VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 747: Shadow War

Chapter 747: Shadow War

Translator: alyschu


A player holding a broad blade in his hand slowly looked up as his mount paced about in the middle of the Northern Alliance formation. A blood-red flag fluttered above his head and his figure was imposing even amid the sea of Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalrymen surrounding him. As he looked at the mountain range above him, his eyes were filled with shock and fear as he shouted, "Can anyone fucking tell me what just happened? Why did the entire mountain range shake? Why did I suddenly enter combat mode?"

The Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalrymen around him shook their heads in confusion as they replied, "We have no idea..."

"Go ask those Frenchmen. Maybe they know what is happening?"

"I just contacted them. They don’t have a clue either..."


As the rumbling sound swiftly grew nearer and nearer, the eyes of one of the mages suddenly widened in shock as he yelled, "Shit! We’ve been had! That is... That is an avalanche! Fucking hell, they deliberarely lured us to this place so that we would be caught by this avalanche! Damn it, what should we do now?"

The mages exchanged bewildered glances before someone yelled, "We can’t return to the city when we’re in combat mode! Everybody, run!"

Unfortunately for them, it was too late!


That enormous boulder had now transformed into a snowball that was several times its size as it crashed into the enemy below!

"Shield formation, defend!" A bunch of Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry riders formed up in an incredibly calm and collected manner as they raised their shields to defend themselves.


Large shards of ice were also mixed in with the snow that rushed toward them. These shards of ice stabbed into the armor of these warriors before the snow simply swallowed them up. They were finally struck by another huge snowball, and their formation completely collapsed. The whole place had turned into a disaster zone, and most of the Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalrymen had been buried by the snow. Some parts of the snow had been dyed a deep red, and it was safe to say that none of these Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalrymen had imagined that they would meet such an ending.

The avalanche swiftly thundered toward the Northern Alliance players and it seemed as if the ground itself was cracking apart as it poured downward. Countless mages tried to use Blink to escape, but their efforts were in vain. They still weren’t able to escape the gigantic avalanche and the rain of ice and stone soon buried most of them.

Agonized wails filled the air as the ace troops of both Hero City and Eternal Love City were buried in this sea of snow. Once a player was buried so far underneath, it was over! They weren’t able to breathe and the snow was too soft for them to climb out of, so their only choice was to slowly suffocate to death. Furthermore, more than 30% of the Northern Alliance players trapped under this avalanche were in a starved state, so they definitely wouldn’t have the energy to climb out of the snow even if that was possible. They were done for either way!


The entire avalanche continued for around twenty minutes. Most of the 80000 Mystic Alliance mages and the 50000 Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalrymen had been buried at the foot of this snowy mountain. They no longer had a chance to step into Dawn City during this Nation War.

A report came in from Dawn City and Hot and Sour Noodles turned dizzy with delight. After that, he sent out a system announcement with a huge guffaw of laughter and he didn’t hold back on his praise. "That was spectacular! To think that you managed to use an avalanche to bury 80000 mages of the Mystic Alliance and 50000 riders of the Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry! Simply magnificent! No one can dim the glory that Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls has accrued during this Nation War. All of you are the pride of China!"

Warsky also sent me a message: "Haha, that was spectacular indeed! Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls has simply outdone themselves during this Nation War!"

Congratulations started to pour in.


He Yi and I exchanged looks which could be best described as bittersweet. We might have achieved a glorious result in batte, but we were literally hanging off the edge of a cliff right now!

"What should we do next?" I said as I looked at He Yi.

My beautiful guild leader simply laughed as she confidently unsheathed her sword and stabbed it into the rock wall above us. After that, she took out a Purple Gold–grade spear from her inventory and stabbed it into the wall as well. After that, she smiled at me as she stretched out a hand. "Come on. Your big sister here will pull you up..."

The muscles on my face spasmed. "Thank you, big sis..."

So, that was how the two of us helped each other scale up that cliff wall. The moment we planted our feet on solid ground, we exited combat mode. Okay, it’s time to return to the city!


