To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 53: Consequences of One’s Choices and Actions (9)

Chapter 53: Consequences of One’s Choices and Actions (9)

Everyone had despaired and given up, thinking everything was now over. However, Giant Fist had lit the first torch, followed by Mua Janya and Salem Yohan; then the fire they ignited grew into blazing flames. One by one, heroes and natives willingly offered themselves to the flames for the bright future they dreamed of. At the end of despair came light, and a figure gradually appeared into view.

“Goddess Shahnaz…” Hawa kneeled in front of the altar and hung her head low. Everyone immediately thought it was dazzling sight. From behind the source of scattering streams of light was a faint halo, making it difficult to see. They couldn’t see the goddess, however, they knew she was there. The Shahnaz tribe called her the Queen of Conquest. With war as her foremost companion, she was the first to succeed in uniting Liber. Acknowledged for her feat, a girl from a small minority group soon became an empress who ruled over the entire continent, and after her death, she was worshiped as a god. That might be the reason why crude effigies made after her liking were often covered in symbols of war.

On top of her flowing light indigo hair, she wore a circlet with gold feathers on both sides. She was holding a spear gleaming silverish light with one hand, and a shield engraved with wings with the other. Her plate armor appeared to be made with threaded metal rings and iron wires, and she wore a Valkyrie skirt that went down to her ankles. Goddess Shahnaz had finally descended upon the Middle World!

Shahnaz glanced at the group of people looking dazedly at her. Then she looked down at the pile of dead bodies lying near the altar and sighed, seemingly having figured out what had taken place before her arrival. For some reason, she looked relieved. Then her gaze shifted to a young man standing in the back, and she flinched, her half-closed eyes widening in shock. No, she didn’t know whether or not she should even call this being a ‘man’. As a god who had once been human during her time alive, Shahnaz could sense that Chi-Woo was different. She couldn’t explain his existence perfectly, but she was certain of one thing—that this existence couldn’t be seen as human.

Once a being became a god, they gained the ability to read the inner core of a human. There wasn’t much to a human’s inner core besides their soul or the soul’s color. However, the young man in front of her was different, and it wasn’t simply because of the color of his soul. His inner core was filled to the grim with dazzling light, which was extremely rare for humans. Only saints who had spent decades practicing a life of asceticism and contributed to the World ever reached such a state. Chi-Woo was young, and he wasn’t a saint. There were two possible explanations left: he was either born with such a destiny, or someone else had bestowed such a fate onto him.

—You are…

Shahnaz was about to confront Chi-Woo when she heard a voice ring inside her head.


She flinched. She suddenly felt an immense, unfathomable existence that she hadn’t noticed from behind Chi-Woo, and she hurriedly bowed her head. Simultaneously, a burst of cheers erupted around her. Oblivious to the real situation, people had thought the goddess was showing mere humans like them respect, which surprised even the heroes. Then, a voice suddenly called out.

“Goddess Aerys…?” Ru Amuh stuttered. His usually well-maintained composure cracked. His reaction was understandable considering that Goddess Shahnaz looked identical to Aerys, the Goddess of Wind he had served in his world. In addition to her appearance, the aura of peculiar wind circling around her was also awfully familiar.

“What brings you here, goddess Aerys…?”

Zelit spoke up to explain, “It’s rare to meet a god from your own planet in another world, but it’s not completely unheard of.”

A being ascended to godhood would go on to touch many worlds. That was the case for Shahnaz. Before, she had thought living creatures only existed on Liber, but once she became a god, she realized the existence of the greater universe.

“There are several reasons why this might happen. A god might go to other planets to increase their influence, answer to another god’s beckoning, or simply look for entertainment,” Zelit continued. Take Earth as an example, the Greek goddess Athena might exist on another planet, either as herself or under a different name. Thus, as a veteran who had been sent to save several worlds, Zelit wasn’t surprised by such an occurrence. On the other hand, Ru Amuh wasn’t privy to the knowledge since he was a new hero; the same was true for Chi-Woo.

