I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 97 97. The Great Devotee Of Mahakaala

She, contrary to the imagination, was quite scared and worried other than being happy about knowing this information. This looks odd in the eyes of others but she who grew up hearing the stories and personally experiencing them, Knows that the boon is just another form of curse.

She just got one boon, That too not that strong just to be blessed with being the mother of 100 children, The reason also was not bad ones All she wanted her daughter to experience the love and care she given by her own 100 brothers.

There was no ill intent, There was not treachery behind asking that boon, Just a pure emotion of a mother wanting good for her daughter but what happened? That boon became the reason why her whole family got destroyed.

The same boon became why she didn\'t have a place to call her home anymore, It was destroyed the day her father and brother stained the ground with their blood for her honour.

The current Gandhar is nothing but a puppet of Hastinapur, a vessel they can use anytime they want and when the need is fulfilled, Throw it away. Even her 

Arya as a king can\'t do anything about it as it will touch too many people\'s bottom line.

So Gandhari Really prayed it was not a big blessing bestowed on her son, She really hopes that Rishi Durvasa is wrong. Having a tough skin is okay as not many people will feel threatened by it but if it makes you immortal that too as a mere mortal.

At that time not to mention mortal kings but even the immortal Deva\'s in heaven will not be able to keep their calm and do everything in their power to destroy this threat.

"Your son is very lucky Gandhari, There was only one man who was this fortunate to receive this gift of boon from Deva De Dev (God of Gods) Mahadeva.

That person was Maharishi (The Great Sage) Dadhichi, he got the boon of Vajra Body and with it he was invincible. He went and fought with the king who defeated him with the help of Indra before.

This time however with the blessing of Vajra\'s body, He is easily able to defeat that king Ksuva, So the king becomes afraid to face the enraged Sage, He ran away and asked the help from his lord Vishnu.

Seeing that the life of his devotee in danger, Vishnu Narayana fought with the sage but everything was ineffective on that Vajra body, Sage on the other hand was not even using weapons but fighting with the tip of grass heads.

This angered Narayanaya too much, Then he used the final weapon, The one who came among the supreme court weapons, The Sudharshana chakra but even that was ineffective against the Maharishi.

After that too many things happen but that is not important for the conversation right now. What is important is that, It shows the might of Vajra\'s\'s body, Duryodhana is immortal with it because even Yama\'s Pasha (Noose) can\'t hurt him, And because of that can\'t take his soul away from his body.

The only way to kill or die for Duryodhana is that he himself leaves his soul from his body and goes to Swarga."

Rishi Durvasa did not see the change in the face of Gandhari, He was so immersed in his story that for a moment he was living that scene once again, How Maharshi Dadhichi respectfully respected Narayana.

That is the reason why all gods had to die in the hands of an avatar of Rudra (The Roar Of Shiva) Veerbhadra but everyone just blamed him for cursing others, They outright ignore what others curses did to them, He wants justice.

"If Guru Dev you say that Maharishi is that powerful then where are they? Why I never heard of him from others."

Karna too was immersed in the story but he hasan question, He never heard of this Sage, If this sage is so powerful then why no one talks about it?I think you should take a look at

"Who said you never heard of him? Do you know about the Vajra of Indra? It is made from the bones of Maharishi Dadhichi, He himself gave it up for the greater good."

Rishi Durvasa was not angry but willing to talk about this issue. After all he has all the time in the world for anything related to his lord, He happily told the reason to Karna but his answer made Karna frown.

It didn\'t make sense to him that why one moment everyone against him and next goes asking for help from him, He smelled that in this thing Indra can\'t be a bystander, It is definitely done by him.

But there is not much proof. After all, no matter how insecure Indra is, He still has a brain. He will never dare to go against a Maharishi if that Rishi is not a great potential threat to him.

The only reason Rishi having Vajra didn\'t make sense as even Sage though powerful had to obey the command of Indra.

"Guru Dev, Is there anything strong and mighty like Vajra\'s body in possession of Maharishi Dadhichi?"

Karna didn\'t hold back and asked, and this not even going to be considered an offence because students have all the right to ask questions to their Guru.

"Oh something strong as a Vajra body…."

Rishi Durvasa fell into thinking, Though he knew all about it but he needed a second or two to search that information in his brain, Which is already overfilled with all kinda mystical knowledge.

"Yeah!! Maharishi Dadhichi has a Mantra that can turn mortals into immortals by simply chanting."

Durvasa after remembering the information quickly said to Karna without thinking much about it because even though he didn\'t have that Mantra, But he knows the secret of Immortality. 

So in his eyes, It is not that big of a deal but when Karna hears it, All the things start making sense.

Meanwhile, Here Duryudhana is not paying much attention to anything at all because he was convinced he got a fake Vajra body. After all, Karna can hurt him.


"Hey, Pasupathi (Lord Of Animals), Please help me save the life of this innocent animal."

A rushing chariot just entered the border of Hastinapur with the flag of the Hastinapur army fluctuating on the chariot flag pole bringing in a new addition in the story.

(A/N : wait for a few more chapters then the story will pick up its pace.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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