After we entered Sky City, we summoned our mounts and rushed to repair our equipment. After that, we went to Wind City and disembarked from there. We managed to find Gui Guzi, Chaos Moon, and Xu Yang’s dots on the minimap, our swift mounts allowing us to close the distance as we galloped forward.


We managed to catch up with the remaining Dragonlight Cavalrymen half an hour later.

"Haha, boss and leader have arrived!" Gui Guzi said with a hearty laugh.

High Fighting Spirits grinned as he said, "That was way too cool! You guys used an avalanche. You actually used an avalanche! Why can’t I think of such cool plans?"

Chaos Moon smiled sweetly. "If you could come up with such plans, you wouldn’t be High Fighting Spirits anymore. In fact, you could be our guild leader instead, haha!"

Heaven’s Rain wheeled her mount toward me and laughed, "Vice leader big bro! Did you really get rid of all 130000 of those darned Northern Alliance players?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I got all of them, which also includes the five Heroic Bannermen who were leading them. Heh heh..."

Gui Guzi exclaimed in excitement, "That’s great! The 50000-strong Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry, Vienna’s Sorrow’s biggest trump card! He must have thought that they would trample over all his enemies when he dispatched them, but he never imagined that Boss Broken Halberd and the guild leader would actually bury all of them at the foot of the Dragonbone Mountain Range. Vienna’s Sorrow must be so angry that he’s practically foaming at the mouth!"

I chuckled, "Let’s keep up the good work. The Northern Alliance’s main force is still alive, so there’s still a long way for us to go! Oh, that’s right! How is Chengfeng’s battle going?"

Xu Yang’s face turned cold the moment I asked that question. He replied in a solemn voice, "It’s looking extremely grim. Titan God summoned the players from his subordinate guilds and assembled an army of 90000 players. All of them poured into the Breeze Canyon, and our Cyan Tiger Cavalry’s casualties have exceeded 70%. Right now we only have about 7000 people left in Breeze Canyon, and all of them are still fighting for their lives. However, Li has got balls of steel. Even though there is such a huge disparity in the overall strength of both forces, he actually managed to kill more than 40000 of the players under Titan God’s command. Right now, it’s his 7000 men versus Titan God’s 50000."

Li Chengfeng had definitely already hit his limit a long time ago, and he must be covered in wounds right now. Furthermore, Titan God was no noob. When two experts clashed, even the winner wouldn’t emerge unscathed, so there was no way that Li Chengfeng was faring very well.

I swiftly wheeled my horse around and shouted, "There’s nothing left to say. We are to immediately head for Breeze Canyon and back up Li Chengfeng. We’ll never abandon any of our comrades!"

"Wait a minute!"

Gui Guzi hurriedly stopped me. "Boss Broken Halberd, Old Li sent us a message: He told us to leave Titan God to him, and he doesn’t want any of us to interfere. If we do, he’ll cut ties with all of us! Furthermore, Dawn City just sent out an SOS signal. The Northern Alliance forces have come within view of the city, and Snowy Cathaya and The Monarch Descends are already engaging them in battle. Our walls have been battered by many siege weapons and some of them are already on the verge of collapse. They probably won’t be able to hold out for much longer. Dawn City clearly needs our help right now."

I clenched my fist tightly as I ground my teeth together in anger. "Damn it all, Chengfeng clearly doesn’t want to drag us down any further. But even if he said that, I still..."

Xu Yang moved his mount toward me and patted me on the shoulder. He said, "I feel the same anger that you’re feeling right now, but Li is determined to have his fateful showdown with Titan God in Breeze Canyon. Likewise, we also need to reinforce Dawn City. Even though we are on two different battlefields right now, we’re still fighting back to back! For the glory of our nation!"

I clenched my jaw in anger and grief before I said, "Let’s go back to Dawn City!"



All of us started galloping back toward Dawn City. There were only a thousand Dragonlight Cavalrymen left, and we looked like a deep blue stream as we flew through Wind City’s territory. In truth, Dawn City was one of the cities which protected Wind City, but less than 30% of Wind City’s players had showed up to defend it and we didn’t know why this was the case.

