Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 293 - Chase

"This is Sigfried, captain of the Grey Wolf. Authorization code A-85439, calling for the captain of the space cruiser Galactus. Over."

"I repeat, this is Sigfried…"

The message was played on the bridge room, clear for all to hear. The moment he heard it, the captain immediately turned to one of his officers, who was currently checking the authenticity of the message in the database.

"The authorization number and the voice match those in the database, Sir. It is indeed Captain Sigfried." said the officer after the result was out.

Upon hearing it, the captain returned his gaze to the screen. "Put it up on the screen." He ordered.

"Yes, Captain." The officer replied. After a while, there was still nothing displayed on the screen. "Captain, it seems there\'s no video, only audio."

The captain nodded his head and began to speak. "This is Captain Jenkins of the 201st space cruiser, Galactus. Report your status."

There was a slight delay, where only static sound was heard. But it didn\'t take long for a cheerful, energetic voice to be heard in the bridge room.

"Good to hear from you, Captain Jenkins. I have three of my crew with me. We were captured by the enemy, but god damn you came at the right time, captain. Your attack gave us the opportunity to escape." The voice said. "Anyway, we are ready and expecting the extraction point, captain. Over."

The voice was very convincing. However, it sounded a little too coincidental. Being the cautious person he was, Captain Jenkins thought for a moment before saying, "Captain Sigfried, hold your current position. We will finish cleaning up first before extracting all of you out of this godforsaken planet."

By cleaning up, he meant killing more of the other side\'s top fighters from behind the weaponry of the spaceship before sending the ground troops. This way, the risk would be minimized and the success would be maximized.

Picking up the surviving Grey Wolf Unit at this time, in the middle of such a fierce battle, would only create unnecessary risk. 

With that dangerous possibility under consideration, it didn\'t take long for the decision to be made. Captain Jenkins was about to relay the order to send another volley of the cannon and ion blaster when Sigfried\'s voice once again heard in the room.

"Captain Jenkins, there is no point in destroying the city at this time. The king has fled, leaving his people to fend the danger by themselves. You should chase him while he\'s still not far away. Hence, the kingdom has already fallen."

The words spoken by Sigfried sounded interesting, it successfully piqued Jenkins\' interest. "Tell me more."

Just like before, the static sound rang out for a while before Sigfried\'s voice was heard again.

"I saw a thousand knights fleeing towards the north. You should see a mass of cavalry soldiers on your radar. the king is with them."

Hearing that, Captain Jenkins immediately gestured with his hand to his officer, who swiftly proceeded to check the radar. A while later, the result appeared and reported to him.

"It\'s true, captain. The radar detected a massive number of life signatures heading north. They are currently at the grid coordinate of 30,20." The officer said as he turned to Jenkins. "What\'s your orders, captain?"

Captain Jenkins turned his gaze outside once more, to the view of the city engulfed in flames. Seeing the black smoke blanketing the sky, he thought he had done enough, that he had sown deep fear in the people below. 

What Sigfried said was true. It would be more beneficial for him to chase after the fleeing king.

"Head toward the north right away!"

"Yes captain!"

It took the ship a minute before it started flying toward its intended direction. However, it also needed only one minute to reach over the sky where the running group of horses were. From high above the air, the thousand of knights looked exactly like a group of ants.

Through the radar, the people in the ship were able to discern the power level of the people below. Even though there were a thousand knights in the group, the radar only detected one saint-level fighter among them. An old man who rode at the forefront of the group.

"Your order, captain?" 

Looking at the screen that displayed the cavalry group, Captain Jenkins sent out the order.

"Fire at will."

Outside of the ship, the machines on the spaceship began to make a lot of noise as they prepared their shots. It didn\'t take more than two seconds for them to start distributing hell upon the people on the ground.


Hundreds of knights were instantly blown to pieces as they were being bombarded by the cannon from the sky. Meanwhile, another hundreds were heavily injured, being thrown from their horses and unluckily stampeded by those behind them.

The cavalry formation was quickly divided and scattered away.

Just within the minutes after the bombardment arrived on the ground, one whole battalion of the Arcadian strongest knights was left with less than half of its previous number. The landscape also underwent a major transformation, where countless pits and craters decorated in red and body fragments could be seen everywhere.

Satisfied with the destruction seen on the screen, Captain Jenkins then ordered the deployment of the ground troops. In a matter of seconds, the airlocks of the spaceship were opened as groups of space knights were sent down to the ground.

Five groups of space knights, for a total of fifty figures. They all were equipped with their power armor and weaponry as they dove down from the spaceship. The Arcadian knights who were on the ground could see numerous black dots appearing in the sky and heading towards them.

There were only fifty of them, but these figures that were sent by Captain Jenkins were the famed space knights. They were the elite of the elite human fighters; extensively selected and rated individuals from numerous planets. They were also being enhanced heavily to boost their physical potential, not to mention wearing one of humanity\'s greatest inventions: the power armor.

Rain of bullets continued to fall down as they fell from the sky and used the jetpack on their power armor to soften their descent. The Arcadian knights who already fell into chaos became even more devastated with the arrival of these space knights.

"Who are you people!!?" screamed the leader of the Blue Division knights, Sterling.. He was shocked that being the first one to retreat from the city will be chased by them.

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