“So…” Ru Amuh muttered. He recalled what he had said to Chi-Woo in the past.

[I was led here by a god’s call.]

[Aerys is the god that we serve on the planet I was born and grew up in.]

[But then, I received a new divine command.]

[It told me to help. It told me to go to Liber.]

“I see…” He got the answer to one of the big questions he had, but he couldn’t quell his surprise. It was shocking to find out that his goddess Aerys’ birth name was Shahnaz, and that she was originally from Liber.

“It’s only natural for you to not know since these are all things that happened long, long before we were born,” Zelit said to Ru Amuh before changing the topic, “I don’t want to interrupt your reunion, but we have to make a decision quickly.”

—…One person.

In agreement, Shahnaz said in a low voice.

—Appoint one person among you.

Shahnaz’s declaration broke everyone out of their reverie.

“G-Goddess Shahnaz!” one of the heroes burst out. “Me! Choose me!” He ran up to the altar and pounded his chest loudly. Everyone else from the fifth, seventh, and even his fellow sixth recruits looked baffled. Fortunately, there was nothing to worry about since Shahnaz didn’t even bother to respond to the hero; her eyes conveyed the feelings she felt: disdain.

Her contempt gave the hero pause, but he soon regained composure and declared with confidence, “Do not worry, dear goddess! If I shall introduce myself, I am…” The hero blabbered on about himself, but Shahnaz snorted rather than listening to him fully.

The hero wasn’t lacking in skills, but Shahnaz simply didn’t like him. It didn’t help that his heart was as black as it could be. Truthfully, even if the hero had met her standards in both skills and character, Shahnaz wouldn’t have been satisfied with him. After all, she had already laid her eyes on Chi-Woo. Although she was a god that transcended worldly emotions, she felt almost greedy for Chi-Woo. Just the thought of molding and shaping the giant mass of dazzling light inside his core brought her bliss. She was sure that she would be able to carve out a name that would be repeated again and again across the whole universe through him. Thus, she blatantly ignored the hero that was appealing to her ardently and even looked past Ru Amuh, whom she had once established a connection with, to stare at Chi-Woo. Her intent was clear, and everyone’s eyes shifted back to Chi-Woo.

There was a problem, however.

‘Hm…’ The entity behind Chi-Woo wouldn’t let such a thing happen. ‘The goddess of conquest…’ Just like how Shahnaz had ignored the hero that was appealing so passionately to her, the entity did the same. ‘How subpar.’

‘She lacks dignity. I am not fond of her lowly origins either; no wonder she’s so rough and barbaric.’


‘There’s nothing for you to take here. Back off.’

The entity pushed her away easily. Shahnaz couldn’t believe it. Many gods had once been humans, but the entity had picked on her for her origins and whatnot? It made Shahnaz wonder, ‘Was she some matchmaker rather than a guardian god at this point?’ It seemed as if the entity was searching for a deity who was worthy enough for Chi-Woo to commit to for a thousand years. Of course, Shahnaz kept such thoughts to herself and didn’t voice them aloud.

Meanwhile, Chi-Woo had deciphered Shahnaz’s intent as well, but he didn’t want to be picked. If he had a knack or even any experience for melee combat like the other heroes, he would have accepted this offer. However, Chi-Woo had never once stabbed someone with a knife. If he received Shahnaz’s offer right now, there was a high possibility that only his innate spiritual powers would be improved, and that would lead to nothing in their current situation. If his opponent was a spirit, and his skills were properly strengthened, he might be able to battle a demigod. However, it was still way too early for him to fight a physical being. Thus, he wasn’t the right candidate, nor did he want to be chosen.

Many dreams and hopes had been sacrificed to summon this divinity, so Chi-Woo pushed aside his selfish wants and wished for it to be used in ways that best contributed to their goals. Chi-Woo crouched down and pulled out something from the pile of goods at his feet. It was the sword that the middle-aged man had left behind, asking him to use it well in his stead. Chi-Woo clutched its rusty hilt tightly and looked up.

