asked in surprise.

“I acquired it through my private channels. This serum comes from an older era, but I can guarantee its efficacy.”

Despite Roel’s highly dubious explanation, Charlotte accepted it without probing any deeper. She was aware that Roel had his own secrets, and it wasn’t just once or twice that he had pulled antiques out of nowhere.

Back when the Ascarts and the Sorofyas were working together to develop the southern mountainous area of the Ascart Fiefdom, he had brought out quite a few peculiar items that couldn’t be found in the existing market but considerably sped up the process.

Heck, even his Nine-headed Serpent Staff was a powerful ancient relic!

In comparison to that, it didn’t seem like a big deal for him to randomly pull ancient serums out of nowhere.

Still, as much as she didn’t want to snub Roel’s goodwill, it would still be hard for her to swallow the serum if it tasted bad. This put her in a dilemma.

Roel noticed the slight frown on her face and smiled. He uncorked the bottle, and a faint aroma wafted out from within.

“Hm? It has a pleasant scent.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t specially come here just to feed you something horrid,” Roel replied gleefully.

Even though the item description revealed nothing about the serum’s taste, he knew from prior experience that products from the Loborian series were all about consumer satisfaction. They had already taken subtler details such as taste into consideration.

There was not a single Loborian serum he had drunk that tasted bad. Most of them reminded him of fruit juice or fine wine. Considering that the serum he had bought was already in its fourth edition, it was hard to imagine it would have an awful taste.

And it would appear that his guess was on the mark.

“Shall we have the medical team inspect it first? We can call Grace over to take…”

“No, there’s no need for it. I trust whatever darling gives me,” Charlotte replied as she accepted the serum from Roel’s hands.

Roel first went through the serum’s side effects with her so that she wouldn’t be alarmed later on, especially since he knew how extreme the side effects could get. Charlotte spent a moment in thought before she dismissed her maids and pulled Roel into the bathroom together with her.

She figured that she might have to externally cool herself down since the serum’s side effect was heatiness, so she decided to just take off her clothes first and decide what to do next. If the heat was worse than she thought, she would quickly take a cold bath.

Roel agreed with her plan.

The two of them quickly made some preparations. Once everything was in place, Charlotte uncorked the serum and gulped down the sweet-smelling medicinal fluid. Seeing as her face didn’t scrunch up, the flavor seemed to be acceptable to her.

Moments later, her breathing hastened and her body started to redden.

“Darling, I’m feeling really hot…”

“You should quickly get into the bath.”

“N-no, that’s not what I mean… I think we misunderstood what ‘heatiness’ meant…”

By this point, Charlotte’s face was already as red as an apple. She stared at the clearly confused Roel in frustration, but her shyness held her back. Eventually, she couldn’t hold it back anymore and embarrassedly pointed at her own womb.

“It’s heating up here.”

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