Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 401 West Two's Arrival

In the depths of space, aboard a spacecraft bound for Paradiso, West Two, the doppelganger of Ashton, embarked on his mission to investigate the enigmatic Celestial Vault. Possessing abilities similar to Ashton\'s, albeit slightly weaker, West Two blended seamlessly with his surroundings, his presence going unnoticed among the members of the assault team.

Clad in a sleek black combat suit, West Two observed his surroundings with keen eyes, taking in the sights and sounds of the spacecraft. He watched as the crew prepared for the perilous journey to Paradiso, checking their equipment and going through final safety protocols. It was clear that they were seasoned warriors, hardened by countless battles against the celestial forces.

Remaining inconspicuous, West Two positioned himself near the rear of the ship, finding a spot amidst crates and supplies. He knew that blending in and keeping a low profile was crucial, especially when delving into the heart of the celestial realm. As the engines roared to life, the ship trembled with power, propelling them forward through the vast expanse of space.

During the journey, West Two engaged in casual conversations with the assault team, subtly gathering information and gauging their experiences. He listened to their tales of previous encounters with the Celestials and Hypogeans, their accounts of survival and loss, and their unwavering determination to protect humanity.

As the hours stretched into what felt like an eternity, West Two\'s anticipation grew. He knew that his arrival in Paradiso would mark a pivotal moment in the investigation of the Celestial Vault. The mysteries surrounding its dark influence and the Nightmare Incarnates needed to be unraveled, and West Two was determined to contribute to the efforts.

Finally, the spacecraft began its descent towards Paradiso, piercing through the celestial atmosphere. The team braced themselves, preparing for the imminent clash with the forces that lay in wait. West Two remained calm and focused, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

As the spacecraft touched down on Paradiso\'s surface, the assault team disembarked, stepping onto the celestial realm\'s unfamiliar terrain. West Two seamlessly merged into their ranks, his presence unassuming yet determined.

West Two separates from the assault team and uses his abilities to lull them into a dream state, erasing his presence from their memories.

As the assault team made their way towards Paradiso in the spacecraft, West Two subtly tapped into his unique powers. Drawing upon his doppelganger abilities, he delved into their subconscious minds, casting a potent illusion that lured them into a shared dream. In this dream, they found themselves in a serene landscape, far removed from the chaos of war.

Within the dream, the assault team carried on with their mission, blissfully unaware of West Two\'s departure. He ensured that their memories of him faded into oblivion, leaving no trace of his existence. It was a necessary precaution to maintain the secrecy surrounding his involvement, safeguarding his true purpose and intentions.

Once the dream was firmly established, West Two seamlessly slipped away from the team, stepping out of their shared illusion without leaving a single ripple. He continued his journey towards Alice, knowing that their mission demanded utmost discretion and secrecy.

Moving swiftly through the war-torn surroundings, West Two marveled at the determination of the combatants engaged in battle. Their struggles became distant echoes as he focused on his own path, evading the skirmishes and danger that riddled the landscape.

Witnessing the valiant efforts of the human soldiers further solidified West Two\'s resolve. He recognized the significance of their sacrifices and the importance of their cause. The encounter with the Nightmare Incarnates had only reinforced the urgency to uncover the truth behind the Celestial Vault.

With the memory of the assault team safely tucked away in a dream, West Two pressed forward, his steps guided by purpose. He knew that Alice\'s presence held the key to unraveling the mysteries they faced, and he was determined to bring his unique abilities to bear in the quest for answers.

As West Two ventured deeper into Paradiso, he found himself amidst the chaotic battlefield of the celestial war. Explosions rocked the landscape, casting an eerie glow upon the war-torn surroundings. He observed the skirmishes from a distance, taking note of the relentless determination displayed by both the celestial forces and humanity\'s defenders.

Using his abilities, West Two skillfully concealed his presence from the combatants, ensuring that he remained unseen and undetected. He moved swiftly and silently, weaving through the chaos with practiced ease. The clashes between the celestial and human forces were fierce, with beams of energy and bursts of magic lighting up the sky.

