Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 252 - Her Support

In the middle of their meeting in the crystal hall, one figure suddenly came barging through the palace door like a raging gust determined to topple everything on its path. 

Throughout the entire world, there were only a few selected, renowned figures who dared to charge into an elven kingdom\'s palace like that.

The figure was a beautiful, golden-haired woman who exuded a very strong aura, detering every guard from stopping her. 

The woman was the mother of her wife, the Queen of Vanyar, Leena.

When she arrived at the crystal hall, Queen Leena was surprised to see Tristan was the one sitting on the throne. 

In her position and her thousand years of life she really thought there was not any would surprise her anymore. It made this moment quite a special day for her.

Realizing there were others in the scene, She quickly hid her surprise and smiled as she gradually walked toward the throne while maintaining her grace.

"Well, well, well.. What in the world is happening here?" 

She looked at her daughter, Serene, and said, "I heard you are in trouble, daughter. So, I have come to help. But it seems that your husband has already come and solved it for you.. such a good husband isn\'t he?"

She continue walk towards the throne looking at the palace and the elders and said

"As well as getting himself something extra, I see." With an emphasis on the word extra.

When she got close to Tristan, she finally realized that his aura was much stronger compared to when they last met. Moreover, there was a small dragon lying uncaringly beside him and the aura it faintly exuded made her put her guard up.

Queen Leena instantly stopped in her steps, gave a slight bow, and said, "My greeting to you, Lord Monarch."

She said the word with a teasing tone, it was the border of respect and mocking him for seating on the throne.

For this, Tristan responded in an unexpected way. He stood up from the throne and approached her,  grabbed her hand, and kissed its back.

"Welcome, my Queen." said Tristan with a smile.

Tristan\'s action caught Serene so off guard, so annoyed to the point she almost shouted her anger.

The Vanyar Queen, on the other hand, was seen chuckling cheekly.

"I didn\'t see you for just a little over a month, but you have really grown, haven\'t you?" Leena said in a stern tone, but he could clearly see the smile on her face.

Even so, Tristan still played along. "No, no, no.. Rather than grow, let\'s just say that I have finally… awakened and now can see things clearly." He said those words while giving a teasing smile toward the renowned Vanyar Queen.

Leena then looked toward prince Elroth and recognize him as the Forlorn eldest prince

"So does anyone like to explain what\'s going on? What did I miss?"

Tristan replied "good… it\'s good that you are here. Actually, we just talked about you."

Queen Leena then was briefed by Prince Elroth about what had happened during the last few days and what exactly Janus\' plan was as well as their plan to proceed on it. Her expression gradually changed with every sentence she heard until it became indescribable.

"Tristan… 700 elves..?" Queen Leena muttered after Elroth finished his explanation.

Seeing how Leena responded, Tristan told the elders as well as Elroth to leave. He walked back to the throne and sat comfortably before staring at her and saying what the reason he did that to the latter calmly.

"It was necessary, really. Or else, I might be forced to kill them all"

The words Tristan uttered as well as the attitude he currently showed somehow gave Leena chills. She realized the man in front of her was no longer the same as the one who came to visit Vanyar last time.

He was different.

There was something about him that changed, and it wasn\'t just his newfound strength or the fact he was in the same position as her, a ruler of an elven kingdom.

At this moment, Leena understood the seriousness of this matter. The man in front of her could very well become the hero of the continent or the destruction of all.

She must take the other party seriously and give him her advice as clearly as possible, or things could go in the wrong direction.

"Lord Monarch, the Forlorns may or may not deserve it; I can ignore this matter, really. But what you did will only turn the other elven kingdom to against you..there is also King Callan, I believe he will stop you"

It was such a sensitive name that she mentioned, but strangely Tristan didn\'t react at all. The old him would already be irritated and let his emotion run wild. But this time, he only said a few words.

"Please continue, my Queen.."

Returning back from her own thoughts, Queen Leena told Tristan how the Arcadian King had always tried so hard to keep the balance and maintain the peace. No matter how much coins or resources needed, he would be willing to spend them as long as he was able to avoid any form of confrontation.

"And why is that?" asked Tristan while joining his hands together.

"Callan knows the fact that the elves are dying while Arcadia was flourishing, and he\'s sure if the balance broke, war between the elves and the Arcadians would become unavoidable. So he always strives to not let that happen."

Tristan chuckled upon hearing her words, causing her to show a confused expression.

"It was exactly that kind of attitude that gave birth to people like Janus, don\'t you think?"

Queen Leena realized what he meant and shook her head. "You don\'t understand the burden he bears. He has been protecting us elves and we have been helping him; it always has been this way for hundreds of years. Therefore, I hate to see you not on his side."

From her words, Tristan realized the Vanyar Queen\'s relationship with that bastard king was more close than he previously assumed. Hence, he needed to be decisive about this. 

"My Queen, what Callan did was only delaying the inevitable. The thing that happened in Forlorn was proof of it. If I don\'t stop Janus, you will see that it would be him marching towards the Arcadian cities"

"No… There must be other way than blood." The queen replied

Tristan once again smiled as he said, "I thought you were a believer, my Queen.. What was the prophecy again?" Turning his head to Serene, a realization appeared on his face. "Ah, my wife, would you be kind and remind the queen about it?

"The leaves are falling, the seas are raging, and the forests are drowning. Blood will rise and the Monarch will lead through the mist." Serene cited the words as requested and the Vanyar Queen turned silent.

Tristan continued to his words.

"My Queen, the prophecy is already here. Can\'t you see that one part of it has been fulfilled? The blood has risen. Therefore, you should hope that King Callan is on my side, not the other way around." 

Hearing this the Vanyar Queen took a deep breath. "I am just hoping it wasn\'t our blood nor our loved ones that were spilled." Queen Leena said as she took a glance at Serene.

Looking at her worried expression, Tristan added.

"My Queen Leena, you don\'t have to worry about it.  Unless King Callan forces me to, I have no intention to battle against him. In fact, what I have been doing so far is following his order to take care of Caerleon City. I\'ve been merely taking care of anything that can pose a threat to my task."

The Vanyar Queen seemed unconvinced by his reason. Therefore, he marched on.

"Please my Queen, if you don\'t believe me you are very much welcome to tag along and follow my daily activities. In fact, I will be happy to have a beautiful queen like you at my side."

Eventually, the Vanyar Queen decided to let the matter go for now. Tristan asked Serene to accompany her mother to her prepared room, as well as giving the mother-daughter duo some private time. Unfortunately, Tristan\'s last words made Serene do whatever it took to push her mother to return to Vanyar.

The moment she left, Tristan ordered the guards to summon Elroth.

"We will proceed with the plan. We shall start with the orcs. Make all the preparations."

Tristan had no qualm in giving this order. After all, the orcs were also part of Caerleon City\'s problem. Rather than defending the city from their irregular raid, why not just stop the whole orcs\' threats altogether? He then gave some tasks for Elroth to prepare for this objectives

When everything had been set and he was left alone in the hall, Tristan finally remembered something. He opened his storage ring and looked for the communication stone he hadn\'t touched in a long time. As expected, there was a message coming from his sister.

[Tris, why have you not sent any message? Are you dead, or what?]

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