“Mr. Ru Amuh.”


“You said you were good with swords, right?” Ru Amuh’s eyes widened as Chi-Woo called out for him. Chi-Woo continued, “I’ve seen you fight. You really are good.” He walked up to Ru Amuh and pushed the sword toward Ru Amuh.

“Uh…Pardon?” Ru Amuh still looked flustered.

Chi-Woo’s eyes shifted from the sword to Shahnaz before he pointed at Ru Amuh.

“A-are you pointing at me?”

Ru Amuh wasn’t the only one puzzled by Chi-Woo’s action. Recruits and natives alike were showing the same reaction. An opportunity had fallen on Chi-Woo’s lap. Even though the chosen hero wouldn’t recover their lost powers fully, Shahnaz would lay down the groundwork for the hero’s eventual full recovery. Everyone desperately wanted to be chosen. However, there were many heroes, and only one of them would gain this opportunity. In reality, most people thought it was going to be Chi-Woo. He was also the only one everyone would accept without complaints as the chosen champion. However, Chi-Woo rejected the offer and passed the opportunity to Ru Amuh.

“Please hurry up.” Chi-Woo waved the hand holding the sword and ushered Ru Amuh to come forward.

Ru Amuh bit his lip. His gentle eyes looked extremely conflicted. If there were heroes who desperately wanted to be chosen, it was only natural that there would be heroes who were the complete opposite. As Raphael said, Ru Amuh was a hero that walked the path of a king. He was the perfect embodiment of a noble, fair, self-sacrificial, and kind-hearted hero. He was used to claiming achievements for himself and sharing with others. At the same time, he wasn’t used to having another person do the work for him or receiving help from others. Thus, he couldn’t immediately accept Chi-Woo’s offer; he had watched the ritual from start to finish and knew that Chi-Woo was the reason why the ritual was possible in the first place.

“It’s even better since you already know this god.” But regardless of what Ru Amuh felt, Chi-Woo continued to talk with a raspy voice, “Why, do you not want to?”

Ru Amuh had a feeling that Chi-Woo would turn to other heroes without hesitation if he said no. “It’s not that I…don’t want to, but…” Ru Amuh sighed; he didn’t know exactly why, but his face felt hot. He felt embarrassed to the point of frustration.

“That’s fine.” Chi-Woo forcibly pushed the sword into Ru Amuh’s hand.

“Sir, b-but!”

“I’ll explain later.” Chi-Woo furtively glanced at the wall. He could hear noises coming from the other side. The cursed ones were close now, and it was obvious that they were going to come bursting in soon.

“I leave it up to you.” That was all Chi-Woo said, but his words carried great weight. Even though there was still tension between them, there wasn’t time to hesitate any longer. Others were crying out for Ru Amuh to hurry up or give it up. Ru Amuh turned around and knelt before Shahnaz with his head bowed.

Shahnaz had no complaints. Even though she felt regretful that it wasn’t Chi-Woo, she couldn’t make him her vessel, and he had rejected her. In all honesty, if Chi-Woo was out of the picture, a talent like Ru Amuh was as few and far between as a star in the sky.

“Goddess Aerys…no, Goddess Shahnaz.”

–It doesn’t matter what name you address me with.

Her voice swept into his mind like a gust of refreshing wind. Ru Amuh was familiar with her voice and the feeling it elicited. It was an interesting experience; just by conversing with a god, his muddled mind became clearer.

–I heard you.


–I heard your concerns about your role here.

Ru Amuh recalled what he had shared with Chi-Woo.

[I thought there must be a reason for Aerys’ command.]

[Like how I had saved my world, I thought I would be given a specific role or mission. But…]

[But why is it?]

[Why did the god I believe in bring me to this place?]

Ru Amuh had been curious about these matters since he first met Chi-Woo.

–Have your questions been answered?

“No.” Ru Amuh shook his head; he was still questioning his existence here. “I don’t know.” Rather than finding an answer, he became even more troubled.

–Think carefully.

