Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 58: Chen Gui and Chen Deng

Chapter 58: Chen Gui and Chen Deng

Lie Fan: "Welcome Master Chen Gui, thank you for coming to Xiapi on this event full journey from Pei Kingdom I\'m sorry that you have to step down from your position as the Chancellor of Pei Kingdom"

The Carriage doors open and an old man walks down accompanied by a young man, Lie Fan seeing the old man knew that he must be Chen Gui while the young man can\'t be sure if it\'s Chen Deng Chen Gui\'s son or just a page that accompany him inside the Carriage

Chen Gui: "Thank you for welcoming us I\'m Chen Gui and this is My Son Chen Deng we are grateful to be welcomed here, may I know who I\'m talking with?"

Lie Fan: "Ah yes of course! I\'m Lie Fan the Inspector of Xu Province Master Chen Gui, beside me is Jia Xu the Interim Governor of Xiapi and my advisor"

Chen Gui and Chen Deng instantly bow themselves when they heard Lie Fan introduce himself but Lie Fan strode toward them and prevent them from doing so

Lie Fan: "Master Chen Gui is older than me by far and can be considered my Grandfather how can I receive a bow from you"

Chen Gui: "Even though this bone is old but decorum is still needed to maintained and followed"

Lie Fan: "No need, No need I\'m the one who needed Master Chen\'s help not the other way"

Chen Deng: "But Inspector Lie this is the rule since ancient times that we needed to bow to greet our superior"

Lie Fan: "You are Chen Deng? I have heard that Master Chen Gui\'s son is talented and Capable person looks like it\'s true from the way you acted Haha!"

Chen Deng rejected the praise and told him that he still has much to learn not unlike Lie Fan who already contributed to the safety and prosperity of the Empire by bringing down the Yellow Turbans

Lie Fan just laughs neither denying nor receiving the praise, Lie Fan told them to enter the carriage and continue their conversation at the Governor\'s Castle

Chen Gui and Chen Deng agree with his suggestion and then enter their carriage, the Chen Clan members are sent toward the residence that was already prepared for them by Lie Fan located in the safest district

Chen Gui and Chen Deng under the protection of 30 Lie Fan\'s best soldiers from the Guard Battalion follow Lie Fan and his retinue to the Castle, when the party enters Xiapi all noble clans are alerted as this means another clan is joining Xiapi\'s noble circle

Inside the carriage on the way to the Castle, Chen Gui and Chen Deng have a discussion about Lie Fan where they found that the Young Man is different than the others, especially Chen Gui

Chen Gui: "What do Deng\'er think of Inspector Lie?"

Chen Deng: "Inspector Lie is young, younger than me even but the glow in his eyes and the way he carried himself alongside the way he speaks have an aura that I can\'t describe"

Chen Gui: "Hohoho that\'s because you haven\'t seen much of the world and experienced it that\'s why you can\'t describe people like Inspector Lie"

Chen Deng: "Then Please Father explained it to me"

Chen Gui: "Inspector Lie\'s eyes already explain to me the kind of person he is, while he looks compassionate and virtuous I can see the ambition hidden in his eyes like a wolf waiting for its prey"

Chen Deng: "What is the ambition that Inspector Lie had Father?"

Chen Gui: "I don\'t what ambition he harbored but from his action, we can see that he cares about the country and that\'s the only thing we need to know"

Chen Deng stay silent for the rest of the ride, mulling over what his Father said as he thinks his father hide some details from him, and when he tried to ask again they arrived at their destination

Lie Fan gets down from his horse and helps Chen Gui step out of the carriage when Chen Deng also have step out he led them towards the main hall where he can talk with them

In the main hall, Lie Fan takes the highest seat while Jia Xu at his right, and Chen Gui was told to seat on his left side with Chen Deng sitting on below Chen Gui position with the others taking the seat according to their ranks

Lie Fan: "Today I will explain the reason why I invited Master Chen Gui from Pei Kingdom with permission from the Imperial Prince here to Xu Province to become the Governor Of Xiapi"

Everyone in the hall instantly exclaimed and whispering voices are heard, Chen Gui and Chen Deng were shocked as they doesn\'t expect Lie Fan will put Chen Gui as the Governor even though the position is lower than chancellor but more stable than the latter

Chen Gui: "Lord Inspector, I have just arrived and don\'t have many contributions but being promoted to become Xiapi\'s Governor is too unorthodox"

Chen Deng on the other hand stays silent as he feels that his father deserves this position while the other officials immediately speak out and support Chen Gui\'s statement

