The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 72 - Breakfast After S*x

Alyssa rested her arm around his shoulders as he gently set her down in front of the bathroom mirror above the sink. She watched him grab a rag and soap it up before handing it to her with a smile.

"You should stay tonight," Elias told her as he started cleaning himself up.

Alyssa gave him a surprised look as she gently drew the rag between her thighs.

"Really? You\'d be okay with that?" she asked him. She thought that he would drive her back to the dorm after they had their fun.

She didn\'t pack any extra clothes or anything to stay over. She wasn\'t sure if he was ready for that yet, but it was nice to hear that he was comfortable with her sleeping over.

Elias nodded as he rinsed off his rag.

"Of course. I want you to stay," he told her as he took her rag from her once she finished.

Alyssa didn\'t know he could be any more perfect. She actually ended up with a clean guy.

She had seen how dirty the frat boys were, but Elias was the complete opposite. He took care of her in more ways than one.

"Thank you. For everything. You made this so special for me," she told him sincerely. He took his time with her.

He focused on her pleasure. He made the night memorable. She couldn\'t ask for any more than that.

Elias placed his hand on the small of her back and pulled her close to him. He kissed her forehead.

"I want to make every moment special for you. You deserve it," he told her gently.

Alyssa leaned forward to hug him tightly. Her eyes burned slightly, but she shut them. She didn\'t want to cry, but she felt like it because his words meant so much to her.

She knew that she loved him. She just wished that she had the courage to tell him. She didn\'t know if he felt the same.

Elias stroked his fingers through her hair as they stood there in a tight embrace. His skin still felt so warm against hers.

It was torture to break apart, but it was time for bed. It had been quite the night, and they were both visibly tired.

Alyssa slid under the covers and waited for Elias to get settled on his back before laying her head on his chest.

She felt his arm wrap around her, holding her close as they cuddled together. There was nowhere else in the world that she wanted to be right now.

"Goodnight, Elias," she murmured into the darkness.

Elias leaned his head against hers. She swore she could feel his smile.

"Goodnight, Alyssa."


Alyssa woke up to sunlight gently stroking her eyelids. She blinked her eyes open slowly, getting used to the soft glow of morning. She moved a little, feeling something solid next to her.

She turned her head to see Elias snoozing next to her, prompting a bright smile to cross her face.

Memories from last night flooded back to her, making her feel warm all over. Last night was better than she could\'ve ever imagined it being.

She already missed feeling his lips and hands all over her. She rolled onto her stomach to lay closer to him, her bare body moving under the sheets.

Alyssa trailed her fingertips up his bare chest, feeling the light grooves of muscle. He looked perfect.

He was perfect. She couldn\'t think of anything that could break them apart or push them away from each other.

"Good morning," Elias mumbled sleepily as his eyes slowly opened. He gazed over at her with a grin. "You look cute with your hair messed up like that."

Alyssa gaped at him before hurriedly trying to fix her bedhead. She didn\'t even notice that her hair was sticking up funny.

She must\'ve slept really good last night, and she had a feeling that had something to do with being next to him.

"Not funny," she told him as she combed her fingers through the slightly tangled strands of her hair.

Elias laughed as he grabbed her and pulled her close to him. He stroked her cheek as their eyes met.

"I\'m serious. You always look beautiful," he told her.

Alyssa gave him a thankful look. Even when she felt like she looked like a gremlin in the morning, he made her feel beautiful.

"Last night was amazing," she said. She couldn\'t stop thinking about it. She didn\'t think that she would ever be able to stop.

She discovered a new side to her last night. She wasn\'t so nervous. She was bold and open, propelling herself into a new experience. She was trusting of someone. She really had come so far.

"Yeah, it was. We\'re going to have plenty of amazing nights together," Elias promised her.

Alyssa knew that he would keep that promise. He never fell short or disappointed her. Even if she saw him as perfect in her eyes, she didn\'t expect him to actually be perfect.

They were human. They were flawed. She just hoped that they would be able to work out any kinks that came up between them.

"What are you doing today?" she asked. She didn\'t have any plans today since it was Saturday.

There was no homework or studying to do. She could do anything that she wanted. Truthfully, she wanted to spend the day with him if he was okay with that.

"Spending it with you, right?" Elias replied as he gave her a hopeful look. "Unless you\'re busy."

"Just busy with you," Alyssa said with a bright smile. They always seemed to be on the same page. "Did you have anything specific in mind?"

Elias hummed under his breath as he thought for a few moments.

"Let\'s have breakfast. Then, we can go to the mall, take a hike. Whatever you want," he said.

An intrigued look crossed Alyssa\'s face. At least he was open to a variety of things. She was sure that they would figure something out.

Anything they did would be fun because they were together. Breakfast did sound nice now, though.

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