Shahnaz continued.

–About everything you’ve gone through since your arrival.

Ru Amuh had almost died as soon as he came to Liber, and he had gone through various dangerous situations after. However, the hardest part for him had been his inability to do anything in the dire situation. Fortunately, things were now different.

–Because of whom?

Upon reflection, he realized that he had been continuously saved by one person. That man was the reason why he had been able to take part in saving everyone, and now, he was going to regain his powers because of the same person. Everything that had happened to him since he came to Liber was connected to the man. However, it only made him even more curious about his role in this world.

“…Goddess, I don’t have an answer.” His response was the same as before. He still wasn\'t sure. “But I want to know more,” Ru Amuh replied clearly and strongly.

–That’s good enough.

Shahnaz accepted Ru Amuh’s reply.

–Child of Ru, lift your head.

–Ru Amuh, you are my chosen boy and my promised child.

A hand as white as snow touched Ru Amuh’s head.

–Although this world has gone to ruins, will you once again…?


With just one shot, the stone wall collapsed. Through the gaps, the cursed ones burst in. They had finally arrived. Some of the natives began screaming, and those who were near the stone walls scattered in all directions.

“Everyone, move back!” Allen Leonard shouted and rushed past the natives to move to the front. The ordinary cursed ones were definitely weaker than the heroes. Allen Leonard attacked them like a furious beast, and with the help of several heroes, they quickly repelled their enemies.

However, they soon saw the green mutants throwing punches at the stone wall. The difference between them and the regular cursed ones was clear. The mutants were two times larger both in height and bulk, and their entire bodies were covered in bulging muscles. Their popping, green veins seemed to carry poison rather than blood.


A mutant suddenly jumped; it flew tens of meters into the air.

“This is nothing!” Allen Leonard barely held his ground as the mutant’s first target. A blow was all it took for him to realize that Giant Fist’s description of them was no exaggeration.


In an instant, Allen Leonard slammed into the stone wall on the opposite side, and he sucked in a sharp breath. “Cough!” He felt his stomach rip, and he vomited blood. His alerted eyes cast forward and stared at the sight in front of him. The mutant that had flung him into the wall wasn’t alone. Behind it were several dozens of green monsters.

‘It’s over for me…’

They could defeat four or five mutants at most even if all of them fought together. If this went on, everyone would end up dead before half a day passed.

‘Quickly…!’ Allen Leonard stared at the altar with fervent eyes.

When he heard Ru Amuh and Ru Hiana talk about promises, he had thought, ‘The Ru Clan are quite calculative.’ In a way, he had not been wrong.

Ru Amuh, who had been preoccupied with concerns since getting the sword from Chi-Woo, was no longer conflicted.

—…Will you swear?

When Ru Amuh first met Aerys at her call, Ru Amuh had sworn that he would defeat evil and rebuild justice as Aerys’ sword. Behind this promise was Ru Amuh’s desire to protect Ru Hiana. However, the situation was different this time. Ru Amuh realized that it was impossible to save Liber by himself, and he was greatly lacking in strength. Even so, he had been given a role and a mission, which were passed to him by Chi-Woo rather than earned by himself.

“…Yes.” Ru Amuh was given something beyond his qualifications. He needed to make an appropriate ‘payment’ in exchange for the opportunity. That was why Ru Amuh swore once more to Shahnaz. “I swear.”


Wind swept around Ru Amuh as he stood up, gathering and spinning fiercely with him at the center. In the eye of the swirling wind, Ru Amuh unsheathed the sword with all his might; it felt heavier than ever. With the clear clang of metal, Ru Amuh opened his eyes wide and declared, “With the name of Ru.”

At the same moment, there was a change to the Miscellaneous section of Chi-Woo’s user information.

4. Miscellaneous

? [‘7 Ways to Become a Great and Respected Parent’ is unactivated. Open the first page.]

[Checking the conditions.]

[The book has been unlocked.]

4. Miscellaneous

? [7 Ways to Become a Great and Respected Parent] has been activated.

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