Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 128 Zombie Empress (59)

(Xyrean Province- Inner Regions)

(The Mermaid\'s Lake- Forested Outskirts)

Qin Lan furrowed her brows in pain as the new memories inside her head began to affect her thoughts and emotions.

It was impossible not to be influenced by a sudden influx of memories inside your mind and Qin Lan was having difficulties seeing Liu Yifei as her current self.

Whenever she closed her eyes, she kept seeing the scene of a pretty woman leaning against a handsome muscular soldier who had burnt her alive using his lightning power.

Why had she done it? Why had she betrayed her? WHY?!

Qin Lan curled up her fingers into a tight fist and used her fingernails to pierce the soft fleshy underbelly of her palm.

Blood slowly dripped down from between her fingers and this sudden burst of pain helped to clear the mental fog that was shrouding her thoughts.

The warm and fuzzy feeling in her chest gradually disappeared as Qin Lan\'s ability retreated back to the depths of her body.

"Sister Lan… are you okay?" Liu Yifei asked with concern evident in her voice.

"Yeah… I\'m sorry. I just seem to have a bit of a headache," Qin Lan slowly replied as she hid her bleeding fist behind her back.

"Why don\'t you girls continue your training and I\'m going to rest in the shade for a bit."

Qin Lan walked over to a nearby tree and sat down in the shade. She moved very carefully and did not show the two teenage girls the injuries on her left palm.

Liu Yifei snapped her fingers and hurriedly ran over with some pain relief medication to help Qin Lan to deal with her headache.

Qin Lan thanked her politely and smiled at the cheerful girl who said that it was no problem.

She could not help but compare the Liu Yifei in front of her with the older one in the original Qin Lan\'s memories.

Liu Yifei was a kind-hearted girl and Qin Lan could not believe that she would join a group of murderers, thieves, and rapists.

And that handsome soldier…

Qin Lan could have sworn that she seen a face like that somewhere before, but it was just out of the reach of her mind.


"Good shot Gong Li!" Liu Yifei\'s voice suddenly cut through Qin Lan\'s musings. She looked up and saw a neat bullet hole in the middle of the target.

Gong Li blushed furiously after her crush complimented her and shyly explained that it was no big deal.

Qin Lan looked at the sweet atmosphere between the two girls and the disconnect between who Liu Yifei was now and the vision of her in the future grew even wider.

What had happened to Gong Li in the original timeline?

Qin Lan closed her eyes and returned to the final memory. She scanned the faces in the crowd but did not see the shy girl who always stuck by Liu Yifei\'s side.


Another shot rang out through the clearing and Qin Lan opened her eyes with more questions than answers in her heart.

There was no way of knowing what had happened to the group of students in the supermarket since the original Qin Lan was not there.

Qin Lan hoped that someone else had rescued the young students since the gang members inside the building were nothing more than human pieces of shit.

"Liu Yifei! Adjust your stance and keep your posture low," Qin Lan called out as she absentmindedly observed Liu Yifei\'s training session.

"Make your that you maintain balance in a fight."

Liu Yifei nodded slowly and subtly adjusted her posture so that her feet were planted slightly apart.

She lunged forward with a knife and made a series of thrusts and slashes that flowed from one move to the next.

Qin Lan found herself nodding in approval at how quickly Liu Yifei was improving. She had a tremendous amount of talent in fighting.

In fact, it was not just fighting, for some reason Liu Yifei seemed to succeed in every task that she tried to accomplish.

Two hours passed and eventually the sun began to sink towards the horizon. Warm orange rays of light shone through the forest and lit up the nearby surroundings in a soft glow.

The two girls were resting peacefully in the grass, so Qin Lan walked up to the lake shore and picked up a tiny stone that was near her foot.

She cocked back her arm and threw the tiny stone at the water. The stone skipped a few times and then sank beneath the waves.

Qin Lan reached for another flat stone and repeated the process again. Watching the stones bounce on the water was oddly relaxing.

Today had been quite the long day.

It wasn\'t over yet, but Qin Lan still felt exhausted as she stared at the beautiful lake.

Tiny waves crashed against the shoreline, and one could see birds diving into the water and coming out with tiny fishes trapped between their beaks.

Meeting Eve again… those memories from the original Qin Lan… training the girls…

It felt as though everything was happening all at once. Qin Lan hummed a soft tune as she picked up another stone.

According to the \'system\' this was her second world.

She didn\'t get the opportunity to unseal her memories before being transferred here so what had happened in her first mission remained a mystery.

Still there was nagging feeling in Qin Lan\'s mind that whatever happened in her first mission was responsible for her shift in personality.

She was never this comfortable with killing other people and she definitely did not have in depth knowledge of fighting skills in her original world.

Maybe things could have turned out differently if she had just had more strength…

No… she had succeeded in killing the monster that possessed her brother\'s body even at the cost of her own life.

Qin Lan let out a heavy sigh as she tossed another rock into the lake where it landed with a dull splashing noise.

There was no use dwelling on the past.

Right now, her only choice was to keep working for the Time Space Administration in order to escape the white void.

Maybe Eve would be able to help her to defeat or kill the villainess of this plane.

Qin Lan wasn\'t sure how powerful Eve really was, but she definitely had the strength to be of use in the fight.

Anyways the plan was to meet Eve tonight after the girls fell asleep so she would have the chance to bring up the fact that she may need her help in the future.

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