The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 314 Decree

"I\'m sorry. I have no idea how this broke. I\'m afraid to step forward because of this." Using an anxious tone, I slowly lifted the broken Chain on my hand when it was my time to leave my prison cell.

The Decree which the Exalted brought was about pardoning everyone with the reason being the Great One is celebrating a joyous occasion and extending that celebration to the wronged prisoners not just here but also to the other prisons like this throughout the world.

Although that sounds highly suspicious, the decree is real. Otherwise, the warden wouldn\'t be this subservient towards the Exalted who brought the decree.

By adding a wisp of the Great One\'s Energy inside the Decree, no one can refute it or he will face the consequence. Dying will be the easiest consequence and it\'s not impossible to implicate anyone, even one\'s whole tribe.

"It\'s just a Chain. Don\'t think about it. Behaving properly in your cell despite the restraint being broken is a sign of how repentant you are. Even the Monarch who brought you in will not be able to reverse the Decree from a Great One. Go now and follow them. You are the luckiest here. Not even a day and you already got included in a rare decree of a Great One. Maybe you\'re the luck these irreverents are waiting for."

With a flattering tone, the warden clasped his hand with a bent back as he took the broken Chain from me.

Although he talked about us being lucky, it\'s easy to see that he\'s holding himself back to question me about the broken Chain. He\'s aware of how special that Chain is. After all, it\'s his. It will not be broken as easily as I have said it. Otherwise, the other prisoners will do the same after a certain period of time staying there.

Since I\'m the one at the farthest cell, I\'m the last one they released. When the other three heard my conversation with the warden, Klement and Irja showed a surprised and amused expression. Yatapa only took a glance before he hunched his back again while whispering to himself.

Leaving that dark prison cell and the influence of the Formation, the 10% restriction I felt on my Energy Control finally vanished. Likewise, Irja in her purple witch-like garb stretched her slender arms which still show the Chain marks as she breathed in the first fresh air outside that prison in 20 years.

Klement on the other hand, yawned lazily as he ruffled his old gray hair. He\'s still a hulking man despite his aged-old appearance. Yatapa who\'s covered in a black mantle had his whole face covered to block the sun off his face.

Because we were released by the Decree, it was mandatory for all four of us to follow behind the Exalted who brought the Decree outside the prison grounds.

I was unconscious when I was brought in by Remilia. That\'s why my eyes and senses instantly scanned the whole area to get an understanding of the place I am in.

The prison is surprisingly located in the middle of a city whose structures are made from black bricks the same as the walls of that prison cell. Upon further observation of the place and the denizens of this world, there are still an awful lot of Mortal Ranks in here and seldom one will see a Transcendent walking the streets.

"Heh. 200 years and this place is still the same old boring place. Is the tribe in charge of this place doesn\'t have any idea about innovation?" Klement said after observing the place.

Since their restraints were also removed, I finally got the gist of how strong he is. Although it doesn\'t reach Remilia\'s level, he\'s definitely someone I will not be able to beat.

"Coming from you, old rug. This place isn\'t meant to change. It will stay like this even after 200 years in the future."

Irja glanced up to the dim sun hanging above our heads. Deep melancholy could be seen in her eyes.

I don\'t know their true circumstances and I don\'t think I still have the intention to know. I talked to them to get some information about this world, now that we\'re out of that place, there\'s no need to interact with them anymore. For sure, they also did that to stave off their boredom.

Although it will not be bad to have a friend or ally over here, I only know them for a few hours of conversation. Not even a day.

Besides, I don\'t plan on staying too long in this world. There\'s still the World of Barbarian and the World of Meta\'s Portal that I needed to close.

I might be seen as native due to my Adaptability but if it was made known that I\'m someone from a Mortal World and someone against their invasion, they will not hesitate to pull their weapons out on me.

For now, I can only trust the red-veiled woman and Worldy. There\'s still no indication that this Exalted was the one she told me who would get me out. Maybe it\'s a coincidence but it\'s much better than staying there to plan my escape. That warden is at least a Rank 2 Transcendent. If the Decree didn\'t come down and he found out I broke his Chain, it\'s easy to deduce that I will be facing him in a battle to break out of the prison.

After walking until we reached the outskirts of this town or city and away from the gazes of the Mortal Ranks, the Exalted stopped her tracks as she turned around to scan her gaze towards us. From what she\'s wearing, there\'s no indication that she\'s someone sent by that red-veiled woman. She had fiery hair and a matching set of fiery garbs which stuck close to her body. There\'s a black pouch hanging to her waist that was bigger and more luxurious than what I got from the Transcendents who descended at the World of Elements.

In a melodic voice, she started.

"The Decree has served its purpose. From here on out, you\'re free to decide whether you wanted to go back to your tribes or follow me to repay the graciousness of the Great One I am serving."

Why can\'t she name the Great One though? Or is it something that shouldn\'t be uttered carelessly? But I got Zaraya and Rhellor\'s name from the mouths of the Mortal Ranks…

"I thank the graciousness of the Great One. I am someone known not to bother with repaying kindness but I don\'t mind looking for a new place to stay at."

"This old rug… I will not be able to go back on my tribe at the moment, please let me repay the Great One\'s graciousness."

"This… I just want to die. Can any of you kill me?"

Let\'s ignore Yatapa. Klement and Irja expressed their desire to follow, albeit Klement said it in a roundabout way.

This situation, should I also follow along with them or…?

When I was seen deliberating on how to answer, the Exalted\'s melodic voice suddenly rang out in my mind.

"Can you follow us for now? The Great One took a huge risk by using the Decree to release everyone locked up in the Irreverent Dungeons to avoid suspicion. I will be in charge of sending you back to a Mortal World."

With a nod, the Exalted ended her telepathic message to me.

She was really sent by the red-veiled woman... Did this confirm that she\'s one of the Great Ones?

Because of the usage of Energy to do that, the others noticed it. Irja raised one of her eyebrows while Klement acted as if it didn\'t concern him.

"I understand. I am concerned about the Monarch I have no idea I offended. Let me repay the graciousness of the Great One."

Still going with the made-up story I told them, I\'m trying to steer their attention away from the use of telepathy of the Exalted towards me. However, I\'m certain that they built some doubts about my identity.

My appearance and the Decree happening within a day, it\'s more than just a coincidence. Add to that the broken Chain and this Exalted\'s use of telepathy to tell me something.

Only those dumb ones will see nothing wrong with this series of events. Perhaps if one of these three chose not to follow her, they will be executed to silence them. Who knows how far the reach of Worldy and the red-veiled woman is?



Two hours later, after using four Teleportation Formations which I learned that every town, city and tribal capital has at least one, our group led by Exalted who named herself Alwyn reached the Tribal Capital of Dafirae Tribe. One of the three main tribes under the Great One who sent down the decree.

Compared to the city and towns we passed by, this Tribal Capital couldn\'t be compared to any of it. There are towering scarlet pagodas in any direction I turn to and there are no more black brick structures, instead, the architecture of this place reminds me more of a Chinese or Korean period-drama.

Because I\'m trying to avoid exposing my real identity to the other three prison-mates, I didn\'t ask them about the common information such as the identity of the six Great Ones or the name of the 30 main tribes. It will surely be interpreted as suspicious if I didn\'t know any of that.

After arriving, we continued to be led by Alwyn as we passed through houses and structures until we reached a wide square filled with various groups of Dark World denizens numbering more than a hundred.

And just judging by the faint aura they were exuding, everyone was at least a Rank 1 Transcendent. To see this many Transcendents in one place… I finally got a glimpse of the difference between a Mortal World and a Transcendent World.

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