Witnessing the bravery and resilience of the human soldiers, West Two felt a surge of admiration. Each skirmish was a testament to the unyielding spirit of humanity, as they held steadfast against overwhelming odds. Their unwavering determination fueled his own resolve to uncover the truth behind the Celestial Vault.

Making his way through the battleground, West Two eventually reached a temporary command center where Alice and her team were stationed. The atmosphere within was tense, filled with a sense of urgency and purpose. The soldiers exchanged information, strategized, and prepared for their next moves.

Approaching Alice, West Two revealed his presence only to her, ensuring that their meeting remained discreet. His doppelganger features mirrored Ashton\'s, though the discerning eye could detect the subtle differences between them. He greeted Alice with a nod, acknowledging the gravity of their mission.

"Hey, there!" West Two began, his voice calm and composed. "I have arrived as instructed. The journey here was uneventful, and I have successfully concealed my presence from the assault team. They are unaware of my existence."

Alice\'s eyes widened slightly as she realized the significance of West Two\'s arrival. She knew that his presence was reserved for only the most critical missions, and his involvement meant that the situation had escalated further.

"Thank you, West Two," Alice replied, her voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "Your presence here is crucial. We have encountered unforeseen challenges, and the mysteries surrounding the Celestial Vault are growing deeper. Your unique abilities and insights will aid us in our quest to understand and neutralize this threat."

West Two nodded in acknowledgment, fully aware of the weight of the task before him. He understood the importance of his mission, and he was determined to contribute to humanity\'s fight against the celestial forces. "Ey, you\'re too serious. It\'s fine really. Besides, it\'s Big Boss\' orders so I can\'t really refuse." West Two affirmed, his voice resolute. "We must uncover the truth behind the Celestial Vault and find a way to make sure this won\'t mess up our plans. We\'re too close to our goal after all, we can\'t afford to fail now."

"Exactly. That\'s why I\'m stressing over this." Alice gestured to the stacks of papers on her desk.

West Two grimaced in sympathy. Looking at Alice, it\'s clear that she hasn\'t gotten proper rest for a while now.

"Relax, I\'m here now. I\'ll help you out." West Two assures her. "Oh right, here."

West Two handed her a Spatial Ring, he then says: "Supplies are in there. I thought I\'d take some here just in case. After all, we don\'t know how long this war will take."

Alice sighed in relief when she received this. Their supplies were indeed close to running out. She already requested another delivery but West Two\'s initiative was a timely assistance.

With their shared purpose aligned, Alice and West Two exchanged a determined gaze. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty, but together, they would forge ahead, seeking answers and striving to protect humanity from the malevolent darkness that lurked within the Celestial Vault.

Under the darkened sky of Paradiso, West Two made his way through the rugged terrain, following the map provided by Alice. He trekked across barren landscapes and bypassed hidden obstacles, his steps were resolute and purposeful. The journey took hours, the weight of the impending revelation heavy upon his shoulders.

As he approached the vicinity of the Celestial Vault, a palpable aura of malevolence engulfed the air. West Two winced as he sensed this. The reports they received were correct. This corruption was truly on a whole different level compared to what they\'re used to.

Somehow, he\'s convinced that even if they were to find a way to mix the Golden Corruption with the Black Corruption, this one would still trump over the product without a doubt. That\'s just how potent it is.

"Great! So looking forward to this..." West Two sarcastically remarked as he stared at the location of the vault.

The very essence of the foul presence emanating from within sent a shiver down his spine, but he steeled his resolve. His eyes gleamed with determination, reflecting his unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth hidden within the depths of the vault.

Closing the distance, West Two paused at the threshold, a mix of anticipation and apprehension coursing through his veins. He could sense the ominous power that lay dormant within, awaiting his arrival. With a steady breath and a firm grip on his resolve, he took his first step towards the entrance of the Celestial Vault, ready to confront the darkness that awaited him within.

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