Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 77: Family Reunion

Chapter 77: Family Reunion

Wang Yun: "Then what about the situation at the Imperial Court?! Do we just stand and let them fight each other until it grows uncontrollable?! We should be the ones helping the Emperor in calming down these 2 factions and secretly eliminating the Eunuchs! As they were the reason that all this chaos happening in the first place!"

Wang Yun has grown impatient with the passive movement Lie Fan has had this past year, he wants Lie Fan to use the power and influence he has to support the Emperor in this time of crisis. Lie Fan on the other hand is not stupid as he knows that if he announces support for the Emperor both factions will target him.

Lu Zhi: "Master Wang Yun please calm down, I\'m sure that Little Lie has plans that he has considered doing."

Lie Fan: "Yes what Uncle Lu saying is true, I have made some plans that we will do to face the increasingly worse situation in Luoyang."

Jia Xu: "Let me explain the first part of the plan that My Lord has made as a contingency. We will let General He Jin Faction and The Eunuch Faction fight, but we will help both factions silently in the shadow to balance the court while raising the Emperor\'s prestige to suppress both sides."

Zhu Jun: "Helping both sides is easy, but how do we raise the Emperor\'s prestige that is already *ahem* in shambles?"

Lie Fan: "Your Majesty wanted to live carefree and free of trouble from the court, the only way for him to have that life is by controlling the court and he must need some help to do that."

Everyone inside the study is quiet, thinking about what kind of help the Emperor needs for him to do that as the situation is getting out of hand and most of the Court\'s influential people are already either supporting the faction of their choices or staying neutral.

Xun You can be counted as one of the smartest people in the room alongside Jia Xu began to think outside of the box and suddenly something clicked in his head, It is outrageous and maybe Lie Fan either be targeted by both sides or he will be curried favor.

Xun You: "Does Governor Lie think of helping The Emperor by becoming some sort of a special enforcer for Your Majesty?"

Lie Fan: "Bingo! That\'s true Master Xun You, While there\'s a chance I will be targeted by both sides but considering that I\'m neutral and have the influence and military power I think they will not antagonize me and force me to either side."

Wang Yun: "That\'s a very suicidal plan, Why don\'t we just declare our stances and join General He Jin\'s sides in eliminating the Eunuchs"

Zhu Jun: "While it\'s true General He Jin is trying to eliminate the Eunuch it\'s not because he cares for others but for his and his cronies\' agenda that they had."

Huangfu Song: "Yes even though me, Old Zhu, Old Lu, and Master Wang Yun are in General He Jin\'s faction but we are not in the inner circle and can\'t do anything that influences the movement that the faction will do."

Both Xun You and Wang Yun wanted to oppose this statement but both of them were smart people and knew that what Zhu Jun and Huangfu Song saying was true, There is a rumor that General He Jin doing this to help his sister Empress He having her son put as the Crown Prince

Lie Fan: "Okay I know everyone now is either infuriated or disappointed with how the situation is right now, I think it\'s better that we end this here today and maybe meet up the day after tomorrow at the Serenity Inn."

Everyone there agrees with Lie Fan\'s opinion and agrees to meet the day after tomorrow at Serenity Inn a new restaurant that was booming with customers in the past year not knowing that it was part of the Lie Clan enterprise

Lie Fan offered for them to eat dinner today with him and his family but everyone denied the offer as they didn\'t want to interrupt the time Lie Fan spent with his family as they knew that Lie Fan hadn\'t met them for a year

Lie Fan accompanies them and walks outside toward the entrance gate, Lie Fan feels happy that he has some allies that he can trust here in Luoyang. Playing schemes with the old foxes at the Imperial Court is not that easy and thanks to him having Jia Xu and Sun Qian at his side at least he can counter their each move

Lie Fan watches Xun You leaving with Wang Yun, he can see from Xun You\'s facial features that he is tired of what\'s happening right now proving that the seeds Jia Xu planting are blossoming now into a tree with roots that grasp his consciousness.

After all the guests left, Lie Fan walked back towards the main hall where Jia Xu, Sun Qian, and Xu Kai were waiting for him.

Lie Fan: "It\'s been a long time since the four of us were together, I will spend time with my family today so the three of you can enjoy your free time."

Jia Xu: "Thank You My Lord you can rest easy and spend your time with your family, We will prepare contingency plans for our next steps if we ever encounter unexpected problems."

