Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate

Chapter 85 Night Hunting (V)

Klaus and the others made their way to the orphanage. Sheila couldn\'t seem to calm herself on the way there. She drove the car at high speed and recklessly. Several times, she almost hit people crossing the road. Sylvia was upset and told her to drive slower, but Sheila ignored it and kept her foot on the gas.

That night only three cars were heading to the orphanage. Roach did not join them.

Unlike Sheila, Roach was less interested in saving the orphans. From the beginning, his intention was to catch monsters. The bald man had no emotional ties to them at all. He visited the orphanage to do business with Miranda, nothing more.

Sheila was furious after learning that fact. She punched Roach in the face and swore at him before his men. Roach only shut his mouth, not retaliating and letting Sheila vent her emotions. After all, they were friends.

Of course, Roach didn\'t just let go. He sent Izzy and some of his men to help them rescue the orphanage kids.

Sheila was the first to leave the car when they arrived at the orphanage. She quickly ran into the building.

Klaus looked around before following his secretary. The building looked dark. No sign of light was on, and the courtyard looked full of scattered leaves.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

"Open the door! Miranda!"

Twisting the knob, Sheila tried to get inside. Finally, she broke in and combed through every room while yelling for the kids.

"Emma! Denzel! Where are you!"

Meanwhile, Klaus waited outside with the others. It wasn\'t that he didn\'t want to help her. It was just that he knew that this orphanage was empty.

Izzy and his men combed around while Sylvia was waiting next to Klaus.

"What should we do, Klaus?" the red-haired woman asked.

"Wait for her to return."

Not long after, Sheila came out of the building. Cold sweat ran down her face, and she breathed heavily as she drew close to Klaus.

"Boss, they\'re all gone. What should we do?" Sheila half-cried.

Sylvia quickly hugged the woman, calming her down.

"Check inside again. Maybe there are clues left behind," Klaus replied.

Sheila nodded and then went back inside. Klaus ordered the others to help Sheila. While they were busy looking for clues, Klaus communicated with Laplace.

"Do you know where they went?"

<Sorry, my liege. I saw hundreds of people in a kilometer radius. I can\'t find them.>

"I see. Finding them is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Suddenly, there was a scream from inside the building. Not long after, Izzy and the others approached Klaus.

"Sir, Morgan. I don\'t know if this helps, but I found this." Izzy handed over a receipt for the purchase of the property. However, it was not the address of this orphanage.

After Klaus finished reading the paper, Sheila asked him to look at it.

"I know the place!"

"All right. Let\'s go straight there," Klaus replied.

Wasting no time, they immediately set off for the address on the note. It was not far, about five blocks from the orphanage.

The address led them to an abandoned building. It was rickety, the paint was peeling off the walls, and some of the glass in the windows was broken. The surrounding street lights were dead, so the building was shrouded in darkness. It was also far from the crowds making it an ideal place to conduct experiments.

They quickly combed the building. Izzy informed them that the front door was unlocked, so they entered. Dust hit their noses as they went inside. They used the light of the smartphone screen to dispel the darkness.

<My liege. I see many lives under this building. They may be the ones you\'re looking for.>

Laplace told Klaus where they should go. He immediately ordered his men to find a way to the basement. Then, someone found a ladder that led them to the bottom.

As they entered the basement, they saw lab equipment filling the room. Tubes containing the body parts lined the left side of the room. Bottles and chemicals were neatly arranged on the table.

Roach\'s men were dumbfounded as they saw these things.

"What the hell. What is this place?"

"I expected to see a meth lab. But what did I get?"

"The person who owns this place must be a maniac."

They started chattering in whispers. Meanwhile, Sheila was secretly wringing her hands, wanting to destroy this place.

"Hey, look at that!" Sylvia pointed at a half-open door. The light was visible from behind the door.

Klaus gestured for his men to head there. The closer they got to the door, a faint crying escaped the back of the room. Of course, they reacted after hearing it, especially Sheila. But Klaus held her fiber so as not to make a mistake.

As he opened the door, his eyes opened wide, seeing Miranda at the operating table. She seemed to be dissecting a goblin.

And then, the sound of screaming distracted him. Klaus saw the orphans confined to a cage guarded by four monsters with ugly forms. One of them was the monster he was chasing earlier.

Crying hysterically, the children begged Miranda to let them go. She was the same woman who took care of them. The gentle and lovely woman. But now, she callously ignored the orphans\' cries.

This scene broke the hearts of anyone who saw it. Even Izzy and the other gangsters couldn\'t bear to look at the sight.

And the one who was most crushed by this was Sheila.


The short-haired woman barged in even though Klaus had not given instructions. The orphans screamed her name as Sheila faced that old lady and the monsters.

Meanwhile, Miranda only raised her eyebrows.

"Ah, Sheila. Why are you here? Shouldn\'t you be here, dear?" Miranda grinned as she said it.

"You bitch! What are you going to do to them!"

In the middle of their conversation, the orphans called out to Sheila.

"Sister! Sheila, save us!"

"Mama wants to turn us into monsters!"

"Mama doesn\'t love us anymore!"

Hearing their cries, Sheila felt a pain in her chest. They still called Miranda "Mama" even though that old lady treated them like animals.

Klaus and the gangsters entered the room. They quickly pointed their guns at Miranda. Of course, the monsters reacted and promptly stood in front of her.

Instead of being surprised, Miranda smiled broadly.

"It turns out you brought your friends too, dear. You\'re really sweet."

"Why did you turn them into monsters? Don\'t you feel anything when you\'re with them? Answer me, Miranda!" Sheila sounded frustrated as she said so.

Miranda giggled. Gradually her giggles got louder, and then she laughed out loud. The gangsters were horrified as they gazed at her.

"I\'m doing this because my goal is simple, dear. For the sake of science! I am a researcher. I create whatever I want and destroy whatever I hate. In your eyes, my actions may seem objectionable, but I\'m doing this for the sake of science! For the sake of mankind!"

Sheila was at a loss after hearing Miranda\'s crazy reply. There was no hint of remorse or sadness from that old lady. Sheila felt like she was talking to a sick person.

Klaus took a step forward.

"Why must kids? They\'re completely innocent," Klaus said.

"Ah, Mr. Morgan. It\'s good to see you."

"Answer my question," Klaus snapped.

Miranda huffed. "Because they are seedlings. Plants are easier to mold when they are young. They are the perfect experimental material."

Naturally, Sheila was disgusted by the person before her. "You\'re sick."

"Fufu, I know I\'m sick, but I love my sickness," Miranda replied. "But calm down. I\'m not completely cruel. I wouldn\'t have the heart to kill them. After all, I\'m their mama. Denzel dear, come here."

When Miranda called out the name of one of her foster children, an ugly monster came for her.

Instantly, Sheila burst into tears.

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