Martial Research Master

Chapter 143

” We will be moving with a slow, but steady speed. You are to conserve your energy. ” The path was shown to the cavalry.

” We will be following the path marked in white. The area marked in blue is the sites we will be setting our camps.” The commanders were surprised to hear that Long Tao wanted to set camps in the forest regions.

” We would like to have a word with the Dragon general.” A commander’s meet was assembled.


” Is it a good strategy to set up bases within the forest regions. We are in a situation of war. You wanted to move during the night to avoid giving the enemy time. This plan will be halting our progress.”

Long Tao took a piece of paper out. ” This is a report provided by my spy. Would the speaker be kind enough to read it out loud.”

The speaker read it, and his expression soon took a severe turn. ” The Unrivalled general has taken the mantle of leading the army.”

Every commander of the Jiao country knew of the Unrivalled general’s name. The ambush last time seems to have attracted his attention.



” I hope you gentlemen know where the situation stands as of now.” Long Tao spoke in a sarcastic tone.

” The offensive battle is going to change into a battle of attrition. The situation is bad for us. They have the terrain advantage over us. We will lose if the war tends to get prolonged.”

Long Tao stood up and took a bow.” That is the reason behind my presence as the commanding officer of your armies. I will help you to gain a foothold on the Chu soil. There on it will depend on you to finish this war.” The commanders accepted Long tao’s proposal.


The forest regions-

The army began steady progress into the forest regions. Multiple campsites were being set up. Long Tao supervised the creation of each of the campsites. The reports from the spies were flooding in.

” As expected of Unrivalled. He decided to bury himself within the Chu borders. The task just got a hell lot difficult.” Long Tao decided to hasten their progress.

The Unrivalled general must be settling his troops within the plateau regions. He decided to call another meeting of the commander.

” we will be beginning the training of the soldiers. I am sure the news about the new weapon has reached you.” The commanders were provided with a full report about the device Long tao was about to use.


The army soon built a small testing area for the bombs, where the soldiers were trained on its use. ” Make yourself comfortable with its use. It would help if you stayed out of its range of the blast. After the pin is released, it would explode as soon as it impacts with any surface.”

” The area where the Chu army was last sighted was at this range. They would start their hideout from this region. ‘

The army needed to capture the mountain range to get a foothold in the Chu highlands. Long Tao ‘s plan included the usage of bombs to eliminate both enemies and their traps within its blast-range. Once they got halfway through the mountain, the melee fight will begin.


Su Menqi and her men were moving around with the Black-buck squad. They were headed towards a regio parallel to the mountain range.

” Shouldn’t we be rushing towards the mountains. We need to provide back-up for the troops. The situation has changed.”

” Long Tao asked me to execute a different plan. Our team will be providing support in a very different way.” Di Tao showed a small map of the mountain range.

” The army will be approaching this region. The possible confrontation zone would be the mountain itself. We need to contact the enemy hideout from here. The outcome depends primarily on us.

” Long Tao will be commanding the army for the assault. What is our need in there.”

” The terrain advantage in this region is too big. He would be able to engage the enemy with the help of grenades. But the process would continue until halfway up the mountain. It melees battle from there, and the enemy has a large advantage in melee battle. That is where we come in.”

” We will be approaching the enemy hideout from the side path. We need to keep them busy after Long tao exhaust his grenade reserves.”

The plan was very well laid.


The mountain regions-

The unrivalled general as analysing the situation within the mountain’s hideouts. It was the most crucial region in the upcoming battle. Suddenly one of the doorkeepers ran in a hurry. “An audience with his majesty has been requested.”

” Who is it? Tell them I am busy with planning for the upcoming war?”

” It’s the Blood general sir.” Unrivalled was surprised to hear. But the expression soon turned into delight. ” Show him in.”


” I hope not to waste too much of your time, Unrivalled.”

” Your arrival is a piece of good news during this time. The council finally decided to dispatch the most capable general of the country.”

” The losses incurred due to ambush is too big. Even you decided to come to the frontlines directly. How could the council ignore this?”

” What is your primary objective this time around?” The blood general was not one of his subordinates to order around.

” I have been ordered to assist you in every possible way.”


The blood general was made aware of the situation within the battlefield. The cause of the ambush, the incurred losses, the strategy being followed this time around.

” well, your strategy is compatible with the terrain advantage we possess over them. I suppose you don’t need me to command the forces. What are my orders.”

” Because of the destruction of our stronghold in the forest regions, we are blinded within the terrain. I need you and your squad to act as our eyes and ears.”

” The next objective is for you to assassinate their commanders. A snake dies after its head has been cut off.”

” Any news regarding Long Tao.?” The blood general as asked to eliminate that person in particular.

” As I said, we don’t have a reliable source. From the last report provided by our friends, his whereabouts are unknown for the moment. We need to concentrate on the war for the time being.”

” We can’t let them capture the mountain range. The enemy has started the march into the forest regions.”


The discussion was nearing its end-the Blood general as about to leave when a messenger arrived.

” The enemy has already marched into the mountain range. They seem to be using some explosive devices. The defences have been breached.” Both the figures rose from their seats and hurried towards the location.


The mountains-

” Continue the forward march while throwing the grenades. The enemy won’t be able to react soon enough. We will be marching directly to the top.” Long Tao ordered the troops.

The strategy was effective, halfway through the mountain, the grenade reserves were exhausted. ” Prepare for assault. ” A melee battle broke-out.

The ball was now on the centre line. The Chu military had a terrain advantage, while Jiao side had an advantage in number. The stalemate soon began to shift in favour of Chus.


” Sir, a new commander, has appeared within the ranks of the Jiao army. From the description we found, it seems to be Long Tao.”

Both Unrivalled and the Blood general rushed to the scene. ” He managed to cross 3-4th of the range with the help of those explosive. I have to commend his ability to plan.

” Although we are about to lose the battle, I will make sure to land a hard blow to his face.”

The general began to command the troops within the region. Just when they were about to gain a good grasp over the situation, a blast from the sidelines was heard.

” Enemy incoming from the eastern area. Prepare the defences.” But the scene of the defences being destroyed repeated itself.

Both the commanders were shocked at this occurrence. How did they manage to divert troops through the eastern areas? The situation was turning worse as time passed. The hideout was heavily assaulted from two directions.

” Retreat immediately.” They didn’t have any other choice other than re-treating.


” That bastard even managed to plan for this situation.” Unrivalled was having a hard time grasping his loss.

” He needs to be eliminated. The losses incurred due to his intervention in this war has cost us too much.” The general blood set-out for executing his orders.


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