Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 492 - Inevitable?

Their engaging session went on for hours and they only stopped when It was nearing daybreak. 

While they smashed bodies, Hal had drafted a contract which he held out for Corrina to sign, and with her mind addled with pleasure, she was more than happy to sign it.

Without reading it through.

Of course, it was not that there was anything in the contract that she was not happy with when she was awake.

There was only one particular clause in the contract that caused her to raise a brow.

It was not the cause that said she now belonged to him. (She was fine with that)

It was certainly not the clause that said helping him accomplish his goals was now her number one priority. (That one was very fine with her).

The clause that raised her brow was the one that stated that all advantages she enjoyed as a member of the Silver moon sect, especially as the daughter of the Sect head now applied to her master, Hal as well.

The clause was oddly specific and got Corrina thinking she was only a small part of the grand plan.

"Of course you are a part of a plan. I wouldn\'t call it grand though. Taking over the Empire is a Grand plan. This... This is just a pit stop towards that inevitable goal." Hal said with a grin as he lay in the bed in a relaxed pose while Corrina read through her contract.

Something about what Hal just said caught Corrina\'s attention and when added to the dark energy she had seen Hal manipulate when drafting the contract (despite her delirious with pleasure state at the time) made her say, 

"The Darkness... You\'re the Darkness!" 

Hal\'s eyes widened slightly as he asked,

"What are you talking about?" 

And so Corrina explained to him the vision of a dark seed planted in the ground and an ever-spreading darkness.

As she told Hal, Corrina smiled as she felt he would be happy at the inevitability of his ambitions but Hal did not look relaxed.

"Hmmm" was all he said.

Yes, the seed was indeed him planting his seed in Sapphire city and the Darkness must be related to his speeding influence. Especially that of the faith of the \'Sapphirine Prince\' but Hal did not see it as a prediction of inevitability.

He was not so naive to think his darkness spreading was enough to take over the Empire when there were powerful individuals and organizations in the sect vying for that power as well.

He knew already that the \'future\' seen with that artifact was mere possibilities. It could be avoided. It could be blocked. It was not set in stone. If Hal could vow to fight against preset destinies to achieve his aim, who was to say others had not done the same thing.

Others who could really make his life miserable.

If he was stupid enough to go out and challenge the Emperor and was then killed, what would become of that \'inevitable\' future the Sect head had seen.

Even the Sect head was only calling it inevitable because she could not see the source which was him. If she had been able to see it, she could have killed him and put a stop to that future which worried her.

It was kind of similar to how she could not find her husband (or more accurately, father of her children) because he was protecting himself from her sights which made his arrival and threat to the Silver moon sect imminent and \'inevitable\'.

It was all just possibilities. 

Things that could happen if he kept to his current path and plans.

Not to mention that the reason he was even capable of spreading this darkness was his insidious mother who he knew was planning something.

He knew it was her interference, with him being her son and a bearer of her Primeval bloodline that was blocking the Silver Moon sect head\'s sights.

That Devil queen was planning something and Hal had been feeling uneasy since he met and spoke to her that all his victories in this world were only helping her further her plans. Whatever they might be.

The silence from the two Demons in his soul world since that encounter only served to further this thought.

"Well then, we must be off" Hal said suddenly and stood from the bed to begin putting on new sets of clothing he retrieved from his inventory.

With the arrival of Corrina and the eventual signing of the contract, his plans had changed.

With the clause of the contract that granted him all her advantages as a member of the Silver moon sect and the daughter of the sect head, he could access the sect\'s vaults. Get what he came here for and then some.

With Corrina aiding him with her strength and Void ordinance, he would have achieved his aims before the Sect head even knew what was going on.

Because thanks to the powerful contract, she would not see Hal as an imposter but as a member of her sect and someone with a close familial connection with herself.

Such was the power and advantage of a Devil contract with specific and possibly twistedly worded clauses.

But then Corrina had not yet moved. She still sat on the bed naked with her head down.

"Corrina, if I\'m going to get what I came here for, I need to get going now" Hal urged her even though there was no actual need to hurry.

"Can you... Master can you really help us defeat my father?" The silver-eyed lady asked and Hal paused.

When he opened his mouth to speak, Corrina interrupted, 

"He is after our very way of life. While we don\'t know his true aim, that much is clear. We... We need your help. If you can really help us, then I implore you to help.

Because as it stands, there is no assurance that our sect survives his attack as he has promised to be brutal and relentless." Corrina said and a tear streaked down her cheek.

Hal was suddenly in front of her and wiping her tears away, 

"Of course I can help. I might be weak cultivation-wise but I indeed have the means to grant you an all-important boost that could very well make all the difference.

But... I will have to make contact with the source. And I know already that getting to it without your mother\'s notice is incredibly difficult" he said.

Through the contract, Hal could look through Corrina\'s memories and gauge the danger levels of such an attempt.

Corrina stood up suddenly and her breasts trembled enticingly, 

"If making contact with the source will really help then I will get you contact with the source. I might not have the aptitude for channeling its foreseeing abilities like my mom wishes I could but I am adept enough to buy you a few minutes.

I-I-I will fight her if necessary" 

Corrina said with as much courage as she could summon which was a lot considering she was talking about battling a Saint. A feat in which victory was impossible even at the Semi-saint Realm. 

Saints are at a whole other level with each condensed star granting an immense boost that made winning battles above their stars (one against two, two against three, three against four... e.t.c) nigh impossible.

"If you can get me at least one minute with the source with the use of distraction, I doubt you will have to fight your mother" Hal said with a smile and stroked Corrina\'s smooth cheek.

Corrina looked up at him with her silver eyes, 

"So... You will help?" She asked.

Hal\'s smile remained as he held her chin and planted a kiss on her cheek before saying in her ear, 


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