Sun Qian and Xu Kai groan at the same time, both of them can be considered to be young and spirited wanting to spend their free time doing other things. Lie Fa seeing this chuckled while Jia Xu glared at the both of them wanting to discipline both of them.

Lie Fan left the three of them and walked outside of the main hall, he asked a playing maid where are his mother and Ying Yue which the maid replied that the both of they were in the Embroidery room.

Lie Fan thanked her and walked towards the embroidery room where he met Wannian playing with Snow who had now already grown so big ahead of him. Wannian who was playing with Snow saw that Snow was running in another direction making her turn her head and see Lie Fan walking towards her surprising her.

Wannian: "Big Brother!!! You\'re back!!!"

Wannian who saw Lie Fan began to run toward him happily and Lie Fan who saw that stop walking told her to not run too fast afraid that she would fall down.

Wannian and Snow together pounced toward Lie Fan hugging him, Lie Fan crouched down to receive the hug that was given by the both of them.

Yu Yan and Ying Yue who were doing embroidery heard the commotion outside the room hearing the laugh of Lie Fan and Wannian, Both of them turned their head facing each other and showing a smile knowing that Lie Fan had done his meeting. The two of them put down the needle and string standing up from their stool proceeded to walk outside to meet Lie Fan.

Outside, Lie Fan and Wannian are teasing Snow together when they see Yu Yan and Yue Ying walking together toward them. Lie Fan who saw his mother and Ying Yue stop teasing Snow with Wannian, stopped hugging Wannian and stood up walking toward them.

Yu Yan was the first one to hug Lie Fan, she had missed her son who always worried her since 3 years ago when Lie Fan decided to lead soldiers in exterminating bandits.

Yu Yan: "You little bastard finally decided to come back, don\'t you know how worried me and Yung Yue are?!"

Lie Fan: "Alright Alright, it\'s my fault that I have been not filial to you this past year. Now that I\'m back I will spend more time with you m- Ahh Mother why do you hit me!"

Yu Yan: "You and your sweet mouth, don\'t think that I don\'t know that you have become more busy now that you are back in the Capital."

Lie Fan just laughs upon hearing that, he feels sorry that he spends less time with his family and especially Ying Yue. But if he doesn\'t do what he does know his family can only be at the whims of the old foxes.

Lie Fan released his hug and turned toward Ying Yue who was watching from the side with eyes that showed so much affection and love while looking at him, Lie Fan walked toward her and took both of her hands holding it tightly.

Lie Fan: "Yue\'er I\'m back, I\'m sorry that I was gone for so long and made you worried about me, I\'m sorry that I can\'t keep my promise to marry you as many things are happening right now that distracted me ."

Ying Yue who was listening to Lie Fan began to shed some tears, for her Lie Fan coming back was already the biggest gift for her.

Ying Yue: "I-It\'s Okay H-husband, you can c-continue do what y-you need. Our m-marriage can wait, as long a-as you have m-me in your heart I-I can wait. Y-you coming back was already m-my biggest gift to m-me."

Lie Fan sees Ying Yue trying to talk while crying and stuttering The words she is saying make his heart hurt, Lie Fan puts down the hand he is holding and hugs Ying Yue tightly while rubbing her back.

Yu Yan seeing the situation calls for Wannian to follow her and Snow who sees that Wannian is following her mother runs to catch up with his little master.

Ying Yue was holding Lie Fan\'s chest while trying to stop her tears, She knew that Lie Fan was destined to do great things since they were kids so that\'s why her dream was to become the place that receives Lie Fan back home with warmth and Love.

Lie Fan releases the hug and seeing how Ying Yue is trying to stop crying is painful but too cute at the same time, the snow shite face turning red especially the little nose and the lips that open and close to breathe.

Lie Fan seeing the red and little lips can\'t stop the feeling of kissing it and so he does it, he kisses Ying Yue with passion and longing. Ying Yue who was kissed by Lie Fan was surprised at first but then closed her eyes and followed Lie Fan\'s movement.

Lie Fan tasting the cherry again after so long can\'t stop and begins to invade Ying Yue\'s lips with his tongue, Ying Yue opens her lips willingly and the two tongues duel trying to express their longing and affection towards each other, Lie Fan that misses and feel sorry for Ying Yue and Ying Yue who misses and relieved that Lie Fan is back.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 212.000

Renown: 155

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 491

VIT: 204

AGI: 215

INT: 234

CHR: 90

WIS: 199

WILL: 155

ATR Points: 0

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