The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 22 - Change.

The whole class descended into silence. They did not expect the second-generation rich man to fly out and crash into his cronies who were blocking the door. They all turned their gazes to Yang Dao, only to see him picking up his notebook and pen with an indifferent face. He then turned to Kiya and spoke, "Class rep, I will return you a new composite notebook and a pen tomorrow. Take care." then he walked towards the door. 

It was not until he left the silk pants, woke up from their daze and saw their leader groaning on the floor. They all rushed up to help him up and took him to the infirmary while cursing Yang Dao. The whole class meanwhile discussed the whole incident on the university forum. The taglines of this chain of posts were:

[National Treasure Yang Dao beats Young Master Donnie.] (Donnie was the guy who flew away)

[First-day brawl. Yang Dao knocks out Donnie Sugars.]

[Young Master Donnie can fly.]


In only fifteen minutes the whole university was aware of Donnie Sugars being beaten by Yang Dao. This news was natural to create a sensation. The rich were agitated that a nobody attacked them, while the nobody club felt as if a messiah has arrived to liberate them from the torment. Meanwhile, the protagonist of the new, Yang Dao, was busy taking notes in the class. The rest of the class would always look at him in anticipation, yet this guy acted as if he was a robot. He acted as if nothing happened in the morning. 

Though, he stood true to his words. One girl approached him to ask whether he understood what the professor taught them. Yang Dao showed her the notes he took down while patiently explained them to her as well. The girl asked if she could copy his notes. Yang Dao generously agreed and allowed her to copy. This left a good impression on the whole class. They did not expect the national topper to be so approachable. It was just that the rich club was too silent. Therefore they hesitated and did not approach Yang Dao. 

They did not want to meddle with both sides. The rich will use them and then discard them for their convenience, while Yang Dao was too nonchalant. He was not rich enough to suppress these big shots. Thus they avoided him. Not that Yang Dao cared, anyway. The classes passed in a blink. Lunch hour was onto them as a bell rang throughout the college. Yang Dao arrived at the cafeteria, he stood up in a queue of students for food. The queue crawled slowly. Suddenly a hand patted on Yang Dao\'s shoulder. The boy turned back and saw Thomas Shuttler, the captain of the cycling team, standing behind him. 

They exchanged a smile and Thomas spoke, "What are you doing here? Do you not know that people involved in sports can just order and the staff will provide them with food?"

Yang Dao shook his head and said, "It is okay to wait, that way the taste of the food will enhance."

Thomas kept looking at him with a blank face, waiting for his further explanation. But the introvert had already walked ahead in the queue. He turned and saw Yang Dao picking up a plate and spoke to the lady serving him. 

"Auntie, can I not have the porridge and just some solid food?" his voice was very soft and his tone was warm. The auntie behind the serving counter was as if she ate honey. She spoke in an equally warm tone, "Yes, tell auntie, what do you like?" the whole cafeteria knew that Yang Dao was going to eat with them and because of his popularity all of them wanted to see how he will deal with the canteen Hitler\'s venomous tongue. They were shocked to see Yang Dao handling her with such ease and getting two big meat buns in reward. 

Another chain post was made on the university forum:

[A smile that melted the mountain.]

[Canteen Warden finally tamed.]

[Yang Dao creates another miracle.]

[Happy eating.]


Thomas was surprised with this change in the canteen Hitler\'s behavior. He walked up with a plate and with a smile on his face asked, "Auntie, can I skip the greens?"

The auntie looked at him with a grimacing face but she felt she should not scold a bit who greeted her politely, so she spoke, "Boy, you run around on a cycle all day long. Eat the greens you need them. Here I will give you one extra jelly dessert today. But this is only today."

The students were shocked, and they all exchanged glances with each other. They never imagined that the canteen Hitler could be so nice to them. The whole cafeteria echoed with a cheer, "All Hail, Auntie Mellow." 

The auntie behind the counter rolled her eyes and asked them to move forward, but the smile on her face was still bright. The people ate lunch with a high spirit. Thomas glanced at Yang Dao, who ate his food in silence with a satisfied expression on his face. He wanted to talk when Yang Dao\'s phone rang. Yang Dao frowned. He did not like people to disturb his meal. Still, he fished the phone out of his pocket. 

Thomas was again surprised. He thought to himself, \'This guy runs on a billion worth bike but uses a brick phone. What is this low-key attitude?\'

Yang Dao clicked the accept button, and the call connected. He put the phone next to his ears and a silky voice came out from the speaker, \'Young Master, have you eaten yet?"

Yang Dao recognized Feng Yun. He replied with the bun still in his mouth, "Yes, Sister Yun, I am eating as we speak."

Feng Yun heard his groggy voice and chuckled. She spoke, "Young Master, you eat first. I will call you in the evening when you get home."

Yang Dao hummed in response and disconnected the call. Thomas did not know that the one who called his new teammate was Feng Yun. So he ignored it and spoke, "Yang Dao, I want to ask you, how often can you join the team for practice?"

Yang Dao thought for a bit while he chewed on to his food. He replied, "How about six days a week, then rest on Sunday?"

Thomas nodded in approval and said, "Okay, this is the usual practice schedule of our team and here you take this map of the practice route. We will do two runs daily. One before school and the other one after school. The route will be different in both runs and on the last day of the week we will have a race. The winner gets to eat Sister Helen\'s cooking."

Yang Dao asked, "I get the rest, but who is Sister Helen?"

Thomas smiled and replied, "Alumni of the university and boss of the biggest restaurant in the city. She used to be the manager of the cycling club, so after graduating she allowed us all to eat at her place. Though it is only for the winner. Although, she is a management tycoon. Her prowess in the kitchen is no less than a professional 3-star chef."

Yang Dao was fired up as soon as these words reached his ears. He was now looking forward to the weekly race. The two people finished eating and then parted their ways. Yang Dao returned to his classes while Thomas returned to his own matters. While the outside world was boiling. The cycling team of the University has become a hot topic on the net. The pictures of Yang Dao they uploaded on the net had gone viral. 


In Feng Yun\'s office, The lady stood in front of a group of people and spoke, "I do not want his information to leak out. Use any connections you want but encrypt the real information of Young Master. Put up a false one in front of the people. Do you get it?" her cold voice sent chills down the spines of these people and they all agreed. After leaving her office, they quickly contacted people in higher places and encrypted Yang Dao\'s information. 

Mary on the side did not understand why the president was doing something like encrypting someone\'s information, but she did not ask. Feng Yun treated her as a friend, but that did not mean she could meddle in her personal affairs. She quietly passed a glass of water to Feng Yun and said, "Take it easy."

The cold president sighed and nodded. Then she went back to her daily work. She was trying her best to protect Yang Dao\'s safety and privacy. The false front of the information will make Yang dao have an identity of her teacher\'s son. It will deter both the paparazzi and the rich from taking any action against Yang Dao. She was also aware of the dispute the boy had in the morning, and she already dealt with it by calling the rich club\'s parents. 

Suddenly she noticed she had become a lot more caring than before. 

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