When we entered the territory around Dawn City, we saw a bunch of Chinese players from Sky City struggling to charge through the enemy and reach Dawn City. However, our Dragonlight Cavalry had no trouble slicing through the enemy and we easily reached the city walls.

Battle raged all around us, but our riders tore through the enemy like a sharp blade. AoE attacks exploded into the crowds of enemies around us, instantly clearing an empty space around us.

I raised my sword and looked up at the city walls before I yelled, "Hi, is the one in charge of the gate there? Get them to open up the gate! We’re from Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls!"

An archer belonging to Candle Dragon peeked over the wall. It was Purple Dawn. He gave a cold chuckle as he said, "Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls? Aren’t you launching an attack outside the city? Why did you come back?"

"Cut the crap! Open the city gate and let us come in. We need cover fire as well!"

"No can do. Go back to where you came from!"


I angrily unsheathed my sword and stared up at the city walls before I yelled, "Candle Dragon, you bunch of fucking losers! Are you actually trying to stir up internal conflict at this critical time? Do you still have any shame?"

"That’s right! Does Candle Dragon even fucking understand the meaning of the word shame anymore? Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls’ Dragonlight Cavalry were practically butchered out there, but they still don’t want to let them inside?" Many Chinese players stationed atop the walls started to cry out their support for me.

Now that the situation had turned on its head, Purple Dawn had no choice but to relent. He gave a sharp nod of his head and said, "Okay, open the gates!"

As the metal chains started to clink, the city gate started to rise. After that, we swiftly entered the city.

Thunk, thunk, thunk...

The Ice Qilin Horse sprang straight up the steps to the city wall as I rushed to the top as soon as I could. I immediately leaped off my horse and straight toward Purple Dawn, my hand shooting toward his neck at lightning speed. I grabbed the collar of his robe and pulled him toward me, the Cyan Netherworld Sword gleaming with a cold light as it rested against his neck. I yelled, "Fuck you! My comrades from Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls fell one after the other in this battle, and none of them uttered even a single word of resentment as they died. Meanwhile, you’ve been sitting pretty in this city like the bastard you are, yet you dared to act so arrogantly toward us! Do you really want to die that much?"

A few of the warrior’s from Candle Dragon’s first subguild rushed out and yelled, "Release our guild leader!"

"Get lost!"

I swiveled around and kicked out with my right leg, causing Burning Blade Slash to erupt from it. Even though its damage was nowhere near what it usually was when I used it with my Cyan Netherworld Sword, it still hit the warriors with great impact. A single kick from me had sent around eight Candle Dragon players tumbling off the city walls.


"Have mercy, Lu Chen!"

Hot and Sour Noodles’ voice rang out from behind me. He was accompanied by a bunch of players from Righteousness as he said, "I know that Purple Dawn bears a grudge against your guild, and I really don’t want to poke my nose into the bad blood between guilds, but we’re currently under siege. We can’t afford to go around killing our own leaders before the enemy has even arrived. Just forget it for now. You’ll have more than enough time to settle this debt with him after the Nation Wars are over."

I nodded my head as I curtly shoved Purple Dawn aside. After that, I pointed my sword straight at him and said, "If there’s a next time, even Candlelight Shadow himself won’t be able to save you! In fact, I’ll kill the both of you myself!"

Purple Dawn straightened his collar as he sneered, "Hmph, you’ll get yours sooner rather than later!"


"Big bro, you guys finally made it back!"

Beiming Xue’s voice rang out from behind me, and it instantly caused the tension to bleed out of my heart. When I turned around, I saw Beiming Xue, Moonlight Stone, Moon Dew, Murong Mingyue, Stranger of Three Lifetimes, Moonkiss, Purple Marquis, Clear Perfume, and a few other familiar faces waiting for me. Everyone was currently discussing strategies to beat back the enemy, but the unfortunate truth was that the city had already been surrounded, so any plan we could come up with wasn’t going to work anyway. The only choice we had not was to fight them head-on and win!

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