Lie Fan: "Silent!! All of You except our guest don\'t have the right to protest the decision I made! Don\'t forget what you have done and as for answering Master Chen Gui, your experience is more than enough to become the Governor"

Jia Xu: "What My Lord said is true, Master Chen Gui\'s experiences and record have proven that Master Chen is more than qualified to become Governor Of Xiapi"

With Lie Fan and Jia Xu singing side by side, Chen Gui accepted the position and from today onwards becomes the Governor of Xiapi to the dismay of the high-ranking officials

Chen Deng was assigned to become an agricultural official under him where he will impart knowledge of the crop rotation system to him, Chen Gui, and Jia Xu after this meeting to implement it on Xiapi and slowly all of Xu Province

Chen Deng doesn\'t expect that he will have an official position and thanks Lie Fan for the chance, smiling at him Lie Fan then moves toward the next agenda where he will lead his army to wipe out the remaining yellow turbans hiding in Xu Province

All the officials begin to look at one another as they think this is the chance to change their position from passive to active when Lie Fan is gone not knowing that Jia Xu already monitored their residence and when something happens Jia Xu will know

Chen Gui promised to look after Xiapi in Lie Fan\'s absence with Chen Deng\'s support Chen Gui to repay the trust that he have put towards them and Chen Gui as an old timer already know that there was something wrong with these officials seeing Lie Fan treating them

Lie Fan also put Chao Bo here in Xiapi to act as the military commander and have military authority to support Chen Gui acting as a buffer for him and a warning to these officials and noble clans to not mess around

With the military support backing him, Chen Gui feels safer governing Xiapi and the safety of his family, after that statement Lie Fan told everyone to leave except for Chen Gui, Chen Deng, and Jia Xu

Chen Gui: "Is there something that Lord wanted to tell us away from prying ears?"

Lie Fan: "Yes that\'s true, this is a task for you Master Chen Gui, and your son Chen Deng, In my hometown there\'s someone who found a way to revolutionize agriculture and found a system called the crop rotation system"

Lie Fan began to explain the crop rotation system to them, the benefits and how to do it, and what they have to remember and examine.

Chen Gui and Chen Deng\'s eyes began to glow as they can already see the benefits of this with their domestic background while Jia Xu see this from a military perspective where they will have more ration and it\'s never wrong to have more food

Lie Fan told Chen Deng to lead the project and do it discreetly without those officials know spread the knowledge to the farmers and making them think that it was a good harvest and a blessing from the heavens

Chen Gui and Chen Deng promised to do it discreetly, thanking their cooperation Lie Fan then informed that they will move out in a week bringing his army and 10.000 Xiapi soldier with him starting towards the north and going to the south

After talking about the crop rotation system a bit their meeting finally ended, Chen Gui and Chen Deng left for their residence led by a servant while Lie Fan and Jia Xu have a discussion preparing their logistics for the expedition

Jia Xu: "My Lord with the amount of ration in Xiapi Granary and the ration we brought from Luoyang we can last for maybe 4 months or 5 if we distribute it sparingly"

Lie Fan: "Then how much time do we need to scour almost the entire Xu Province?"

Jia Xu: "5 months is the shortest and the longest is 8 months"

Lie Fan: "With the city treasury not much, we can just resupply at each big city in Xu Province then what do you think?"

Jia Xu: "Then that\'s the only way we can have enough supply then so be it, but with the Lord\'s ingenious system of crops we will have more food in no time"

Lie Fan just laughs and tells Jia Xu to take a rest for today, Lie Fan walks back toward his room telling Sun Tzu if there\'s any way to send the ration he has in his storage to the city granary

Sun Tzu says he can transfer the ration to the granary but Lie Fan has to send 10.000 SP for a transaction, the price is not that expensive so Lie Fan pays 10.000 SP to transfer 100.000 rations to the granary

Lie Fan then takes a rest when he arrived in his room, a week passed to begin their expedition and Jia Xu was surprised when he transported the Rations that they have enough for a year thinking that he miscalculated before, and because of this he become more meticulous when trying to do something


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 145

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 256.700 -> 246.700


STR: 385 -> 395 ( STR Potion)

VIT: 155 -> 165 ( VIT Potion)

AGI: 162 -> 172 ( AGI Potion)

INT: 165 -> 175 ( INT Potion)

CHR: 90

WIS: 130 -> 140 ( WIS Potion)

WILL: 105 -> 115 ( WILL Potion)

ATR Points: 0

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