Beast Evolution

Chapter 88 88 Gods

"So with that off the table, cast a spell," Ivan said.

"All you want to see is a spell, why do you want to see it so badly," Sofia asked.

"You have seen spells all your life this is my chance," Ivan said.

"I\'m not going to cast any spells Ivan" Ray told him.

"So I told you what I went to the forest to do so I\'m going to sleep and think of my punishment tomorrow"

"Because of you, we are also getting punished," Arya said.

"You are, so it\'s not only me, I thought I was the only one getting punished" Ray laughed.

"We didn\'t do anything wrong, we are getting punished because of you," Arya said.

"Do you know what the punishment would be?" Ray asked her.

"Sorry, I was just joking, I\'m sorry that you are getting punished because of me" Ray apologized.

Each group said their goodbyes and left for their room.

"So Ray, what\'s the deal with Lily, do you like her too?" Ivan asked.

"Ivan stop prying into other people\'s business, what is your concern there," Leia said.

"Yeah Ivan stop that, so Ray are you two lovers now or what..." Sofia said.

"You are telling me to stop, what are you doing now Sofia"

"Hey, I\'m a girl it\'s okay if I ask," Sofia said.

"It\'s okay if you ask the girl not the boy, so you can ask Lily," Ivan said.

"Guys stop, I haven\'t asked her and she hasn\'t said anything so I don\'t know," Ray said.

"What so you are waiting for her to say something, bro haven\'t you been with a girl before," Ivan said.

"If you don\'t talk to her, she wouldn\'t talk about it," Sofia said.

"Okay, tomorrow I\'m going to tell her I also like her" Ray said.

"Don\'t screw it up" Ivan said.

"Ivan, why do you care so much about it?" Sofia asked.

"He\'s my friend, so I want him to be happy," Ivan said.

"Thanks, it seems Leia slept off," Ray said making them to look at her.

Ray closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Ray opened his eyes and he was seated in a white chair, they were five more chairs but they were empty.

"Good, he finally fell asleep," a voice said behind Ray.

Ray looked back to see who it was but there was no one there, he turned forward and found the five people seated on the empty chairs.

Ray looked at them strangely and asked, "Where is this and how am I here, I clearly remember going to sleep in my room"

"Yes, you are still in your room, you are asleep, we brought you here in your dreams"

"So this is a dream?"

"Yes, it is"

"It feels so real, why am I here, and who are you guys?" Ray asked.

"We are what you guys call gods," one of them said.

"I am the one who saved you when you fought the slime king," one of them said.

"You are the goddess of healing?"


"Wait, you are gods, but you are just a bunch of humans," Ray said.

"Haha, he has a sense of humor, we are not humans, we just borrowed these bodies to speak to you," another of them said.

"You borrowed the bodies, how. Did you possess it?"

"These humans are asleep, so we used their bodies and stop asking too many questions"

"Sorry, so why am I here?"

"Do you know you are the chosen one?"

"The chosen one, what is a chosen one?" Ray asked.

"Why did we even choose this stupid human In the first place?" one of them said.

"We didn\'t choose the human the grand master did," the other one said.

"Oh, I forgot"

\'What is wrong with these people here, something doesn\'t seem right\'

"We wanted to tell you that you are the chosen one, so what are you waiting for"

"I\'m the chosen one, chosen for what?"

"Chosen to bring peace to the human world"

"Really, why me?"

"I don\'t know, I really don\'t know, it could have been anyone else but you were chosen"

"It sounds like you don\'t like me," Ray said.

"Oh, yes I don\'t, I mean anyone could be chosen and instead you were chosen"

"So why am I here," Ray said angrily.

"He\'s angry, you\'re angry, direct that anger towards your enemy" another of them said.

"We brought you here to ask you something, what are you doing?"

"I don\'t understand, what am I doing"

"You are supposed to be fighting against evil not resting in your room, you haven\'t even met with the one you are supposed to defeat"

"Do you mean the man with golden hair?" Ray asked.

"Yes, how did you, you guys haven\'t met once how did you know him" all of them were surprised.

"You can see everything that\'s happening, why haven\'t you done anything?" Ray asked.

"We are not supposed to interface with the affairs of the human world"

"So what am I supposed to do, go fight someone I don\'t even how strong he is and then die"

"That\'s your job, don\'t forget you are already dead, we just... sorry the grand master decided to reincarnate you"

"Who is this grand master, where is he, can\'t he choose another person and send me back to my world"

"It doesn\'t work like that, the task is to defeat the villain and you would return to your world safe and sound"

"If I can defeat the golden haired man I can go back to my modern world?"

"Yes, and you would be granted a wish, anything you want when you are going back"


"Yes, so think about it and rush into action, bye"

"Wait" Ray shouted.

Light faded away and everything became blank, Ray opened his eyes and he was back at the knight academy in his bed, it was still midnight as everyone was fast asleep.

\'So I can actually go back to my world, and I would have one wish when I\'m going back\'

\'All I have to do is defeat one person, will that isn\'t a problem, I will end the battle when he attacks the capital\' Ray smirked.


"So that gave him the motivation he needed right"

"Yes, you did well on that part, let\'s sit back and enjoy the show" they all smiled.

"What about the villain, have you spoken to him?" one of them asked.

"Yes I have and he was also eager to return back to his world, so we just have to sit back and watch them destroy themselves"

"Wonderful" they all smiled.


Morning arrived very quickly, to Ray it felt like he slept a few seconds ago and woke up now.

All the students were now used to waking up early in the morning for the normal morning routine, they would do some light training and then return to the dining hall to eat.

After that, they would each go to their respective classes and begin training.

Ray, Lily, Arya, Gabriel, Ivan, Leia, and Jack were all part of the swords class, while Sofia, Martha, and Crystal were part of the archery class, Dan who was Jack\'s roommate was part of the spear class.

Ray was still thinking about what those people who claim to be gods told him, he wanted to return back but he also likes it here.

\'Why does that guy want to destroy this world so badly, I mean there must be a reason for that, maybe if I meet him I would ask\'

"Anything on your mind?" Ivan asked him.

"Nothing important, just thinking a few things," Ray said.

"Ivan, is there any reason why those men attacked us?"

"I don\'t know, the capital is at peace with all the other kingdoms, they could be spying for one of the kingdoms who wants to destroy the capital," Ivan said

"Why would any of the kingdoms want to destroy the capital?"

"The capital is like the biggest kingdom in the continent, the other kingdoms signed a peace treaty out of fear that the capital would destroy them, so maybe one of them is trying to get back at the capital," Ivan said.

"Hey Ray" Lily touched him and signaled him to follow her.

Ray followed Lily till they got out of the dining room, they walked till they got to their dorms.

"Lily is anything wrong?"

"No I have something to tell you, I forgot to tell you when you got back, it totally slipped my mind," Lily said.

"Remember I told you about my mum"

"Yes, you said she was killed by a beast," Ray said.

"What if it was an infected beast," Lily said.




Author\'s note

Hey guys, I don\'t know if anyone would be interested, I need someone to help me with proofreading.

Someone who is well versed in English language, you would have access to privilege chapters for free, DM me at discord.


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